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My first coup d'état


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Ok, it's not technically mine, but there is officially a coup as of 4:00 this afternoon (Bangkok time). Please pray for peace and stability here in Thailand. I have no comment on the details as we are only guests in this beautiful country, but we are hoping for speedy peaceful resolution.

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Keep safe and, like Chris suggested, check in with the consulate and see what they are advising. If you have any other international friends, see what their consulates are saying. Not every country will make the same recommendations, but it might be helpful for you to know how other countries are recommending for their nationals.

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Do you need to go the American Embassy or Consulate or something (IDK even the proper terms)?


Thailand has a long history of coup detat. Usually locals are well aware where not to go.


Those in militrary bases would be taken care of by their own. The civilian foreigners (expats) would have to call their embassy so that the embassy can evacuate them if neccessary.


If things go really crazy and Bangkok International Airport is not usable, foreigners can be safely evacuated to Malaysia to fly back home. Foreigners has been flown out of army air base too if need be.

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So far we don't have any worry for our personal safety, just concern for how things play out for Thailand, the economy, future elections, etc. We are in Chiang Mai, and almost all the violence of the last few months has been in Bangkok.


One personal concern you could pray for is that we are right in the middle of getting our visas renewed (they expire early June), so we are praying that process is not held up. So far they are saying everything should proceed as normal, but you never know how things like this are going to go. Apparently last time there were issues with the supply chain coming from the capital, so people are recommending we stock up in essentials like toilet paper and such.

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Good luck with your visas (I so know the feeling) and I'm glad don't have concerns about your personal safety right.  It's still hard to live in and love a place where there's instability even if you're not personally in any danger. 

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