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so..DH's car was totaled this am....question about...


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how do we get a rental??

DH is ok, he is getting checked out in the ER for whiplash. A guy rear ended him while reaching for a CD on the floor in rush hour. But the car was totaled and towed to a junk yard.


DH needs a rental for work, should I just go ahead and look for one or contact the guy's insurance and let him arrange it?? (DH forget to get the info on the scene, police filed a report but it will take 24 hours to get a copy and get all that info. DH was a bit dazed and they had to get him out of the car, he was trapped.)


We do not have comp on the car only liability, so my insurance is no help.

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Wow, so glad your Dh is ok!  I have no idea what would work best since I either got info at the accident scene or my insurance covered the initial rental, but hopefully someone will chime in and advise.  Really, really sorry that your DH was rear-ended and I hope you figure out the rental car issue quickly.  Hugs and best wishes.

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Maybe call your insurance company and have them advise you? They might be able to cover it to start with then get reimbursed from the other guy's insurance.


I'm glad your DH is ok! I hope you get everything sorted out quickly with the rental and eventual replacement.

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Call your own agent and ask what to do. Let them know u realize that u don't have coverage but want to know what SOP is in your state for that situation. You can also get your own coverage adjusted since you won't need it now.

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Thanks everyone. It's been a whirlwind day. DH is home and very sore. He saw the car coming in the rearview mirror and tensed up.

We did contact our insurance just because (here in CA) the lady in front of him may file a claim as her bumper was dented a bit. Not sure yet. And we should be able to get the insurance info tomorrow when the report is available. If the guy didn't have insurance, we do have some uninsured motorist coverage, so that will help a bit, but not cover it all.

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