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Anyone care to celebrate the end of beach volleyball at the Olympics with me?

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Why are the men dressed "regular" in volleyball and the women have almost no clothes on?:glare:


Yes, I noticed during the final game that these ladies didn't have anywhere to wipe the sand off of their hands. I noticed one wiping her hands off on her back side of that itty bitty bikini. Once I said to my kids, "Look, they're playing in their underwear!" My kids are the age that they thought that was hilarious! :lol:

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There was very little that went unseen, yah?? ;)


I agree they are awesome athletes, but I'd really like to watch the sport, without having to see as much of the bodies.


I'm really trying to understand this. You are not seeing anything new, you know all the bits and pieces - we are all made the same. Well unless you have gone the plastic surgery route. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm really trying to understand this. You are not seeing anything new, you know all the bits and pieces - we are all made the same. Well unless you have gone the plastic surgery route. :tongue_smilie:


...Which brings us back to the Meg Ryan/plastic surgery thread, where I have a question waiting for you, Jenny. What are you doing over here when you should be over there?! ;)

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Don't come to my house, because my 7 year old has bikini tops that are skimpier than that. She is covered, very much covered- but it is a bikini, after all. I do respect the rights of others not to buy bikinis and I promise I will not show up at your house with one and force it on to you or your child.


The tops look like something a lot of the girls at my dd's studio wear for dancing.


I did think that those bikini bottoms would not be my choice if I were playing, but they have a glue stick type thing to hold those in place. A lot of gymnasts and figure skaters use it too, or at least they used to back in the day.


I have not followed this whole discussion, but I challenge anyone who does not think beach volleyball is a sport to go try and play it.

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those two are awesome??(May and Walsh) They were the highlight of my olympic viewing. So smiley and upbeat. Maybe I am biased since I was a college player and remember some of the girls from club days.


Now lets talk about some of those track guys... talk about bad attitudes! UGH!



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Jedi Arts- its called Butt GLue, and gymnasts still use it, LOL!


My 2 cents? Some people are wrapped waaaaayyyyy too tight.


After all, the original games were played nekkid, weren't they????????


Yes, and by nekkid men only. Now--who's in favor of reviving the ancient Olympics? ;)

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Now lets talk about some of those track guys... talk about bad attitudes! UGH!


Yeah, what's that about? The posturing that I've seen at these Olympics so far has all been on the track (that's just my own viewing experience, I'm sure). Is that braggadocio part of the track culture? I don't ever remember it being like this in past Olympics, but maybe it's just that the stark contrast--to Michael Phelps, the American gymnasts, and others I've seen, for example--struck me this time 'round.

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With no t.v. reception and a dial up internet connection, there has been very little Olympics watching here. But, we did get to see some of the early games while at the in-laws last weekend, and womens' beach volleyball was one of the ones I really enjoyed. My hat is off to those women for sustaining the kind of energy and talent they must to not only play but WIN two-on-two volleyball, in the sand.


And, now, I'd like to pose a serious (and with no intention of sounding snarky) question: Why is their attire so troubling in this context? I'm all on board with the concept that sexually charged images and actions shouldn't be as accessible as they are in our media. To me, in this case, it's not about being sexy. It's about wearing the attire which has evolved with the sport (yes, sport). When I look at those bodies, I don't see women trying to flaunt what they've got any more than I see that when I watch a ballet, or a swim meet, or a gymastics competition (where the women are younger - so there's that), or women of other cultures who may be topless. I just see bodies that are exemplary of incredible atheletes. One or two of you said you could accept a bikini on the beach, just not in this sport, so it's not solely about the skin exposure. When there is nothing lewd about the context, why is it still troublesome? Maybe because I have girls rather than boys? Maybe because I have a different religious view? Maybe because I grew up in a household where my mother's modesty has affected me to this day? I long to not feel ashamed of my body (not that I spend a lot of time there, but it is a real feeling nonetheless), so perhaps things like this show up differently for me? Or could it be because I didn't get to see the white suits or the butt slap -- perhaps either of those would change my tune? ;) Is it not possible to separate the human body from sexuality?


I ask these questions in all seriousness yet with utter respect for those of you who feel the way you do.


There is just somthing about seeing grown women with bikini bottoms that ride up their crack and having to see thier cheeks! There just is. I guess I feel this way especially cause my boys have been so into the Olympics and I just can not stand having to see butt cheeks and the camera zooming in on the one womens butt so we can see her giving hand signals to her partner. We know she gives hand signals YOU (the camera people) DO NOT need to zoom in on her butt every time she hand signals!!! Ok Vent over. :D


I have to add my boys are young and they keep telling me "thats in-approprit mom!" We stopped watching because of the rear ends hanging out.


ETA: What I saw of them I did not feel like they had bad attitudes. Just wanted to add that!!

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everyone is so concerned with their sports attire, since they didn't choose it anyway.


I do think it was a bit scanty, and I don't understand why it's necessary for them but not the men.


But I almost fell off my chair last night when the divers were bending over in those suits, touching their toes with their booties to the audience. I understand that's the way to do the dive. I just found it sort of shocking at first, and I'm suprised no one seems offended by that. Also, there are some gymnastic moves that are a bit much visually, though I am sure they show a lot of ability and agility.


I'm not complaining. I'm just surprised that people complain so much about what adult women wear when it seems like maybe the minor chidren in the the diving and gym events were equally revealing.

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We enjoyed watching the volleyball, and I'm glad May-Treanor and Walsh won the gold. They played extremely well. We weren't disturbed at all by the bikinis, but we're not the type to get upset about that sort of stuff.


DH and I have noticed, however, that NBC coverage of a sport is inversely proportional to the amount of coverage provided by the uniforms. All of the sports being covered in prime time involve bathing suits, leotards, or sports bras/shorts. If tae kwon do was competed topless, would NBC maybe give them a moment of coverage? We're having to watch that whole competition online. The same with most of the fencing, other than an occasional reference in the wrap-ups.

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Well I have problems with the way many are dressed in the diff. sports, not just beach volleyball, which I did watch. And I agree that the BV chicks were very sportsmanlike and amazingly athletic.


I just don't buy all the comfort, speed, etc arguments, because with the exception of swimming and diving, the men don't wear that stuff! Call me a cynic. Look at what the men wear, for instance, in track, versus the women (and not all women). So many women gripe about being sex objects, but they don't do anything to help themselves in this regard. So that complaint falls on deaf ears here.

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:confused: Pseudo-sport? All of those volleyball players are stellar athletes and May/Walsh were not the only ones in bikinis. I am truly surprised to hear you say that they had "attitudes." All I saw was great sportsmanship.


I thought it was a wonderful game.



Elaine-proud bikini wearer


Look at the runners, track athletes, swimmers, volleyball, triathletes, on and on. I'm amazed that the marathoners like this little bikini style for 26 miles! With beach, it's been their style for years and part of their popularity and fan base.;)


Anyway, I thought the beach volleyball was fine as a sport. But why oh why did we have beginning to end coverage of that but have seen next to nothing of rhythmic gymnastics, synchronized swimming and some of the other more unusual sports. NBC has done a much better job of covering this Olympics but we didn't need to see sooooo many of the beach v. games covered in their entirety!! Enough already.


I'll get more sleep, but it sure has been fun to see all the countries and sports!

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Dh and I thoroughly enjoyed the game last night! It was great! May and Walsh are certainly talented athletes.


As in regard to scantily clad, we didn't think so at all. Dh and I used to play volleyball in college, and the first thing he asked me was to put on my bikini so we could play volleyball :D I know he was flirting with me big time, and I knew I must have looked cute to him, and I certainly have played volleyball in a bikini :) All this was 12 years ago, BTW. I wouldn't play volleyball in a bikini now, because it would mean more shaving :lol:


Dh agrees that the men should be shirtless, what's all that about? He loves playing beach volleyball and he would do it shirtless if he were at the beach anyway. I tell him he should go play in the Olympics, as the men haven't been nearly as good as the women!


Anyway, we enjoy the Olympics. And as far as bad attitude at the tracks, I consider moaning, complaining, faking an injury or jeering other players bad attitude. But Usain Bolt is showing off his Caribbean colorfulness! I originally come from the Caribbean islands, and we're people with a lot of warmth and not a lot of decorum for the most part. As a people, we tend to be exuberant and uninhibited for the most part. I think that's a cultural difference. I recognized a lot of athletes in my local town in him. I think it's what makes the track and field so fun to watch, Bolt is interesting to many people. It's part of the Olympics, to see a bit of culture shock. All the people from different countries.


Yay for the American beach volleyball gals!

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