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Exercise Thread ~ 5/11 - 5/17


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Started Week 2 of Ripped in 30.  That really kicked my butt.  I am going to up my weights, as that part seemed easy, but the rest was exhausting.  I also did one of Suzanne Bowen's quick abs videos (7 minutes).  If it's not raining, I'm going to go for a bike ride. 

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Weekend I did hard stretch and worked trigger points.  Holy cow, my knots have knots.

Today WO and limbering.     With sinus infection, need to take it somewhat easy.


Our weather changed so suddenly.   We never get anything in between.  Either freakish cold or freakish heat/humidity.    :sneaky2:

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Ok, I just did 40 minutes of Ballet Body-Lower Body Series.  I had to stop to get ready to leave town.  OMG so hard.  Worse than Jillian Michaels, I think.  I was shaking and feel like I'm going to be in a world of pain tomorrow. lol

Yep, those dvds are much harder than anything Jillian throws at me.



I was sick last night and didn't get a lot of sleep. I tried a bit of jogging in my yard this morning to see how my knee would take it. My knee was doing well but the rest of me not so much. Let me tell you, take a month off high intensity cardio and your body falls out of shape FAST. I had a hard time catching my breath just from a very light jog and I got a cramp almost instantly. :glare:  Ugh. I hate starting over!


I guess I should just focus on the fact that my knee is almost back to normal.


I hope to get something in this afternoon.



Squirrel, I don't know anything about slim in 6. Let us know how it is.

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I did my new Tracy Anderson DVD. It is supposed to be beyond beginner, but still have more explanation and instruction than a typical TA dvd. It is called Tracy Anderson Precision (and right now it is super cheap on Amazon, btw). I like it and was dripping with sweat while I was doing it. The only criticism I have of it is that at the very end of the entire DVD, the last three exercises are what I would call at least intermediate plank work. She's all "lets talk about planks" so you think that she is going to give you some basic plank work, maybe even with bent knees? maybe?  NOOOOO she has you up in full plank and you are swiveling your hips and you are running in plank etc etc. I am not great with plank work to begin with (dodgy shoulder) but those are very difficult. I just sat there in a puddle of sweat and considered myself done with the workout. I can't imagine being able to do those. 


Tomorrow is a busy day but I am really going to try hard to get 60 mins in on the nordic track. If it is possible, I will do it!

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I'm glad your knee is feeling better!


My knee hurts this morning. Sigh.  No idea what I did.  Hopefully I can exercise, but right now I'm hobbling around. 



Don't do what I did and wo on your knee despite it hurting. I'm pretty sure I made it worse. Lesson learned.


On that note....I sprinted today! Woohoo! No knee pain, no cramping, no shortness of breath. It was great. I took my new dog out with me and he trotted along nicely beside me. Then he saw another dog so to distract him I started to sprint and prompted him. Well, that was enough for him. What dog doesn't want to RUN. He is fast and I ended up running faster than I had planned. I am very happy that my knee was pumping right along with no problems.


I think next week I'll try some lateral moves.




I looked at the Tracy Anderson preview for that video. She says it gets you ready for her Metamorphosis. I guess since I've done that program this dvd might be not for me?

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I did my full yoga practice for the first time in three months. I had to make some adjustments for my knee (even attempting to sit on a block I can barely do hero's pose) - but it felt so good to do a full practice again.

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40 minutes Ballet Beautiful.  I have to leave for violin, so I couldn't finish the whole hour.  But OMG I hurt. 


which one do you have, and how to you like it?  how long have you been doing it?   I purchased total body workout for my rotation prior to injuring myself, so I haven't actually been able to try it out.

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which one do you have, and how to you like it?  how long have you been doing it?   I purchased total body workout for my rotation prior to injuring myself, so I haven't actually been able to try it out.


Did you injure your knee too? I hold fast to my opinion that the human knee is just not that well designed. They are always breaking. :lol:



I did a quick low impact HIIT. Didn't know there was such a thing. The I did JM kickbox upper body. It felt great. I still kept it low impact by not bouncing too much.

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Did you injure your knee too? I hold fast to my opinion that the human knee is just not that well designed. They are always breaking. :lol:



I did a quick low impact HIIT. Didn't know there was such a thing. The I did JM kickbox upper body. It felt great. I still kept it low impact by not bouncing too much.


yes.  2nd degree tear of the MCL, and bruised bone. :sad:  

what's HIIT or JM?

I was asking about the ballet beautiful dvd.  mary helen bowers.  she has several.  now I find out prime streaming has total body workout . . . . . :toetap05:  maybe when I've worked up to it, they'll get some of her other dvds on streaming. . . .


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I didn't know one could bruise a bone. I hope you heal quickly.


HIIT = high intensity interval training

JM = Jillian Michaels


Today I did a lower body tabata with quite a bit of modification. Tried some of the squats and lunges but my knee was not having it so I did stuff like plank and fire hydrant instead. This is evening I really need to get in a nice stretch and massage for the knee.

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I'm loving the warm weather!  Our schedule is already in full summer swing with baseball and swimming, which is keeping me busy. 


Yesterday was a 3 mile run, which was difficult for some reason.  I also did 20 minutes of kettlebell. Today, Wednesday, was a 5 mile run which included 3, 1000 repeats.  It was a hard workout, and I felt a bit ill by the last repeat, but when it was all done I felt great. :)  I also did a bit of core work on the balance ball.  I working on those planks.



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I did yoga again.  :hurray: . my knee is a little stiff, but I did yoga.  :D  ds woke up, and bumped the controls.  :ack2:    twice. (they were in a box sitting on the sofa).  the first time the tv's 'extra' features showed up as a bar across the bottom of the screen.  at least I could still see, but it was annoying, as I turned the dvd player off while I was trying to figure out what happened and get rid of it.  :willy_nilly:  I then had to then refind my place on my dvd.   the second time, he hit the dvd control so it went straight to netflix.  :mad:  again I had to stop - at least when I got it on player, it was at the right place.  I told him in no uncertain terms :angry: , to leave the room.  (he knows mom does yoga first thing. If I don't, it doesn't happen.  I've even put it in terms he can understand.  do you want a nice mommy :Angel_anim: or a grumpy mommy :angelsad2: ?)


the most annoying thing?  I had JUST told him, for the fourth time, to go get dressed and tell daddy what he wanted for breakfast. :toetap05:

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Barefoot Interval run day- on hills.  Made it through 1.25 warm up and 3 of the 8- 1 minute sprints up a hill that I had planned before the beautiful spring rain turned into a thunder storm.  I've not done this sort of running in a field since my high school field hockey and lacrosse days, 30 odd years ago.  Fun but hard.  I have to admit to being a tad glad for the excuse to stop.

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I was asking about the ballet beautiful dvd.  mary helen bowers.  she has several.  now I find out prime streaming has total body workout . . . . . :toetap05:  maybe when I've worked up to it, they'll get some of her other dvds on streaming. . . .



They have her two original workouts streaming on Amazon Prime. They have the full body workout and also the 'body blasts' which are four 15 mins workouts (whole body, 2 bridge series and 1 arms?) I own both and they are both pretty good. I think there is enough crossover that if you have those two you prob don't need the other two. She doesn't have a large variety of exercises, kwim? I like those workouts for the really hot days. You don't get off the mat, so I can just point a fan at my mat and workout. I don't have a/c so it is good to have stuff I can manage when it is 90 degrees and 90% humidity.





I looked at the Tracy Anderson preview for that video. She says it gets you ready for her Metamorphosis. I guess since I've done that program this dvd might be not for me?

Well, if you have done Meta then you prob don't need more TA, lol. I got Meta hips at a good price from a friend who bought it but never used it. This new DVD is four 15 mins workouts, but I always use the whole thing. It is upper, legs, butt and abs, each 15 mins. It is prob more similar to her mat workout, but with more instruction, lol. The reps aren't as high as with meta, so it would get you ready. I can't even do all the reps on this DVD, much less meta. And even with the instruction there are a couple things that I am sure I am doing incorrectly. But, it wouldn't be TA if I knew what the heck I was doing. But, if you wanted it as an add on then you might like it. I think the arm workout and the ab workout are very good. No standing abs though, which would make it perfect. I don't know about the legs and the butt workout. I always feel like I have no idea what I am doing with that when it comes to her. It could be great or not. I can't judge.


Did you really get through all of meta? I tried. I did like the first workout and prob the second, but I just got sick of being on all fours all the time. And I found it really difficult but boring. Not a good combo. But I really want to do it! Did you do the cardio and the floorwork every day like she says? I am super impressed. Every January I say this is the winter that I get through Meta and I never, ever do, lol


So, I forgot to post yesterday that I did a 60 mins endurance workout with sprints on the nordic track. Today I did the Tracy Anderson 60 min workout.

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Yes, I've done the whole Meta. Twice. It did get boring. I did do her dance cardio, but it wasn't every day. I think it was more like 4 days a week and I did the mat work 6 days. I'm not a dance cardio person. At all. But I found doing her routine on the rebounder a lot of fun. Sometimes I put music on and got my kids dancing with me instead of doing her dance. That's always fun. It's been awhile since we've done that.


Now, I like to just randomly pick a level now and then and do it. My dh left one of the dvds in direct sunlight and it's warped. :glare:  You can't replace just one dvd in the series.


I've been thinking of going through it again (minus the dance cardio) since I need to keep things low impact for a while longer.


My knee was bothering me after my wo yesterday so I'm taking today off. I'd like to get in some stretching, but so far I spent all my morning time outside walking the dog. Well, walking is exercise so there's that.

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I have been focusing more on my yoga so I did the first half of the Ashtanga Primary Series everyday this week. On Monday I added in some butt work, Tuesday and today some core, and each day I have been practicing crow pose, my handstands, and head stands for a few minutes each (and only had one unfortunate incident involving falling over in a laundry basket) ;)

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I have been focusing more on my yoga so I did the first half of the Ashtanga Primary Series everyday this week. On Monday I added in some butt work, Tuesday and today some core, and each day I have been practicing crow pose, my handstands, and head stands for a few minutes each (and only had one unfortunate incident involving falling over in a laundry basket) ;)



I love Primary.  Someday I would love to focus on just that.  Maybe in another life........the one after the kids.....:)



Today was a 2 mile run then kettlebell.  

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Yes, I've done the whole Meta. Twice. .


I am in awe of you. First of all, it is difficult. Second, I am impressed you stuck with anything that long. I had visions of doing Leah Sarago's Ballet Body Periodization, but I couldn't justify the cost when it was very likely I wouldn't even come close to finishing it. I like to stick to my fave style of exercise (barre for strength) but I have a very difficult time staying with a routine, even when I know it would be good for me.


And speaking of routine, I did the 5th workout from my itrain app. It was 60 mins cardio, I use my nordic track instead of a treadmill. This had sprints and hill work and even jumping rope! I am very tired, but proud of myself for making it through. I thought this alternated between endurance cardio and barre but tomorrow is also an endurance cardio day. yay?

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I am starting to see progress in that my strength and conditioning routine is having transference to my sport of choice.    At my age, it is very slow going, but I am so determined.    I feel like I am sooo close to passing over that hump where all the stars align and everything flows....


LOL, true that.

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which one do you have, and how to you like it?  how long have you been doing it?   I purchased total body workout for my rotation prior to injuring myself, so I haven't actually been able to try it out.

I have been doing the Ballet Beautiful video here.  I did see she has another one-I tried it today.  WOW.  I think the woman is a true sadist.  And a robot.  Who can live through that?  I had to stop like every 30 seconds and I can get through Ripped in 30 without stopping! I think I'll stick with the first one for awhile!  I hurt for days after doing these.  It's a serious workout.


I did yoga again.  :hurray: . my knee is a little stiff, but I did yoga.  :D  ds woke up, and bumped the controls.  :ack2:    twice. (they were in a box sitting on the sofa).  the first time the tv's 'extra' features showed up as a bar across the bottom of the screen.  at least I could still see, but it was annoying, as I turned the dvd player off while I was trying to figure out what happened and get rid of it.  :willy_nilly:  I then had to then refind my place on my dvd.   the second time, he hit the dvd control so it went straight to netflix.  :mad:  again I had to stop - at least when I got it on player, it was at the right place.  I told him in no uncertain terms :angry: , to leave the room.  (he knows mom does yoga first thing. If I don't, it doesn't happen.  I've even put it in terms he can understand.  do you want a nice mommy :Angel_anim: or a grumpy mommy :angelsad2: ?)


the most annoying thing?  I had JUST told him, for the fourth time, to go get dressed and tell daddy what he wanted for breakfast. :toetap05:

I feel your pain.   :grouphug:


I took yesterday off to do a lot of sewing with dd and I moped around the house (it was cold again).  Plus, I hurt like the Dickens.  Today I did the Body Blast video I linked above.  Holy mackerel.  I'm gonna pay for that one tomorrow.  I just did 30 minutes of Yoga Tune Up-lower body for a kink in my back.  And 20 minutes of Jill Miller's Shoulder Shape-Up before the little one needed me.  Sounds like a lot, but I am hurting from being hunched over sewing, so I needed the stretches and breaks. 


Tomorrow-Aim True Yoga (45 minute intermediate) and I think I'll try out the Tracey Anderson videos on Amazon since you guys give them such rave reviews.  I've had them in my wishlist for ages.

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My life ran amok this week.  Missed martial arts, missed 2 days of workouts.  Feeling stiff and sore from too much driving.  I have scheduled a 7 mile run for today. And my dh wants to do his 2 mile walk/run with him tonight.


I'm just hoping I can pull it off schedule wise, crossing my fingers.

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Everyone heal those knees.  I'm posting so I'll get my tuccus out there in the 32 degree weather.  Bah  :glare:  Isn't next weekend Memorial Day?  I shouldn't want gloves in May.

I took my dog for his morning walk and it was chilly. I had to put on pants and a jacket. It was low 60s. Brrrrrrr.


It felt great though because in just a few hours it will be in the 80s.


After my 30 min walk I did 2 quick FB ab routines followed by a lovely 17 min yoga stretch. Felt so good. My knee so far is feeling good. I will not push it. 

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