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Exercise Thread ~ 4/27 - 5/3


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8 mile run today, including hills.  It was a good run.  The last 2 miles were hard.  I felt tired, but I kept going (had to get home :D )  8 miles is the longest I've done in about 2, maybe 3 months, plus doing the hills with it made it hard.


I need to vent and whine a bit, and I think you guys will understand.


So my bras were no longer fitting correctly.  They were sliding up, and since they are over a year old I figured they needed to be replaced.  They were decent bras, not the best, so I decided I wanted something different, and I wanted good quality.  I'm not big, My bras were a 34c size.  My mom suggested that maybe I lost weight and needed a smaller size, I hadn't lost much weight, it couldn't make that much difference??


The first frustration was at the store.  I went to a high end store. I told the woman I wanted a certain style (underwire but little or no padding, prefer full coverage)  She told me that they didn't have anything under a size D for my band width. :huh:  The store doesn't carry it, because they don't sell it (I wanted to point out how circular that was, but refrained).  She did point me to the section with lots of bralettes I could buy.  :glare:   I decided to try another store in the mall.


The next store did have my size, but the woman offered to measure me and  I discovered that I now need a 34B   The couple of pounds I lost all came from there. :glare:  I mean, really???? I couldn't lose the weight at my hips, or thighs??  I lost it there?  Blah.  I did find bras.  They were pricey, but nice and they fit.  


End of vent.  I hate shopping, and shopping for bras is even worse than shoes.  

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I'm finding myself wearing sports bras more and more. Just easier and they wick sweat. They do have some sports bras that are not quite as uniboob.



As for food my splurge is chocolate and Ben & Jerry's ice cream.



So far no pain in my knee. Well, no additional pain I should say.

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do you like it?

It was okay. Not my favorite Pilates DVD. So far, that's Denise Austin's Hit the Spot Pilates. My frustration with this was that most of it was on the floor and I couldn't properly see what she was doing. An effective workout, nonetheless. 



End of vent.  I hate shopping, and shopping for bras is even worse than shoes.  

It is a giant pain. I don't enjoy it either and am happy to get it done. We don't have any stores here really, so we have to cram all our shopping into the short amount of time that we get while visiting the U.S. 


 What about you?  What's your splurge?

Cheetos and Coffee Ice Cream - not together  :lol: - obviously!

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I'm finding myself wearing sports bras more and more. Just easier and they wick sweat. They do have some sports bras that are not quite as uniboob.



As for food my splurge is chocolate and Ben & Jerry's ice cream.



So far no pain in my knee. Well, no additional pain I should say.



That's good news!


I've been wearing just sports bras more and more, which is what made me realize that my regular bras were shot.  I took my kids to the zoo and wore my regular bra and spent the day yanking at it.  I do love sports bras.:)

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It was okay. Not my favorite Pilates DVD. So far, that's Denise Austin's Hit the Spot Pilates. My frustration with this was that most of it was on the floor and I couldn't properly see what she was doing. An effective workout, nonetheless. 


It is a giant pain. I don't enjoy it either and am happy to get it done. We don't have any stores here really, so we have to cram all our shopping into the short amount of time that we get while visiting the U.S. 


Cheetos and Coffee Ice Cream - not together  :lol: - obviously!



Oh my gosh. And I think it's a pain to try and cram it in when I head to the city (an hour away)!  

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Hey ladies-


Sorry and congrats about the new bras Kim, if only we could spot reduce in the spots we want, wouldn't that be lovely!


We just got back from a camping trip which was quite fun. I've been feeling better, thanks to Claritin, watching my diet and the baby sleeping YA! Last week I had an ok week, had a few walks, a few BA workouts, a couple of keetlebell sessions and some great frisbee games(which make for some great chances for sprinting!). 


This week I really, really want to have a nice bike ride, the one day we had a chance I felt like crap from the cold we had going around. The weather however is not looking great, chance of rain until Thursday. We walked a trail while camping and I'm dying to ride it, its 6 mi round trip but a pretty nice ride with only one hill.


So, goals for the week; 

1- Sprints 1x

2- walks- 2x +

3- bike ride- 1 longer

4- strength training- 3 BA workout- 3 kettlebell

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Yesterday was rest day so just a gentle stroll with dh in the afternoon.  I ran this morning.  This week is jam packed with kid stuff (what is it with May?) so who knows how it will go.  I began to really watch what I'm eating this morning.  I've gotten a little lax over the winter.  It's easier when you can hide under boots and scarves and sweaters. :laugh:

8 mile run today, including hills.  It was a good run.  The last 2 miles were hard.  I felt tired, but I kept going (had to get home :D )  8 miles is the longest I've done in about 2, maybe 3 months, plus doing the hills with it made it hard.


I need to vent and whine a bit, and I think you guys will understand.


So my bras were no longer fitting correctly.  They were sliding up, and since they are over a year old I figured they needed to be replaced.  They were decent bras, not the best, so I decided I wanted something different, and I wanted good quality.  I'm not big, My bras were a 34c size.  My mom suggested that maybe I lost weight and needed a smaller size, I hadn't lost much weight, it couldn't make that much difference??


The first frustration was at the store.  I went to a high end store. I told the woman I wanted a certain style (underwire but little or no padding, prefer full coverage)  She told me that they didn't have anything under a size D for my band width. :huh:  The store doesn't carry it, because they don't sell it (I wanted to point out how circular that was, but refrained).  She did point me to the section with lots of bralettes I could buy.  :glare:   I decided to try another store in the mall.


The next store did have my size, but the woman offered to measure me and  I discovered that I now need a 34B   The couple of pounds I lost all came from there. :glare:  I mean, really???? I couldn't lose the weight at my hips, or thighs??  I lost it there?  Blah.  I did find bras.  They were pricey, but nice and they fit.  


End of vent.  I hate shopping, and shopping for bras is even worse than shoes.  

Sounds like a lame excuse for a bra store.  The point is to fit all of us unusual sizes, right?  I am a 32D.  Not too many of those around.  My bra store will order for me.  It is an hour away though.  I have been wearing the same ones for over a year.  They are still in good shape (because I treat them better than my kids, LOL) but come autumn I'm sure I'll need to reinvest.


On another note, when ya'll do refeed days what do you splurge on?  This weekend I had chips, corn tortillas at dinner and wine.


Today it was back to pounds and pounds of greens.   What about you?  What's your splurge?

This weekend it might have been half a pan of brownies.  You know, theoretically.

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Here is a good barre/pilates wo. It got me having to push through the last few moves. Liked it. Had to modify range of motion to protect my quad tendon, but not too much. Followed it with this pilates wo which I actually had to modify more. Hello! prone quad stretch....not happening. Deep glute stretch? Nope. Can't bend my knee that far or at the angle. Full body stretch? Ain't happening. Too much direct pressure on the busted tailbone.



I rolled my leg last night with my foam roller and with a ball. I had to use a medicine ball as I can't find any of the 100 tennis balls usually around the house. My knee feels pretty good all day but by evening it starts hurting. I guess that's when the day's worth of walking starts to catch up. Also, I think the reasoning of once you're still you notice the pain more. makes sense.

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Ended up taking last Friday off-

Road trip on Saturday made me miss my Saturday long run

Sunday just strolled while on my road trip (strolled from hotel to starbucks)

Slept in this morning.  


Guess what?  My left shoulder (since doing a military press with too much weight ) doesn't ache for the first time in a month.  Hmmm, this taking a couple days off in a row is smart even if accidental. 


Tonight I have martial arts. Wahooooo!  


Re-feeding days?  They tend to happen without me having to plan them, usually a family member's birthday or company will come and I'll cook something yummy and full-fatty like lasagna or cheesecake or we'll have Mexican food or like this weekend- I had lamb and greens on quinoa while on my road trip.  Lots of drippy fat and grains.  I often lose a few pounds right after re-feeding days.

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The snow and ice have finally melted!!! I can get outdoors and play tennis whenever I want. I've been playing once or twice a day for the past couple weeks. It's been wonderful! It's more tiring playing outside than inside, though. I need to get used to the wind and the sun again. I think I even got some colour in the face today - it's great getting rid of this winter pasty white. :hurray:

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Did a WERQ class today. It was super fun!


What is that?



How are everyone's injuries healing up?   Sleep?


I'm doing much better with the bruising of last week.   Yesterday, I was goofing around with my kiddo and I saw his leg shoot out and I instinctively jumped out of the way, averting another bruise to my leg.      Kids legs are just skin over hard, hard bone, don't you know.   They leave nasty bruises.      Maybe we should stick to playing cards for fun.  ;)


Today, skillwork and MA.



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Good Morning!  I hope everyone is feeling better and running on all cylinders today.  I had a lovely run in weird, warm fog.  It made you feel isolated which was fine with me.  I still hate people actually watching me run  :glare: . I'm hopeful I'll be home at something close to a decent time today to fit in some yoga.  We shall see.

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 I had a lovely run in weird, warm fog.  It made you feel isolated which was fine with me.  I still hate people actually watching me run  :glare: .


I know what you mean! I really don't like watching the little video of me running that they send to you when you run a half or full marathon at some events. I just think, "I don't REALLY look like that, do I?!"

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I'm taking today off as promised because I'm trying to allow more healing time by reducing WO from 6 days a week to 3-4. Sigh. It's hard. Very hard. However, last night my knee was hurting. It always feels fine in the morning but by evening I limp. :glare:


Tomorrow is exactly 2 weeks since I hurt it. On average what's total healing time? 4 weeks? 6 weeks? My doctor said I could probably resume working out at 2 weeks but I'm pretty sure she was talking about low impact.

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I need to start posting here again. I'm currently doing Convict Conditioning.



Shoulderstand Squats:
     3x50 (Progression)
Horizontal Pulls:
Vertical Pulls:
Wall Pushup:
     3x25 (Intermediate)
Knee Tucks
Just started the program so have to start at level 1 for everything, some of those are easier than others.


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I need to start posting here again. I'm currently doing Convict Conditioning.



Shoulderstand Squats:

3x50 (Progression)

Horizontal Pulls:


Vertical Pulls:




Wall Pushup:

3x25 (Intermediate)

Knee Tucks



Just started the program so have to start at level 1 for everything, some of those are easier than others.

Convict Conditioning? That struck me as funny.

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 I'm also fitting in my push-ups and pull-ups.  


At the park the other day with my kids and I did 4 chin ups! Woohoo! I don't practice them because I don't have a bar at home so the ability to do chin ups/pull ups comes all from doing upper body work like push ups. It was a nice little boost since I've been so frustrated with my lower body. :laugh:



My mantra lately is "slow and steady wins the race"

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4 chin ups!   Woot!   I tried over the weekend at the park and couldn't do any.  :(   Little by little I guess.


Convict conditioning.  There are guys who work out near here at the park.  You know those barstarzz type people.  It's amazing to watch them.


Today, WO + MA.         Crummy weather.

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I've completely lost my get up and go this week.  I keep sleeping in.    I think I'm partially weighed down by all the celebration food (lots of flour) I've been eating.  This is when I wish I could fast to get all the yucky foods out of my system quicker.  But there is no quicker for me. I just have to get back on track, literally.  Ughh. Where can I buy some discipline- just a tiny starter package?


I also have end of school year-iris; I have a daughter graduating from high school and things are crazy here.    


At least last night I had martial arts:)



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4 chin ups!   Woot!   I tried over the weekend at the park and couldn't do any.  :(   Little by little I guess.


Convict conditioning.  There are guys who work out near here at the park.  You know those barstarzz type people.  It's amazing to watch them.


Today, WO + MA.         Crummy weather.


What is barstarzz?

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Wall Headstand -

1x70 sec (Intermediate level)

Short Bridges

1x40 (Intermediate level)



Plus about 30 minutes of stretching and Parkour.


Convict Conditioning workouts seem so short... but I take a surprising beating. I'm not out of shape, either. I love it, though.



This is a overview of the program.. he's doing some of the more advanced versions, though. You have to start at the beginning and once you hit Progression level you go on to the next version. There are 10 versions of 6 basic movements - squats, pullups, pushups, bridges, handstand pushups and leg raises.

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If I did a headstand I'd vomit. Instantly. Fiona, enjoy your youth because you might end up with serious vertigo issues like I have. :lol:



The barstarzz reminds me a bit of the workout program in the book I'm reading right now, Tina Vindum's Outdoor Fitness. She's all about doing all your workouts outside sun, rain, or snow and using props from all over like playgrounds, benches, mailboxes, trees, fences, etc.



Good workout this morning. Low impact cardio followed by a fun ab workout

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Yesterday my workout was reading Scott Jurek's Eat to Run.  Reading about Ultra marathons was interesting.I decided to go with the burn-out flow and take the whole week off everything but Martial Arts and open mat- unless a sun shiny afternoon run seduces me.

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Today I did a 2 mile run outside in my minimalist shoes.  It's the first time I wore them outside.  My legs felt good, but I could feel my calf working harder.  I then came home and did kettlebell.  I did something new with kettlebell, I did double push-presses, meaning a bell in each hand.  I had 26lb bells, so 52lbs total.  It was fun, and doing it made me feel strong. :D  



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For some reason this morning I had to talk myself into my run. Usually I'm all business. This is a super crazy week (all week ballet rehearsal, 3 soccer practices, 2 softball, 2 award luncheons, BS meeting and attendant treasurer duties, you get the idea). I'm thinking stress. I'm going to bike ride tomorrow to shake it up. I need yoga but don't have any solid block of time today until 9pm. Whine over, sorry.

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