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Gift idea for DDs speech therapist?


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DD has been going to speech for a year and a half.  She LOVES her SLP and is sad to not get to go anymore, but she has made such a great progress that we are really ready to graduate.  Her SLP is very fond of her also, and they have quite a sweet relationship.


I'd really like to get her SLP a gift to bring to our last session on May 1.  I don't know a whole lot about her, other than that she is married and has three kids (7, 11, 13) and one of her interests is nutrition.  Any ideas??

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--Plants--flowering basket, flowers to plant, veggies to plant

--Local fresh produce--I once gave all of dd's aides baskets of strawberries from the farmer's market, but that was June when Oregon strawberries are amazing.

--Gift card to a frozen yogurt place if you have one. She could take her family and ours has very healthy options like fresh fruit toppings.


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I gave dd's personal assistant a set of Penzy's Spices last year.  She had just started a strict diet and loved having some new flavors to work with.


I like to give the International Salt free set.  It comes in a 4 jar for $29 or 8 jar version for $56. I can't link right now but you can find it on Penzy's website.

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Most therapists I know like getting a gift that has been made by the child (with some help from parents, lol). My dd made decorated flower pots, using craft paint and glued on glass jewels, and then planted an herb plant in each pot. We have also made bookplates ( kids cut them out) printed on once paper using book of Dover designs. Food items, jewelry (crafted, not bought), note cards from kids' drawings.... Anything personal seemed especially appreciated.

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When DS's therapist moved away, DS took her a cupcake he had decorated.  She loved it, but I know a lot of people won't eat homemade foods.  When older DS is done with speech therapy this June, I am thinking of a small gift card or maybe just have DS make her a card.

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