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looking for sci-fi TV shows for 13 yr old


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Stargate SG-1 and then Stargate Atlantis (started during Season 8 of Stargate SG-1)

There might be a few episodes you'd want to preview but 90% I think are fine for young teenagers and I am fairly conservative.  There are two versions of the pilot episode (one was originally on Showtime and has full frontal female nudity but they made a version taking that out.  Not sure what version Netflix has).  

If you need more info about any of the episodes that might need prior viewing, PM me and I'd be happy to help.  Huge Stargate fan here - I've watched each season multiple times :)

Getting ready to introduce my boys, who are 10 and 11, to the series.

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Continuum is clever; Earth2; Earth: Final Conflict (only one season available on Netflix, though); Quantum Leap; Sliders. ::thinking thinking thinking:: There's a British sci-fi series about dinosaurs....wait...I have Mr. Ellie checking on it...Primeval. ::whew::

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My 13 yr old is looking for sci-fi TV shows he can watch on Netflix. Looking for suggestions! He has watched Star Trek and Doctor Who...likes those, just looking for something new.



I'm assuming you mean all the various Star Trek series but if not, Deep Space Nine was a favorite here.  Also, the old Twilight Zone shows.  *shiver*  

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"Sliders" is great, but only the first 3 seasons, imho.


"The 4400" is a good one. I only liked the first 2 seasons of it. Very psychological.


"Primeval" is decent too. DS1 and DH like it a lot. Not really my tastes.


DH and I like "The Colony". It's a reality show about people who are trying to survive the end of the world. A nice break from the usual reality mold.


We also like "Face Off". This is not on Netflix, but you can watch full episodes on the SyFy website. It's not a strict sci-fi show. It is a reality show where people compete to do very elaborate make up and costumes for science fiction and horror themed projects. It is very cool and features a lot of guys doing some seriously cool art. DH, DS1, DD and I all really like this show.

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I'm going to put in another vote for:





Quantum Leap 


I loved all those shows as a kid!


Firefly is another superb show but you might want to screen it first.  

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my kids LOVED Primeval.


There is also the Doctor Who spinoff, The Sarah Jane Adventures. It is geared towards younger kids, but my 13 year old enjoys watching with his little brother. He is very fond of Sarah Jane and it is a Doctor Who fan must see. Netflix now has all seasons on disc. If you have younger kids, it is really a lot of fun.


There are also a couple animated Doctor Who movies...IMO not so great, but for the fan who wants to say they have 'seen it all' ...

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I don't remember Atlantis having that much tEa. I remember Stargate Universe doing that, though. o_0

Wait, I don't remember any tea-making in Atlantis; it's totally PG-13. Stargate Universe, on the other hand, had lots- and it was also dark and depressing without any of the humor that made SG-1 and Atlantis so great. Big thumbs up for SG-1 and Atlantis... skip Universe.

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Wait, I don't remember any tea-making in Atlantis; it's totally PG-13. Stargate Universe, on the other hand, had lots- and it was also dark and depressing without any of the humor that made SG-1 and Atlantis so great. Big thumbs up for SG-1 and Atlantis... skip Universe.

Well, in Atlantis there was that one episode where Sheppard gets stuck in that force field where time is moving faster....

and maybe some innuendo in the episode where McCay is hallucinating Carter...but I don't remember much else.

I agree that the majority of the tea-making was in SG Universe.  

For the OP:

In Stargate SG-1 watch out for:

Season 1 - the pilot, Children of the Gods, part 1, The Broca Divide, and Brief Candle.

Season 7 - Chimera

Season 8 - Affinity, Prometheus Unbound, and Threads (minimal)  might have some concerns for you.

I don't remember seasons 9 & 10 very well - IMO "real" Stargate SG-1 basically ended at the end of Season 8. I think there might be concerns in Memento Mori & Unending.

Don't start watching Atlantis until you get to the end of Season 7 in Stargate SG-1.

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I don't remember Atlantis having that much tEa. I remember Stargate Universe doing that, though. o_0



Wait, I don't remember any tea-making in Atlantis; it's totally PG-13. Stargate Universe, on the other hand, had lots- and it was also dark and depressing without any of the humor that made SG-1 and Atlantis so great. Big thumbs up for SG-1 and Atlantis... skip Universe.


I don't remember ANY TeA in Stargate SG-1 or Atlantis.  There are innuendoes in certain episodes, and a few scenes with kissing, but that's about it.  You never actually see anything (other than the kissing of course).  In the original pilot episode for SG-1 (also released as Children of the Gods), there is one scene where you momentarily see full frontal female nudity, but that's it.  When they rereleased it as Children of the Gods,  they took that scene out.  

We LOVE SG-1 and Atlantis.  Seriously.  I can't even tell you how many times we've watched the seasons (15 total with both shows), and they never get old.    Though SG-1 lost is't mojo (IMO), when Richard Dean Anderson left after S8 (and he wasn't even in S8 very much  :(  ).  Still, you have to finish it!  There are also 2 made for DVD movies after the series ended and RDA is in the second one (yay!).  Atlantis was supposed to have DVD movies, but they never got made.  They are however planning to release some graphic novels based on the screen plays that never got produced.  Indy will be all over those!  After I read them.  ;)

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