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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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- some kidie thing at library if we get up in time- done
- dishes- done
- sap- boiling down what we got yesterday, will see what we have to gather after dd1's activity
- tidy house- done for now
- dinner- planned
- self Ed/ read- done for now
- Bedtime routine
- put gas in car- will get after dd1's activity- done

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Me too.  Stomach in knots.  We leave at 2:00  to spend the night in Ct before taking the train to NYC at the crack of dawn for Rowan's appointment with the Lyme Dr.  She is almost hysterical thinking about the long car ride, staying with people she barely knows, taking the subway and her biggest fear is that he won't be able to help her.  Her anxiety and panic attacks are at an all time high over it all.  Her regular Dr. gave her some Lorazepam for the trip.

This is what she has been doing for months, it's a neuroLyme thing and very hard to watch.  This video is not my dd but the behavior is exactly the same.



I need to leave $ for youngest for ice skating and pizza.

I need to pack.

I need to find a hostess gift for the people we are staying with.


Please keep us in prayer for traveling mercies, for strength and peace for Rowan and that this Dr. can finally help her turn a corner.

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Jean- :grouphug: Praying for you health and strength!


Lizzie-- :grouphug: for you, too. Praying for your travels as well as help from the doctor and peace for you all!


We are traveling today, too, through storms. We've got to get ready and finish packing before we head out.

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Good Morning....happy to see Wednesday in my rear view mirror so to speak.  ;)


Jean... :grouphug:  and hang in there!


Lizzie-- :grouphug:  praying for safe, easy travel for you and your dd.  


Amy--safe travels!  :auto:


Jenny---enjoy your day! 



  • quick tidy of house
  • put away Mt. Laundry from yesterday--and iron 
  • school and music practice 
  • exercise
  • get nails done 
  • figure out something fun to do Saturday--hike, walking or motorcycle ride. 


Hope we all have a great day! 

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Jean, praying for you this morning! Hugs!
Lizzie, praying for you and your dd!

It's Thursday already. Wow! April 3 at that. Time does fly!
** school
** work on co-op stuff. Tomorrow is the last day I teach PE. I am so glad.
** laundry/housework
** my parents' house for dinner
** exercise

Have a great day, Ladies!

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Jean and Lizzie,  :grouphug: and prayers.


Safe travels, Amy!


I woke up to a spring snow, but still an easy drive in to pick up dd1. Not too much going on today, school, school administration, some cleaning. ds1 will take everyone in this afternoon (all at same pool!), so I do have extra time today. Dd2 has a dentist appointment after lunch.


To do:

oversee school for teens

do school with dd2 and ds3

finish course descriptions for dd1 (anticipating needing a transcript in a few weeks)

general pick up and make dinner when everyone is gone

computer issues, thanks Microsoft.


Have a good day!

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Thanks, everyone, for the hugs.  I still have some misery from health issues but I'm managing.


Dd12 is sick and is tucked in bed with hot chocolate and her history book.  One of the dogs is supervising.


Ds has finished robotics and is working on Alg 2.


I called my dad who is doing well in rehab.  We compared physical therapy notes.


I have showered and dressed.


And I unloaded and loaded the dishwasher.  I'm hoping to get up enough oomph to get the rest of the kitchen clean.

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work 730-830


work on 40 bags challenge

work 3-6

dd14 latin class online

teens work on agriculture safety class online

teens work on social studies online class

youngers language arts: phonics, WWE, and LLATL; math

order 2 more distance learning classes for the teens

start coming up with questions for high school cousellor for next week's meeting and which course to continue through distance learning while they attend the b&m school next year

continue kitchen declutter


set up mini greenhouse 


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Somewhere I found some extra energy and did a whole house clean this afternoon--and I finally dusted lol.  I guess it helps that the boys have been playing outside and entertaining themselves, too.  

It's been a wonderfully productive day here.

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:grouphug: Jean and Lizzie and dd

Done today:
--finished The King by JR Ward :D
--scheduled some things w dh
--ate two meals (look at me, padding my list :lol:)
--spent too much time on Pinterest looking at gardening ideas

To do still:
--make dinner
--get dd to/from ballet
--some light exercise????? (still coughing but not nearly as badly as before)

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Lucky, list padding is perfectly acceptable.   ;)


Dh cleaned most of the kitchen for me.   :wub:


Family Bible study done.


Lunch and Doctor Who done.


Dh's sandwich for work done


Ds seems to be getting sick too.  But he's able to continue working on his test.  I guess this means that taekwando is out tonight.  And dd will be devastated to know that I'm keeping her home from the Y again.  Or maybe not.  She's actually been sleeping much of the day.





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