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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Ahhhh, but the thread is still here, Jean. And I get to be the first one (besides you) to officially tackle Monday. I really hate Mondays. It has been a busy weekend after an exceptionally hard week. But, here we are again. Let's do it!

** school! for which I did not prepare. I figure today, we'll just do the next thing. I don't want to figure anything out. We'll just do the next thing.
** mil will be here to fold laundry
** allergy shots
** pick up the house for the cleaners
** bell choir! which will be winding down as we approach Easter

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Good morning, everyone! I hope you feel better, Readinmom.


I slept in today after making the silly decision to have coffee last night and being up until after 1 AM



See niece and her precious toddler

Go over some math problems dd missed on her ACT prep (She's been getting 28-29 on her practice sections of math, but she'd like to improve it because that's her lowest.)

Read with ds some of the last science chapter for our co-op

eat lunch out at favorite Greek restaurant or Skyline

make plans to get together tonight with b-I-l and s-I-l

figure out if dh and I are having out IKEA outing tomorrow or Wednesday



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Jean, I think you're a rockstar...you always keep us on track!  :thumbup:


It's beautiful out this morning after a long rainy, windy weekend! 



  • exercise-2.5 mile loop
  • tidy the house--vacuum first floor and do the laundry
  • school--lots to get accomplished this week
  • decorate the front yard trees with eggs for Easter
  • cook dinner 
  • watch the last episode of season 1 House of Cards


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I *think* I might have turned the curve on this cold, though I just promised dh I'd go to the doctor Wednesday if I am still coughing then.

It's sunny :party:
--laundry in progress
--finish planning week
--library w dd for more paper sources
--plan meals for April (rough plan--I move dinner ideas around throughout the month)
--gardening class tonight (berry growing) :D

Looks good! Have a great day, all :)

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Morning everyone!


Mostly I am obsessed with our trip to a Lyme Dr. in NYC on Thursday.  I am nervous to the point where I am sick to my stomach.  It is so far out of my comfort zone.  Traveling, staying with someone I barely know overnight, taking the train to the city and seeing a new Dr.  Also worried about having enough money for it and whatever tests or protocols he might order.  They don't take insurance.  We have managed to come up with the funds for the appointment and the trip but I don't know what we'll do about other expenses.  We don't have or use credit cards after taking years to get rid of all our bad debt. 


We are borrowing a car from a friend, can't risk using ours on a long trip. At least I won't feel bad about that, she is having foot surgery and won't be driving for awhile.


Worried sick that dd might have a panic attack during any or all of this and keeping her comfortable without her heating pads nearby. 


Debating bringing wheelchair rather than crutches but I've no idea how much walking we'll have to do.


In the meantime, I need to keep it all together, do school, get ready for Wednesday tutorials, manage my home and not go crazy.  Except the closer it gets the worse I feel and I can't let her catch on to my distress as hers is bad enough.


In other news, knitted a fantastic Jayne Cobb hat for youngest yesterday, was obsessed about doing something for her, sometimes I feel she gets lost in the life of a chronically ill sibling. 


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Lizzy, I'm praying for you and your dd! :grouphug:



-we started the day with tabata sprints in the parc, feeding the ducks and afterwards at home listening to (a part of) The Magic Flute (Mozart)

-I think I won the homeschool mom award today :D

-dd10: Math (*), English, Latin, Biology, History, Geography

-(*) then I lost the homeschool mom award again, because I got really :angry: and :cursing: and :banghead: when dd10 refused to even look at the Math exercises 'because if she can't figure it out in 2 seconds, she will never figure it out, so there is no need to continue studying.....whine, whine'.

-coffee with SUGAR

-dd7: Math, Writing, English, Spelling, Reading

-dd5: games with mum, Spelling, Handwriting, Reading

-everyone: read aloud during lunch (2x)

-everyone: traffic education


-clean bathroom

-half a lesson Greek! Yeah!

-one chapter Latin

-read a book



-Greek and Latin vocab



Dd7 is grounded from playing outside after dinner, so I'm not really looking forward to the evening. Sigh.

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We are taking today off to relax at home.  dh is home, too YAY!  We had a great weekend out of town--visited museums, zoo, just a good family weekend.

I had to run to the cleaners this morning and I also had to pick up some meds for #2.  

I plan on veggin' the rest of the day.  I will probably cook something for supper--something easy :)


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Good morning. I am waiting for my dmil to finish her colonoscopy, so I can take her home. I have accomplished nothing this morning and assume that I will not get much done later. The kids are working, been texting and calling.

I need to get to the bank, do laundry and pay some bills.

Have a great day!

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Pet care done


Stupid phone call to the insurance company explain that my 3 month sinus infection was not caused by someone else in an accident. . . .


Went through medical bills, matched EOBs and paid.  Shredded one bill that was a duplicate of one already paid.


Filled out some paperwork for the doctor.


Remembered that just paying my car insurance is not enough - I have to actually put the little card in the car.  


Worked with ds on Alg 2 for 20 minutes before I sent him back to bed.  He is exhausted from a very busy weekend but he may not act like a two year old because of it.


Whipped up a worksheet for dd's reading, printed it out and handed it to her.  How's that for flying by the seat of my pants?


Doing math with dd.

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Our niece and great-nephew came over, so it was fun playing with him and seeing her. Ds started complaining of his neck hurting and freezing while they were here, and he has a 102.1 fever. I ran out and got some medicine, so hopefully it will bring it down.  I'm not sure what it could be because I don't know of anyone else being sick.


I think the Greek restaurant is going to win out tonight, but they'll have to bring food back to me and ds.

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Lunch done


Doctor done.  This is the first time in 3 months that he has found no infection.  The right side of my throat is all swollen though.  I keep biting my tongue on that side too because it is swollen, and that hurts!  We don't know what that is about.  You would think we'd be doing cartwheels (if I could do cartwheels) but I'm not quite ready to believe it yet.  The doctor isn't either.  He's keeping me on the antibiotic for another week and he wants to see me again in 6 weeks just to make sure.  That, and I'm going to start allergy shots.  Allergies aren't actually a big problem for me but he wants to address every little thing because he feels like every little thing could make a difference when put all together.  


I'm home and am doing Alg 2 with ds.



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