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Exercise Thread ~ 3/30 - 4/5


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FB quick cardio warmup followed by upper body and stretch. I need new weights. It's time to upgrade to a higher weight.


While browsing the FB site and checking out their new stuff I found some videos. I was thinking that this video on how to listen to one's body is always good to hear. We all need reminders.

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No workout for me today, because I went with my dh to watch him run a marathon!  He ran the Knoxville Covenant Marathon, and he beat his goal time!  He used Hanson's Method (they have a book), and he felt pretty good the whole race.  It was fun trying to find spots to see him.  I saw him start, then mile 12 and mile 18, and of course, the finish.  We got home, took a nap, and we enjoyed a steak dinner (cooked on the grill! Spring is coming!).  


I did enjoy a nice breakfast at Tupolo Honey's while he ran the first half. :)  

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Can I get easy-to-understand advice here? We just joined a gym in December and I have a little routine but I don't know if I should be doing things in a different order.

Start with stretching, then cardio, then weight resistance or a different order?

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No workout for me today, because I went with my dh to watch him run a marathon! He ran the Knoxville Covenant Marathon, and he beat his goal time! He used Hanson's Method (they have a book), and he felt pretty good the whole race. It was fun trying to find spots to see him. I saw him start, then mile 12 and mile 18, and of course, the finish. We got home, took a nap, and we enjoyed a steak dinner (cooked on the grill! Spring is coming!).

I did enjoy a nice breakfast at Tupolo Honey's while he ran the first half. :)

Awesome! I'm wanting to do a half marathon within this year myself. Can't imagine a full yet!
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Can I get easy-to-understand advice here? We just joined a gym in December and I have a little routine but I don't know if I should be doing things in a different order.

Start with stretching, then cardio, then weight resistance or a different order?

Liz, I'm not sure. Some say to end with stretching and how it's not good to stretch on cold muscle. Hopefully others here will respond. 


I did Mark Laham: Yin Yoga - Hips & Pelvis - Yin Yoga is the best and Mark Laham is my favorite instructor. I also love the fact that there are no sun salutations, which I really don't particularly care for.

I love Pusheen the Cat. So cute! :D



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Can I get easy-to-understand advice here? We just joined a gym in December and I have a little routine but I don't know if I should be doing things in a different order.

Start with stretching, then cardio, then weight resistance or a different order?




I personally keep stretching as a separate workout.    Before working out or stretching, I limber (warm-up) with calisthenic type movements.


Whether you want to do cardio or resistance training at the same workout or one before the other depends on what training effect you want.   For example, do you work out as a means to lose weight or are you working out to achieve a specific athletic goal?


If you are a raw beginner, it's probably best to schedule a few personal trainer appointments to get you started.   No need to reinvent the wheel.    Ask about goal setting and how to measure progress. 

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Can I get easy-to-understand advice here? We just joined a gym in December and I have a little routine but I don't know if I should be doing things in a different order.

Start with stretching, then cardio, then weight resistance or a different order?


The answer also depends on when you go to the gym.  I go early early in the morning.  I never stretch out first because my muscles are cold and asleep.  Actually, all of me is still cold and asleep.  I usually start slow on the treadmill or elliptical until I'm all warm- then I pick up the pace.  I weight lift after a short cardio session and then stretch if it's a weight lifting day.  Or I do the cardio followed by a core work out and longer stretching if it's not a weight day.  Even on mornings that I swim I run on the elliptical first.


Actually that's how we do it in our evening martial arts studio- warm up cardio, then light stretching, then core conditioning tabata style before we get to the "martial" parts of class.


I tore my hamstrings in high school.  Both of them at once.  I'm very partial to avoiding torn/ pulled muscles.  Luckily I'm extremely limber.


Sunday- 2 mile walk.


Monday a.m.- elliptical workout, katas, upper body weights.

Monday p.m.- martial arts, wearing my new pretty belt:)  Thanks for the well wishes on my testing this weekend.  Testing was a blast.

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Yesterday was a rest day.


Today is supposed to be Bada$$ Day. I'm not sure about my goals this week. Last week the only thing I did pretty much was my Bada$$ Workouts and 1 walk. I'm hoping I'm feeling back to normal this week since my period is nearly gone but considering the fact that I couldn't sleep last night I'm not feeling very optimistic this am. UGH! Today however I am finally seeing a dr who can hopefully help me sort out what is going on. I'm feeling so much better than I was but I'm still gaining weight- 4lbs this month- ya me(not!) and dealing with insomnia off and on. I'm taking a pregnancy test this am to rule that out- as I know some rarely get their period while pregnant and it has been a few months since I tested. 

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Did a FB lower body HIIT routine this morning. I may or may not have been cursing a bit.




I do not stretch before working out. I do it after. Warm up with light cardio.


Now my question. Do you all eat before workouts? What do you eat or drink? I've read it's not necessary to eat/drink carbs before working out and I've read that one should. I really really hate having the feeling of anything in my stomach while working out. I get sick feeling quickly. So I used to drink a little juice before hand. Then I read how juice is just pure sugar in the body and stopped. I did feel to have more energy when I drank juice. 



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Rieshy- Congrats on your new belt.

Kudos to your hubby on his run Kim!


re: stretching - I stretch after I'm warmed up a bit. I really don't think it is good for the body to stretch when cold.

re: eating- I do the best working out in the afternoon a hr or two after eating, that way my stomach is not entirely full or empty.

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Can I get easy-to-understand advice here? We just joined a gym in December and I have a little routine but I don't know if I should be doing things in a different order.

Start with stretching, then cardio, then weight resistance or a different order?


You want to start with dynamic stretching, not static.  That means you want leg swings, arm circles, hip circles, maybe some body weight squats and lunges.  You can then do cardio then weights, or the other way around if you prefer.  It doesn't really matter. They say for better calorie burn you want cardio first, but the science on that is iffy.  Change it up and see what works for you.  Then end with some static stretches.  



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Did a FB lower body HIIT routine this morning. I may or may not have been cursing a bit.




I do not stretch before working out. I do it after. Warm up with light cardio.


Now my question. Do you all eat before workouts? What do you eat or drink? I've read it's not necessary to eat/drink carbs before working out and I've read that one should. I really really hate having the feeling of anything in my stomach while working out. I get sick feeling quickly. So I used to drink a little juice before hand. Then I read how juice is just pure sugar in the body and stopped. I did feel to have more energy when I drank juice. 




If I work out in the morning, I don't eat first.  Sometimes, if I feel hungry and I know it will be a hard workout, I eat half a banana. Anything else would bother my stomach.  I do think coffee.  If the juice doesn't bother your stomach, then drink it.  A small amount will be ok.:)

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Do you all eat before workouts? What do you eat or drink? I've read it's not necessary to eat/drink carbs before working out and I've read that one should.


Again, I think it depends on what training effect you want.   If weight loss is your primary goal then I  wouldn't carb load before a workout.     If weight loss is not a concern, you are more athletic and have athletic specific goals, then you probably need to fuel your workouts with a bit of carb.


Either way, for me, I do better with a bit of food before a workout.

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Can I get easy-to-understand advice here? We just joined a gym in December and I have a little routine but I don't know if I should be doing things in a different order.

Start with stretching, then cardio, then weight resistance or a different order?


My $.02.  I don't eat or stretch first but I run very early in the morning.  Stretching and food sound gross. I have read cold, static stretches actually create injuries not prevent them. I think big muscle movements as mentioned earlier are recommended.  I just start running slow and consider that my warm up.  My usual routine is something like this:




push ups

then weights or yoga depending on day and time


I work out 6 days a week usually.  I run on 5-6 of those.

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Now my question. Do you all eat before workouts? What do you eat or drink? I've read it's not necessary to eat/drink carbs before working out and I've read that one should. I really really hate having the feeling of anything in my stomach while working out. I get sick feeling quickly. So I used to drink a little juice before hand. Then I read how juice is just pure sugar in the body and stopped. I did feel to have more energy when I drank juice. 





I usually eat a date and a handful of almonds before my early a.m. workout.  Occasionally a left over cookie.... 


I saw a study  at Vanderbilt on athletic performance and muscle/fat ratios in gymnast and track athletes.  The wider an athlete let their blood sugar swing because of fasting the less muscle to fat they had and the less strength they had in their sport.  I'm poorly stating it because I need my coffee.  I'll try to find the study.  


Everyone is different but if I try to workout without eating and drinking I usually experience earlier fatigue, shakiness, and more muscle soreness later.  I also eat as soon as I get home from my a.m. workout.  I don't eat after my p.m. workout though- so maybe it's just because I'm an early bird that I need calories right away.

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Thank you everyone! I will do cardio first and then lifting.

We are at a brand new facility and the actual building that will house the fitness center is being built. There is reduced staff at the moment and no physical trainer there yet. This should change once we get into the bigger, permanent building. I will see if I can get a session scheduled then.

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This morning was beautiful so I decided to run the cross country course at a nearby school.  All was well until I tripped on a stick on a foot bridge.  Youch, did something to my foot.  I finished but the longer I ran it got worse instead of the usual better.  I was walking by the time I hit our driveway.  Anyhoo, ice and motrin for me.

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I went for a run last night. I'm planning on doing a Fitness Blender workout tonight. I just have to choose which one. I really like the look of Fitness Blender. My only issue is that I only own 3-lb and 10-lb weights. I would love to get adjustable weights like these , but right now they're not in the budget. So I'm trying to decide what other weights I should buy next. I'm debating between a 5-lb set, 7-lb set, and 12-lb set and then hopefully have enough saved in the next few months for an adjustable set. 


I do have access to a gym that has free weights in 5-lb increments, but the gym doesn't have wi-fi and I'm not sure how well I could watch the Fitness Blender videos on my phone and if my phone could stream that much data. I also want to figure out how to make some of my runs more HIIT instead of running for endurance. I've been a distance runner in the past, and I don't aspire to do more than a 5K right now. I'd rather work on my strength, build muscle, and lose fat.

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I skipped crossfit this morning. It feels so unlike me to get up and drive 20 minutes to workout. I know any workout routine will feel unnatural. ..I just need to suck it up and go....planning on a 4 mile run/walk and some push ups and squats today

I drive about 15-20 minutes to bootcamp and yeah, it felt a little weird but the difference is in the support of the others and in the higher challenge the instructor will give me. I have never yet come to the end of a bootcamp session where I wasn't really ready for her to say "and that's class". I work harder and run faster because I am there. So that offsets the oddness of driving to bootcamp.

There is a crossfit a short walk from where we live. I have a groupon to try it out. My husband has been going a week and a 1/2 so far and whoa, Is it ever showing some very quick results. Darn those men and their testosterone!
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turns out I wasn't "welcome" today any how :p Members only today and I am a "grouponer" so, I will go tomorrow. I have classes I have paid for. 13 more to be exact lol. DH starts Monday, maybe it will be easier when he is going with me.


We plan on journaling our workouts and then hopefully we will build up our garage gym. We so CANNOT afford crossfit at full price. 150 a month for one person, on a 12 month draft commitment is crazy expensive and their times don't mesh with my times on most days.

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I drive about 15-20 minutes to bootcamp and yeah, it felt a little weird but the difference is in the support of the others and in the higher challenge the instructor will give me. I have never yet come to the end of a bootcamp session where I wasn't really ready for her to say "and that's class". I work harder and run faster because I am there. So that offsets the oddness of driving to bootcamp.

There is a crossfit a short walk from where we live. I have a groupon to try it out. My husband has been going a week and a 1/2 so far and whoa, Is it ever showing some very quick results. Darn those men and their testosterone!


ughhh DH can think of toning up and boom, he has abs. He makes me sick. I like it when I am there. I feel accomplished when I leave... it is the GETTING there. I do workout harder in the group than I do home alone.

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I drive about 15-20 minutes to bootcamp and yeah, it felt a little weird but the difference is in the support of the others and in the higher challenge the instructor will give me. I have never yet come to the end of a bootcamp session where I wasn't really ready for her to say "and that's class". I work harder and run faster because I am there. So that offsets the oddness of driving to bootcamp.

There is a crossfit a short walk from where we live. I have a groupon to try it out. My husband has been going a week and a 1/2 so far and whoa, Is it ever showing some very quick results. Darn those men and their testosterone!

I drive 25 minutes to boot camp as well. It is also at 7 o freaking clock in the morning! It is worth it.
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I drive 25 minutes to boot camp as well. It is also at 7 o freaking clock in the morning! It is worth it.

Someone asked me why I didn't catch the bus and I was like, "uh do you think there's a bus I can catch at 4:30 in the freaking morning?!" I have to be there at 5:30. If I leave at 5:15, I am right on time. I try to leave at 5 so I have a little time to kill, er wake up, in the car.
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