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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I don't think I'll tackle Thursday.  Know why?  It's my birthday!  I'll be 41!


I do have a few things I *have* to do.  I'm still not sure why my birthday isn't a holiday though.


B'fast, lunch, out to dinner-I refuse to cook on my birthday!







Go to a dr. appt with James Bond (he's okay)


Get my hair colored and highlighted


1 load of laundry (has to be done!)


Bask in the glory of my Facebook birthday wishes (they've already started rolling in)


Surf the web for things that interest/amuse me (mostly amuse)


Celebrate the fact that Puff Daddy will be dropping the ridiculous name P Diddy, and going back to Puff Daddy, which I never stopped calling him anyway



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Happy Birthday Heels :)
- dishes
- laundry- in the washer
- take movies back (I forgot them yesterday)
- call college about transcript issue- done. Have to wait another year to go because of a mix up 10 yrs ago :(
- get dd1 off bus
- gather/boil sap
- dinner- meat pulled to thaw
- bedtime routine
- nap
- read
- tidy house

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Happy birthday, Mom is High Heels!!!!  It's your birthday, so you can declare it a holiday. All of the birthdays in our house are national holidays, thus no school is going to be going on. 



No birthday here, though, so we must go on as usual...


breakfast and lunch for dh--DONE

coffee and computer time--HAPPENING NOW

look over chemistry for class today--DONE

breakfast for the rest of us--DONE

tidy house--DONE

set up stuff for lab/class--DONE

have class--DONE

clean up from class--DONE

school for ds: reading, math, grammar, history *Didn't happen, one of my student had a brother come wanting to play with my ds if he could, so I let him. It counts as PE since they played outside my whole class)



clean office

get stuff ready for co-op tomorrow

get in bed at a decent time


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Happy Birthday Mom in Heels!


Already took care of the feathered, finned and furred and the woodstove.


Cleaned up the kitchen last night so it is sparkling clean this morning, I love that.


Taking youngest to orthodontist at 9:20


other than that, not a lot on my plate


I hope to use the eliptical for a bit and continue reading Paul Johnson's Modern Times, which I am really enjoying.

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I need to find the notebook with my list in it so I can do the things on the list. The sad thing is that I've posted this before!
Wish me luck!

Clean kitchen
What's for supper?

DS4 came in with a sore throat this am. Need to cancel the play date. Not sure how errands will be impacted.

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Happy Birthday to Mom in High Heels!!! :)


For me today...


  • Work (8:30 - 2pm)
  • Pick up boxes from a friend's house for more packing
  • Continue packing up my house! 
  • Organize my packed boxes
  • Help dd finish her report that is due for school tomorrow

I need to come up with a packing plan (i.e. focus on one room at a time, or something else). Right now my packing is all over the place! Must focus...

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Happy Birthday Heels :party:

Feeling a bit better today though the cough is a doozy.

This lovely, sunny Thursday looks like:
--medicine and tea
--some paperwork
--get dd to dress rehearsal at 4:30
--sort out plans for this weekend (ballet performances and volunteering, dinner out w friends, volunteering at fundraiser all morning Sunday)

Seriously, that's about all I can handle right now. I slept 10 hours last night---bliss :)

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Happy Birthday, Heels!


Mellow day here. Ds3 is off for the day with a swim team buddy and I will see him after practice this afternoon. It is amazing how quiet the house is without a rambunctious 9 year old boy.


I have some bills to do, paper to push around, kids to oversee and the next few months to plan. I might do some cleaning or just read and nurse my day old cold and cough.


Have a great day!

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I didn't feel like writing down my todo-list today, it's the same every day :D.

I did everything on the list, including taking kids to music lesson and dd7 to the library.


I ordered crotcheting stuff to make umigurumis. :ph34r:


Still no migraine, which is weird but I'm not complaning :lol: .

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Happy Birthday Mom in High Heels!

Today I dropped #2 off at grandparents

I went to walmart--it was crazy-busy

Stopped and got lunch for #1.  He did most of school last night.  We finished up this afternoon.

I've let my house kind of slide this week.  I still haven't mopped or dusted...maybe tomorrow...


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:party: Happy Birthday Heels!!  :party:


  • laundry
  • school
  • sewing
  • give the house a good vacuum and dusting
  • clean the bathrooms x 4
  • exercise
  • grade papers
  • cook dinner

That should do it. ;)


I got lots done on my list, plus went grocery shopping.   My super sweet dd is cooking dinner. :hurray: 

Didn't get any sewing done today or grading of papers, but it's going to rain tomorrow and I'll do that then.

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Happy Birthday to Mom in High Heels!!! :)

For me today...

  • Work (8:30 - 2pm) DONE!
  • Pick up boxes from a friend's house for more packing DONE!
  • Continue packing up my house! UMM...NOT SO MUCH
  • Organize my packed boxes A LITTLE
  • Help dd finish her report that is due for school tomorrow DONE
I need to come up with a packing plan (i.e. focus on one room at a time, or something else). Right now my packing is all over the place! Must focus...

Kids are in bed and I am exhausted! I cooked a real dinner tonight, which meant too much prepping/cleaning up time. If I'm going to have my house packed up by next week, I think it's going to be sandwiches/frozen pizza/takeout from now on.
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