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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Jean, you are in my prayers! :grouphug:


I'm soooooo going to tackle today :D!


I'm calling today a teacher training day. I'm going (alone!) to the Dutch Museum of Ancient History to see this exhibit in the morning and in the afternoon I will attend lectures and workshops about teaching Latin with Orberg's Lingua Latina. All lectures and workshops will be in *Latin* :svengo: .

I'm scared to death that I won't understand a thing :lol:.



-curl my hair (because that's important..for speaking Latin :tongue_smilie: )

-bike to train station

-train to Leiden (read a book!)



-lectures & workshops


-train back (read a book!)

-take dd10 to homeschool family with telescope


I hope everyone has a nice day!


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Prayers Jean

- dishes- done

- laundry- load in dryer, all others folded and put away

- tidy house- in progress, I had to clean out a spot in our closet for dd2's convertable carseat (we got an infant one at the family gathering), just getting that seat out of the living room has made a big difference :) now if it would warm up enough to melt all the snow so dh can get his motorcycle out of the shed, he can organize it and put his new air compressor in there (said tool is currently residing in my living room)

- nap- well I took a 30 minute one

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dinner- cheeseburgers with fries

- bedtime routine

I'm in a cleaning mood today, so I'm drinking coffee with hot cocoa mix in it to keep me focused so I can complete things (otherwise the house will look worse then when I started due to half completed tasks)

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Jean-- :grouphug:


Tress--Have an amazing day!



It's going to be a busy, busy day! We leave this evening after cleaning the office. I wanted to drive north of Atlanta and spend the night rather than try to drive through Atlanta in the morning. It's about 3.5 hours to Greenville, and I want to get there in time to go to a 10:00 session. I'm so excited to go! I love homeschool conventions. 


A young homeschool mom, Karla, is coming this afternoon. She called me with questions about the standardized testing our state requires, and we began talking about all kinds of things including different curricula. I offered to let her come and look over the format of the results from the test I use as well as some different curricula I have here. She seems to really need some encouragement. 


Saw dh off with his breakfast and lunch in hand

coffee and computer time


breakfast for the rest of us

school with ds: reading, history, science, writing, math, grammar

school with dd: chemistry, alg 2, history, test prep


tidy house

pack for trip to convention

get out things to show Karla

visit with Karla


go clean office

head out on our trip!


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Dh just called me and his principal is going to let him take a sick day, so he gets to go with us to the convention. I'm excited to have help with the kids, but I hope what he wants to do doesn't thwart my own plans...


No, it'll be fine. I've enjoyed conferences with him before. His grandpa (who is 100) lives just a few minutes from the convention center, so he really wants to see him, too. 

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Tress, what a fabulous day!!


Amy, have a great time at the conference. I hope our respective conferences this weekend will be beneficial :)


So today, the first day of spring (free Rita's water ice today---go if you have one nearby! Ours will be inundated by college kids.):

--school, including finalizing research paper topic for English


--those papers I didn't touch yesterday

--the copying I didn't get to yesterday


--get cash and snacks for the drive to VA tomorrow

--pack, remembering things like paper for notes and charging cords


Aaaand the sun just came out from the clouds :party:

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Jean, have a good, restful day!

Tress, can I come with you? I'm sure I wouldn't understand a thing, but it sounds like fun. And I really need to get out!


Well, good Thursday morning to you all! It is the first day of Spring. Vernal Equinox!


** school

** co-op prep (rocketry is done, now I'm back to teaching PE. I think we're going to do traditional playground games for a few weeks)

** that's about it. If I feel motivated I will do some housework, but I really don't feel motivated. You'd think after 10 years of allergy shots, and the fact that I am still taking numerous allergy meds I would feel better. But.... no! Pollen count is high and I feel like dirt.

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Keep in mind that I've only been upright for ten minutes and that things might change.  The chiropractor gave me ten hours of mild pain (as opposed to the severe pain I've been in).  Unfortunately, the ten hours was up at 2 am last night.  I can barely walk at the moment because of the pain.  I can also barely sit.  We'll see how the day goes. . .    Again, as I'm up, it may ease up a bit.  Plus, as soon as I manage to eat breakfast I am taking all my meds including the muscle relaxant and the pain pill.  

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Praying here Jean. It sounds like everyone is planning a fun day. Mine is pretty regular, but I am going to have lunch with a friend. Our birthdays are only one day apart, so we get together every year.


To do:

finish school with ds3, so he can watch the NCAAs

be the motivator for the rest of the kids

escape for lunch

insist that chores be completed today

clean study

do some laundry

oversee boys room excavation

pay bills

go over spring calendar

go through freezer and see what we have to eat


Have a great day everyone!

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Math is done. She submitted her research paper topic. We went over school expectations for tomorrow when I'm away (dh will be working from home). Poor baby is going to actually have to do her math on paper (gasp!) instead of on the whiteboard as dh won't be able to help or correct at all :lol:


So now I think I'll check the recipe for dinner and change into my exercise gear for an hour workout :)

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work 730-830

confirm boys appts for tomorrow

pick up groceries

pay mortgage

confirm dd14s cost of braces and payment info

go to hardware store and get paint (bought way more than just paint, but all needed stuff)

work 3-6



fix stupid curtain that I keep meaning to and then don't

bring folding table in from garage

talk to boss about taking tomorrow pm off

message ex about this weekend


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Well, the morning has passed.

** school - mostly done! Just history for dd and ds2 and Latin for DS2 need to be done!

** huge pile of laundry to be folded, but that's strangely relaxing for me. Plus, I can prop up my iPad and watch The Good Wife as I do it.

** kitchen needs to be cleaned

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Lunch and Dr. Who done.   :thumbup1:

Grammar with dd done

Doctor sanctioned torture #1 done

PT sanctioned torture #1 done and now I ache and have mild spasms

A nap while concurrently answering questions for ds during Alg 2 done (and yes, I really did fall asleep between questions)

Snack and more meds done

E-mail to doctor with pictures of my swollen feet and ankles done.

Apologetic question sent back to doctor after his reply asking why he was telling me to take more potassium when my potassium levels are already elevated - done  (and I don't think he's mad at me)





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Heavy spring cleaning here today.



two bags of clothes for donation

dd helped clean out game cabinet, bagged up loose pieces, chose 5 things to donate

washed family room curtains, waiting to dry to put back up

5 loads of laundry


Break for lunch and watch first part of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone with dd


To do:

Finish laundry

clean washer/dryer/laundry room

vacuum downstairs

drop off bags for donation

work on book list for next year


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Alg 2 done with ds


Very tired.


Went and grabbed teriyaki to - go for dinner and watched White Collar with the kids.


Went grocery shopping for just a couple of things with dd


Went to the pharmacy for the prescription of the day.


Went to the pet store for a new harness but didn't find one we liked in the time before they closed.  Will go back another day.


Got an e-mail from the Zumba instructor I work with, telling me that she's leaving at the end of next month, before I will be physically able to go back to Zumba.   :crying:   I'm hoping I can get together with her for lunch next week.

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All I remember doing today is running kids around. I got everyone out the door in time to be only a couple minutes late to DD 10s 9:00 podiatrist appt., didn't get home from that until almost 11:00. I know we ate lunch, and I put the baby down for a nap and did some organizing in the homeschool room, the hung out in the front yard keeping an eye on the kids while they played, the little one needs to be watched because he doesn't understand about roads being dangerous. Took DD to friend's house at 3:30 so she could carpool to dance, came home and got the next three ready for gymnastics then took them to class and hung out with the toddler to wait, brought everyone home and played outside until the mosquitoes started coming out. Everyone here is in bed now, I'm just waiting for DD to get home from dance-- the studio is almost an hour away and her class doesn't get out until 9:00 so it makes for a late night for her. At least I didn't have to drive down and pick her up as I often do.

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Tress, can I come with you? I'm sure I wouldn't understand a thing, but it sounds like fun. And I really need to get out!

I would have loved to go together, Krissi!! I think we would get along famously (that is the right expression, right?).


The Latin lectures & workshops were fun, even though I was seriously underprepared: all other attendends were either high school Latin teachers (=masters degree in classics) or Latin professors.

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I would have loved to go together, Krissi!! I think we would get along famously (that is the right expression, right?).


The Latin lectures & workshops were fun, even though I was seriously underprepared: all other attendends were either high school Latin teachers (=masters degree in classics) or Latin professors.

I think we would too!

Glad you had a good time!

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