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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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:grouphug: Jean :grouphug:, I hope things will turn for the better soon!


Plans for today:

-dd10: Math, Dutch grammar, English, Latin, History, Biology, Logic

-dd7: Math, Writing, English, Spelling, Reading, History

-dd5: time with mum, Spelling, Reading, History with dd7

-everyone: read aloud during lunch

-Greek & Latin vocab

-take dd10 and dd7 to music lesson (bike)

-take dd5 and dd3 to parc (bike)



-study Latin

-read a book



-get enough steps (fitbit)

-vit D & multi & fish oil

-NO SUGAR....dates don't count, right? Right?

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Prayers Jean....

- dishes

- laundry- done

- tidy house- bathroom living room done

- college stuff- nope looking up dd1's school field trip options instead

- nap- done

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dinner- chicken, rice and a veggie

- meeting at 6 for dd1's school

- bedtime routine

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Jean-- :grouphug:



Breakfast and lunch for dh

go back to bed


To Do:

coffee and computer time (happening now!)

breakfast for the rest of us

get some kind of exercise, maybe walking or Wii

tidy house 

dd clean her room today(She began a big clean out project and has left off with several piles of things to go through.)

school with ds: reading, science, history, grammar, math, writing, Awana

dd school: chemistry test, alg 2 



clean my bathroom and bedroom


family time playing board game

watch Game of Thrones with dh


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Good Morning, Girlies!

Here's hoping today is a better day than yesterday!


** school

**dd has her tumbling recital this afternoon. I'm supposed to bring cookies. Guess I'll be getting them at the supermarket, because I can't see myself baking anything today.


That's about all that's on the docket for today.

Hope you all have a good day!

Praying for you this morning, Jean!

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At an elementary school w dd. Her ballet artistic director asked her to sub in at two school outreach performances for a company member (snow yesterday messed up schedules). Dd is only an apprentice in the company so this is kind of a big deal.


So today is a bit different:

--2 performances this am

--stop at Sears for dd to try on LandsEnd swim suits


--grocery store



That sounds good :)

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Jean -- :grouphug:


Luckymama -- :hurray: for dd


KRG -- you are on a roll


I will play along today.  I have so much I need to get done.  Most is general house work that for some reason or another hasn't been getting done.  Baseball season has already started here (practices) and we need to get this house back in order before things get really wild.


  • school
  • laundry
  • floors - vacuum, sweep, mop
  • general all over pick up
  • dss clean their room -- for real clean not shove in corner
  • kitchen - straighten, clean counters
  • clean bathooms
  • yard pickup - suppose to be warmer today & the sun is shining


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Good morning!


No am practice this morning. Pretty pleased about that as it is snowing .... again. I have a lot to do today, as not very much got done in the house when I was gone.



go through mail (did some last night, more to do)

pick up study, as it was a dumping ground for "mom's" things

get school going back up with all kids except dd1 who is on "school lite" for the rest of the week


grocery store (maybe)

get dinner planned

see what other things are late, missing, or undone.

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 I managed to lie down and sleep for 3 hours.  Dh helped me to get into bed.  He also made sure I had my phone with me in bed and that I was able to get up.  Lying down was excruciatingly painful but since sitting was too, I decided to try the lying down for awhile to take the pressure off of some parts of my skeleton.  I was almost unable to get up because my muscles recramped during sleep.  I slept the rest of the night in my armchair again.  

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Morning everyone!


Jean, I hope your evaluation goes well.  Praying for you daily.




exercise with dd


to do:


visit with my mom, lunch and barnes and noble :hurray:

revisit my notes from WTM 6th grade, make core book lists

clean downstairs windows



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Human care including breakfast done.  It is sad when a 50 year old needs her 12 year old daughter to help dress her. . .   I can't bend more than my knees without severe pain so I can't make my bed, I can't pick up anything off the floor or even a foot off the floor, I can't do the dishwasher (though I did it anyway last night despite the pain - but then dh yelled at me because that probably isn't good for me).  


Pet care done


Ds left the disk for dd's history at church.  Arrrrrgh!


Reading done with dd



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ds10 done lit class,  Then proceeded to give me a headache because he is being an obnoxious brat...I can not wait for Friday when he will finally be medicated for his ADHD.


on my way out the door to get gas, go to work and the dozen things to be done while in town.

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Pre-dinner update:


--2 performances this am

--stop at Sears for dd to try on LandsEnd swim suits


--grocery store



I also continued my obsessive planning of a potential Alaska trip for the summer of 2015. Dh gave me a tentative budget number (I bugged him until he gave me a number :lol:) so I've been planning a trip with and a trip without dd14 :D

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Had physical therapy evaluation.  I liked the therapist who was evaluating me.  I was in pain but at least I didn't cry today.  Now I'm having massive muscle spasms though.  I'm frustrated because I've taken all muscle relaxants and pain relievers and can't have anything more for over an hour for the relaxant and 6 hours for the pain reliever.  I'm also frustrated because I couldn't make my bed, can't pick up anything off of the floor and I seem to be dropping everything today, I can't lie down, I can't sit for long, I'm not all that comfy walking or standing either.  Does anyone have a pod where I can be in suspended animation?  


Dd did science.  Now she's working on a DIY project.


Ds is working on math.  


Dh is off to work.

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