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Exercise Thread ~ 3/9 - 3/15


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Completed my very first mud run yesterday! It was so much fun. I had a blast! I was stiff and sore last night and had a headache from a jarring jump and a gallon of water that shot up my nose. I got up this morning and did 20 min of yoga stretching with my all time favorite Denise Austen. I love her when I need a bit of TLC. Then I used my foam roller on achy parts (left hip flexor...owie) and now I feel much better.


Wondering if I should make tomorrow a rest day as well. We'll see.


I highly recommend everyone do a mud run at least once. Fun, fun, fun!

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Kudos to you KleineHexe! I always thought a mud run sounded fun but it also slightly terrifies me. Hopefully I'm feeling well enough this year to consider it more. Still hoping for a bike ride this evening but we'll see my sinuses are still bothering me and the baby did not sleep well last night, we are getting ready for a nap here. Today may just be a rest and relax day. Hubby is getting ready to leave for another business trip so that could be good as well.

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I'm so glad your mud run went well! 


I'm finally starting to feel a bit better.  I was able to run this morning.  I did 6 miles (cutting down my planned run of 9).  The 6 were tough but doable. It's also a push-up/pull-up day so I'm working on those too.  


I've been out of it for the last week, so today I also need to catch up laudry and my poor, neglected house. I should burn some more calories doing that. :)

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I was intimidated as well but a friend of mine talked me into it. I discovered that people of varying fitness levels do the runs. If there is an obstacle that you really don't want to do you have the option of just skipping it.


I skipped two. One was jumping over a 4 to 5 foot wide trench. That one just scared me. The other was jumping from an 8 ft high dock into water and swimming to the other side. It wasn't the jump that bothered me. I'm just not a strong swimmer. 


I also found that ropes are a weakness. I need to install a rope in my house to practice. ;)

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KH- Thanks for the Mud Run info. I wonder if it is the same at all of them because there was some obstacles at the local one that I really didn't want to do but overall it sounded fun but challenging. How great that you were able to do it with a friend.


Yesterday was a rest day for me, as the day wore on I felt worse and worse. I finally took a claritin last night and my head and ears are feeling better although I didn't sleep well at all last night. Not sure if it was the claritin or not. Hopefully I'm over the worst of this sinus crap and I can start back up today. My goal this week is at least 30 min of exercise 5 days a week. I really want to get a bike ride in there as well, the weather is going to be gorgeous and I hate to miss the chance to ride. Maybe I can also get a swim in, maybe not by myself since dh is gone again this week but maybe at least with a friend and our kids.


My goal is a light workout today, maybe some yoga. I'm still sore from my leg workouts Sat. I blasted them hard, its a good sore though :)

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My goal is a light workout today, maybe some yoga. I'm still sore from my leg workouts Sat. I blasted them hard, its a good sore though :)


I love good sore.


This a.m. gym- katas, elliptical and stretching. Tonight is martial arts.

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Getting more and more inspired to do some home exercising!  This thread is also helping to keep me motivated!  Thanks!  


I got my dh to do basic yoga for runners with me on Saturday.  We met at the gym, so it's fun for us to actually be working out together.  Several more years till we get to go to the gym together again.  I ordered him a yoga mat and a new one for myself.  I also ordered some new hand weights, since my old ones were borrowed and never returned and others missing.  Now that the kids are old enough to do their own thing and not crawl over me or bother me constantly.


I did fitness blender sweat fest again on Sunday and a 20 minutes abs as well.  Today, I took the dog for an hour walk, with some jogging. 

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90 min- walk- Some of it leisurely, some at a moderate pace and some at a good pace and the last little bit (.25 mi) I ran, just because I felt like running. It felt wonderful. I know I didn't run much but I was so happy that I was able to do it at all without being winded as I hadn't ran in ages. Feeling good after feeling so run down the last several months is glorious.

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So, I've made it to bootcamp. But only because I couldn't fall asleep at all and it got so late, rather so early in the morning that it made sense to just get dressed, pour myself a huge cup of coffee and head to bootcamp because hell, I'm awake anyways. I got here about 20 minutes early and so am killing time on my phone. I am going to go out on a limb and say that this is probably the only physical activity I will get to all day. I will crawl into bed at home for a few hours and force myself out of bed early enough that I will be able to sleep tonight. Knock on wood.


Thank goodness Tuesday is one of my husband's days off from work.


Insomnia. Sucks. Seriously. Thankfully it is only a feature of my cycle for a couple of nights and not the norm for me anymore.

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Mud runs sound fun but- I can't get past the thought of ruining a pair of running shoes.  



I sprayed my shoes with the power nuzzle on my hose and they came clean. My clothes did as well.


I love good sore.



Me too!




Yesterday was a light yoga day to allow for full recovery from the mud run. This morning was HIIT and I'll do the second half this afternoon, This time change is killing me. Got up late again as did all my kids.

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3 mi bike ride. I swear it really was uphill both ways, with the bike trailer and 2 youngest (70 lbs total). I had to push the bike on the worst hills but I made it. I really challenged myself today and it felt good. OH, and dd crossed right in front of me causing me to totally crash into the pavement, so I now have 2 bloody knees and road rash on my hands and shoulder and a bloody spot on my head. This was the first time I had rode with the trailer in a while and I did a more challenging and new route, which was probably not the best idea but it was good. The older two rode their own bikes and we all had a great time. Maybe next time I can make it a bit more. I'd love to conquer that one hill but it is a beast even without pulling kids.

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Nothing today. During our fasting period, I find it difficult to workout unless if I wake up very, very early.


Insomnia. Sucks. Seriously. Thankfully it is only a feature of my cycle for a couple of nights and not the norm for me anymore.

Hope you feel better soon. Yes, insomnia really and truly sucks.



Yesterday was a light yoga day to allow for full recovery from the mud run. 

Keep meaning to tell you, great job on the mud run! :)


Also just did a five minute ab workout of Denise Austin's and almost died!! Wow, I'm out of shape.

Love her workouts. Many find her annoying, but I like her. I'm reading her book at the moment, but it's just okay, nothing incredible. I prefer her DVDs. 


A lovely 5 mile run this morning. I made the most of it before it ~shudder~ snows again tonight.  :huh:

Great job. :)


 I now have 2 bloody knees and road rash on my hands and shoulder and a bloody spot on my head. This was the first time I had rode with the trailer in a while and I did a more challenging and new route, which was probably not the best idea but it was good. The older two rode their own bikes and we all had a great time. Maybe next time I can make it a bit more. I'd love to conquer that one hill but it is a beast even without pulling kids.

Hope your knees, etc. feel okay. 


3.8 mile run today.  The wind was terribly annoying.  I felt like I was running in molasses.  Kata work.

I remember running in wind like that (back in my running days). Not easy at all!



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I've walked 2 days this week. I've not been exercising much, but I have been focusing on my diet. I weigh 17 pounds less than I did last fall. I hope to lose 20+ more this spring/summer. My mom passed away last month, and I've been having a difficult time getting motivated to do much. I'm going to really try, though. Our family does still clean the 10,000+ sq. ft. office twice a week, so I get some good exercise and activity those two days, too. 



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I've walked 2 days this week. I've not been exercising much, but I have been focusing on my diet. I weigh 17 pounds less than I did last fall. I hope to lose 20+ more this spring/summer. My mom passed away last month, and I've been having a difficult time getting motivated to do much. I'm going to really try, though. Our family does still clean the 10,000+ sq. ft. office twice a week, so I get some good exercise and activity those two days, too. 

I am so sorry for your loss.  Losing a mom is really hard.

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I've walked 2 days this week. I've not been exercising much, but I have been focusing on my diet. I weigh 17 pounds less than I did last fall. I hope to lose 20+ more this spring/summer. My mom passed away last month, and I've been having a difficult time getting motivated to do much. I'm going to really try, though. Our family does still clean the 10,000+ sq. ft. office twice a week, so I get some good exercise and activity those two days, too. 

I'm so sorry for the loss of your mom.  That takes quite awhile to learn to live with  :grouphug:


I did a 90 minute yoga video and 30 min  of weights today.  We're stuck at home and the kids were sleeping off the time change so I figured why not.  I usually try to keep my workouts to an hour so it doesn't interrupt school but sometimes you've got to live  :lol:

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20 min Bodystrikes + 10 min FB Standing Ab Work- My knee is really sore today and I was tired most of the day from not sleeping well, the house was way too hot last night. Hoping to get to bed on time and sleep well tonight.

I've walked 2 days this week. I've not been exercising much, but I have been focusing on my diet. I weigh 17 pounds less than I did last fall. I hope to lose 20+ more this spring/summer. My mom passed away last month, and I've been having a difficult time getting motivated to do much. I'm going to really try, though. Our family does still clean the 10,000+ sq. ft. office twice a week, so I get some good exercise and activity those two days, too. 

I'm sorry about your mom. 



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Sorry about your mom.  :grouphug:  

And good for you, reaching 20lbs lost. 



This morning I was going to run, but because of the yucky snow/rain/ice mix we got last night, my dh needed to run inside.  I plan on getting my run in later.  Since I couldn't run I did some yoga.  It was a nice routine followed by a 10 min guided meditiation.  


On a sad note, I think a stray cat attacked and possibly hurt our barn cat last night.  :(  We've grown quite attached to our little kitty, but this monring she is nowhere to be found.That stupid stray.  I'll be tempted to hit it next time I see it on the road. 

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Rest Day on Thursday

30 ish min walk on Friday


Had planned to bike ride Friday as well but the weather did not cooperate at all. My knee and shoulder are really bothering me. Hoping to get a long bike ride in with dh this weekend but the weather is looking iffy for tomorrow.

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I just bought a Fitbit, I'm anxious to see my numbers. I'm not sure how much I should be eating when the calculators vary so much and my appetite is so wonky, hopefully this gives me some more insight and I can start getting smaller (and stronger)!

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