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I think I‘m scarred for life! The boys wanted me to watch Aliens.


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Alien was playing in the Triage room when I went in to deliver my first. I had DH turn it off right quick!

That is just wrong sick on every level!!!! Perversely, they would like to see Prometheus but dh would like the two of us to preview it first. I told him that if he rents it, I expect a week in Fiji by myself.

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Love Aliens! A friend and I were huge James Cameron fans in high school (this was before Titanic and Avatar of course else we might not have been).I loved Vasquez, crushed on Michael Biehn, discussed in detail the effects, cinematography, etc. with that friend. I even played an Aliens board game.



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Love Aliens! A friend and I were huge James Cameron fans in high school (this was before Titanic and Avatar of course else we might not have been).I loved Vasquez, crushed on Michael Biehn, discussed in detail the effects, cinematography, etc. with that friend. I even played an Aliens board game.


Who didn't have a crush on Michael Biehn? Saw Terminator 5 times in the theater, Aliens 3 times, The Abyss once I think. 


I hadn't seen the entire movie in years, the DVD has additional scenes and a few of them really helped understand why Ripely was obsessed with saving Newt. Did you know the girl that played Newt never did another movie? She's now a school teacher or something. 

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If you aren't into horror and scifi combinations, then WOW, what a terrible movie to have to see!  Brain bleach is definitely in order...(although I personally loved the movie, TBH).


My dad saw Alien in the theater with his work team while on a trip for the Air Force.  He doesn't scare easily but he admitted that the lady that kept jumping and screaming next to him was scaring everyone in the theater.  He would be really intent on a scene, then this blood curdling scream would erupt right next to him and he would jump.  He said his nerves were really frazzled when he came out of the theater....Mom has NEVER watched any of those movies because of Dad's description.


DH and I love SciFi so we watched all but Prometheus, but the kids have not yet.  ...DD (13) will probably watch them someday.  She loves SciFi and tends to like horror.  DS (10) likes sci fi but not as big on horror and tends to get overly protective of children so I think the 2nd one might just do him in (not old enough to watch yet in our household but maybe when he is older he could handle it...)


But I did make the mistake of talking a friend to seeing Underworld:Revolutions.  I didn't realize that she had never seen a horror movie and did not watch anything above a PG-13 rating (she was in her 30's so it just never occurred to me...).  Her husband really wanted to see it so we went on a couples night.  She screamed and sobbed her way through the whole movie and had nightmares for days.  I felt so bad!  :(

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I really loved the movie Aliens. Here is a little trivia:


The actress who played Vasquez was also in the movie Titanic. She played the Irish mother of two little kids. She is shown reading to them in their beds when the boat is sinking :(


She only has one or maybe two lines but she looks so completely different! She was so bad ass in Aliens!!



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I really loved the movie Aliens. Here is a little trivia: The actress who played Vasquez was also in the movie Titanic. She played the Irish mother of two little kids. She is shown reading to them in their beds when the boat is sinking :( She only has one or maybe two lines but she looks so completely different! She was so bad ass in Aliens!!

She was also in Terminator 2, as John's foster mother. "Wolfie's fine..." 


I love this conversation, half are yuck, gross, the other half are throwing out trivia.  :lol:

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Who didn't have a crush on Michael Biehn? Saw Terminator 5 times in the theater, Aliens 3 times, The Abyss once I think.


I hadn't seen the entire movie in years, the DVD has additional scenes and a few of them really helped understand why Ripely was obsessed with saving Newt. Did you know the girl that played Newt never did another movie? She's now a school teacher or something.

I didn't know that! Smart kid.


I have did see the version with those extra scenes years ago on tv of all places. I have no idea why the station showed that version but I'm glad they did although I prefer the version without them.


And Terminator was another favorite. T2 as well. Woman as adored hero and then as badass action hero? Oh yeah. James Cameron had some awesome female heroes.


Then he went and did True Lies and that scene where Arnold interrogated Jamie Lee Curtis and uh, I lost faith.

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