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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Jean, I'm sorry to hear that you need even stronger antibiotics. Hopefully these wil help!

Yesterday went surprisingly well, let's try to do that again.

Plans for today:
-dd10: Math, Dutch grammar, English, Latin, Biology, History, Logic
-dd7: Math, Dutch, English, Spelling, Copywork, Reading, History
-dd5: Math, Dutch, Copywork, Reading, History with dd7
-everyone: read aloud during lunch
-Greek & Latin vocab
-take dd10 and dd7 to music lessons (car, thankfully)
-take dd5 and dd3 to library (car)

-groceries? / NO
-7:00-10:00 pm meeting at church
-read a book

-get enough steps.....not likely
-vit D & multi & fish oil
-NO SUGAR.....forget it, I need coffee with sugar

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Ready to tackle Tuesday...



get up, showered and dressed


showers for older kids

daycare child arrived (7:45am)

take sheets off of our bed so they can be washed




make pizza sauce

chores: empty/reload dishwasher, clean counters, trash/recycling/composting, vacuum, 2 loads of laundry

go to bank to make GS Troop deposit

go to Aldi's


naptime for daycare child

reading time for 3 of my kids

dd16: dance class (4-5pm)

daycare child gets picked up (5pm)

make homemade pizza for dinner

kitchen clean-up

bath for dd6


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Watching the weather again today----ice is possible overnight and there are grumblings about snow Sunday (right when dd needs to move back into the dorm, don't you know :rolleyes:) We got several inches of heavy stuff yesterday.



--school: English, history, maths, sciences

--get dd18 after class

--help dd choose a bday gift for her sister; order or go shopping

--remind ds that tomorrow is dd18's birthday...invite him and The Girlfriend over for dinner and/or bday cheesecake

--exercise: Pilates


--continue w high school planning (looking at ancient history resources and options this week)

--dd ballet 5:30-7

--errands: groceries, maybe library


My first 5:2 fast day went somewhat well. I did overeat by 122 calories. I need to plan better for Thursday!

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Tuesdays are always so busy as it is, and today online lit classes start up for term 2.


work 730-830

dd14 online latin class 845-945

ds10 online lit class 11-12

work 3-6

teens cadets 630-930


okay now that those things are listed this is what I have to fit all around that


pack overnight bags for everyone (we head out of town tomorrow for my endo appt)

pack teens cadet duffels for camp this weekend (won't be back from out of town in time to do so)


pet care

school (teens had a productive school day yesterday, hope to replicate and do more with youngers)

clean entrance

kitchen kitchen kitchen (3 meals 3 clean ups)

put chickens in the crockpots for dinner tonight

call tire place again about tire, phone wasn't working yesterday

work on coursera courses

put garbage can out to road

library day (gather things to return)



ETA: ds15 shrink appt at 1230 (city 1 hour from here so have to cut ds10s online class short)


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pack overnight bags for everyone (we head out of town tomorrow for my endo appt)


Brandy, I hope your endo appoinment goes well and you will get some answers!


Did you ever get it sorted out with the family who went to the police to press charges?


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Yesterday went surprisingly well, let's try to do that again.


Plans for today:

-dd10: Math, Dutch grammar, English, Latin, Biology, History, Logic

-dd7: Math, Dutch, English, Spelling, Copywork, Reading, History

-dd5: Math, Dutch, Copywork, Reading, History with dd7

-everyone: read aloud during lunch

-Greek & Latin vocab

-take dd10 and dd7 to music lessons (car, thankfully)

-take dd5 and dd3 to library (car)

-groceries? / NO


-7:00-10:00 pm meeting at church

-read a book



-get enough steps.....not likely

-vit D & multi & fish oil

-NO SUGAR.....forget it, I need coffee with sugar


I got most of my stuff done. Don´t ask HOW it got done (Latin..... :banghead: ), but it got done.


Now the kids need to be quiet ( :001_rolleyes:), and I need to sit still and pray my headache doesn´t get worse, so I can go to the meeting tonight.


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School has started, dd is doing her 20 minutes of reading now. She just finished math. I need to find dd2 and get her going on school too.


Other things to do: find homes for things in a box I brought downstairs.


Empty dishwasher/make coffee for tomorrow

Handwash the stray/non dishwasher dishes

Work in the studio on my art journal/tag for a swap

Maybe start tackling a couple hot spots in my room.

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Morning Girlies!

Well, my peaceful quiet time has been invaded by my 3 year old, but I gave her some "Yucky" Charms and she's pretty happy.


On the docket for the day...

** devotions and breakfast

** school

** work on plans for rocketry class for co-op

** the never ending pile of dirty laundry

** dd7 has tumbling class

** dd10 has basketball game tonight


Have a great day all!

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Good Morning!


I slept in because my sinuses are killing me.  I really don't want to go to the doctor, so I'll try to take care of it on my own. 



  • tidy first floor and vacuum DONE
  • school--lots of school
  • exercise--I'm starting to run this week and working my way up to 2.5 miles by spring.
  • wash sheets and remake bed and wipe down bathroom  DONE
  • cook dinner 


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Brandy, I hope your endo appoinment goes well and you will get some answers!


Did you ever get it sorted out with the family who went to the police to press charges?



I haven't heard anything since from the police.  The boy who did that, was demoted in cadets, has been shunned by the whole corps as untrustworthy and claims it was all his mom's doing, she made the report etc except I saw the written report in his handwriting with his signature at the end so he is full of crap and trying to save his hide by claiming that.  He shot himself in the foot basically because he was already an outsider of sorts and really only had friends at cadets through mine, he hung out with my 2, their best friend (also a homeschooler) and a friend that joined this year that they have known for years etc.  When he crossed our family that much they all shut him out (I have given shelter to the one boy for years, as his homelife is horrible so he is loyal to our family and he goes to school with several of the other cadets and word got around fast).  Anyway, boy is learning the hard way what happens when you make a false claim to begin with and go above the CO's head regardless.  He has also been told that it is very unlikely he will have any chance at being chosen for summer camp (only 30% of all cadets in Canada get chosen in any given year so it is tight stakes)


So yeah it has pretty much worked itself out though my kids and I can no longer wait inside the building on shooting nights etc.  So I have had to step back from a lot of volunteering commitments I made to them. 

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OK - deep breath - this new stronger antibiotic is making me feel like I'm pushing through molasses.  It is almost 10 am and all I have managed to get done is breakfast and I haven't even picked up from it.


Time to a bit of regrouping.


I do need to add some probiotic/kombucha supplies to my list.  This new antibiotic is also kicking me in the gut.

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Lunchtime here. It is cold and snowy and the drive in for swim lessons this am took 3x the normal time.  My morning already wrecked timewise, I stopped at the grocery store and got gas. I hope everyone is feeling better!


So now, I still have the normal stuff to do.

School for kids

oversee teens

oversee chores

make dinner (chili...yum)

clear driveway and sidewalks

maybe some decluttering if time

pm practice: swimming only



green smoothie

write 30 minutes

art/craft 30 minutes

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Hope you feel better, Jean.  


My day:

Cleaning girls bedrooms

math for both girls

girls must work on history fair projects.  Our homeschool group is having a history fair next week and I am requiring both to participate. 

Kitchen cleaning


Continue planning rest of this semester and purchases for next year's schooling




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Thanks, everyone.


I hope you can put up with a lot of posts from me today.  It is what allows me to be on track on a day when my brain has turned to mush along with the rest of my body.


*  Made my bed.  

* solved problem of the printer that has suddenly stopped working by remembering that I had already printed out this assignment.  Found it!  (Will have to figure out printer's problem later.)

* solved problem of schoolwork today by working through a schedule with both kids that doesn't require me.

* solved problem of the dog with ADHD and the test-taking child with ADHD being in the same place by sticking the dog (not the child) in the bathroom.  Dog isn't happy but oh, well.  It's only until the test is done.

*  solved problem of my sieve-brain not remembering if I took my meds just minutes after I was supposed to take my meds by dumping them out and counting them.  I had taken my meds.


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rescheduled shrink appt.  Called ped for a med refill I forgot about.  called tire place scheduled to go in at 9 am tomorrow.  cancelled hotel reservation.  Talked to brother.  talked to mom.  chickensin the crockpots (1 teriyaki and 1 honey garlic).  laundry going.  books reserved at library.  Items to return gathered up.  mouth full of peanut butter cookies and chocolate milk (my go to snacks when stressed, and right now I am stressed and AF started for me and dd14 meaning teenaged PMS for the last several days).  Giving myself a 30 minute "lunch" break and then the kids have some school work to do before we leave today.

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Yesterday was my big cleaning day.

Today I've:
made the bed
took #2 to grandparents
a couple of loads of laundry
we are in the middle of school--lunch break now

I need to get something together for supper
Pick #2 up from grandparents
Take #1 to 4H later today

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I have showered and dressed.  And finally brushed my teeth.

Ds has done one hour of a math test.  He's less than halfway done the test.  Sigh.  (This might be a thread for the high school board.)

Dd has done Lang. arts and reading comprehension.

The dog is now back in the dining room instead of howling and tap dancing in the bathroom.  

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good grief, dd6 brings me her math book and asks to do more, she worked on it last night on her own so I asked to see her book to see how she did.  I take a look down on her page, and there is some interesting artwork.  I ask what she did to her math book.  Her reply: "I drew a dinosaur to take over the world but all he took over was the lines."  Yup, that's what happens when you don't sit next to a 6 year old working on math, a dinosaur will appear and take over the lines she she can't possibly finish it.

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learned today that if you don't actually put JAWM in a post it means people don't have to be nice.  Not just offer their opinion but out right don't have to be nice. (actual post said that today in my thread).  I always thought kindness was a character trait most would want to exude whether giving their opinion or not, but apparently it is only necessary in a jawm thread.  Who knew?

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Got a new job.  Interview Friday is a formality, boss already got my uniform size, asked me to bring my stamped direct deposit form from my bank to the interview and wants to email me the net training so that when I start on the 15th I can jump right in and not need the backroom net training.  16 hours a weekend at the A&W, not the perfect job but makes up more than 1/2 what I lost from the diner job ending.

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Good Morning!


I slept in because my sinuses are killing me.  I really don't want to go to the doctor, so I'll try to take care of it on my own. 



  • tidy first floor and vacuum DONE
  • school--lots of school --WIP --has online class tonight 
  • exercise--I'm starting to run this week and working my way up to 2.5 miles by spring.  DONE
  • wash sheets and remake bed and wipe down bathroom  DONE
  • cook dinner DONE 


Added more to the list--cleaned out refrigerator, put out trash cans, working through 3 loads of laundry, 1 down 2 to finish up,

made a big salad to go with dinner, unloaded dishwasher and put away, mopped the floors and took out the trash. 


I'm finished for the day! :)

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Went out on errands with the kids:

Got high powered probiotics.

Went to pet store and got stuff for the cat and dog that the kids paid for because they were "extras" that they simply wanted so they wouldn't have to take care of them so much (like automatic watering dishes).

Went to the grocery store and got stuff for supper and also my kombucha to try and stabilize my gut with all these antibiotics I'm taking.

Went to the library where both kids had stuff to pick up and take back.

Came home, unloaded everything and put it away.


Now I'm ready to collapse.

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To report mostly after the fact but did well...

Completed -

Morning chores


Complete school- Lang, Bible, Math, Span, Read alouds, science, preschool letter of the week / workbook stuff

Quick trip to store for 3 items

Make dinner before 3 pm and clean up dishes

Get kids snack / ready for riding lesson

3:30-5:30: riding lesson (there now)


To do later:

Clean kitchen after dinner

Put away clutter / basket of laundry

Swap load / fold dried clothes / get a load in wash

Bath, book, & bed hopefully by 9:00

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cadets is over, camp this weekend has been postponed due to the extreme cold, it's just not safe to camp in.  So that is a relief, I wasn't sure how I would get everything done for it with us out of town 2 days.  Laundry still going so over night bags not packed yet.  School got done.  THe teens did less than yesterday but the youngers did more.  Library stuff was returned.  petcare done.  garbage can is on the road.  I did not finish anything else as a head ache creeped up on me and my sinuses are starting to cause issues again tonight.  It is now midnight and I figure I had best be getting to bed if I plan to not fall asleep during my 5 hour drive tomorrow evening.

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cadets is over, camp this weekend has been postponed due to the extreme cold, it's just not safe to camp in.  So that is a relief, I wasn't sure how I would get everything done for it with us out of town 2 days.  Laundry still going so over night bags not packed yet.  School got done.  THe teens did less than yesterday but the youngers did more.  Library stuff was returned.  petcare done.  garbage can is on the road.  I did not finish anything else as a head ache creeped up on me and my sinuses are starting to cause issues again tonight.  It is now midnight and I figure I had best be getting to bed if I plan to not fall asleep during my 5 hour drive tomorrow evening.


Brandy, get some sleep! You need to be alert tomorrow!


Good to hear how the situation with that boy went, maybe he will learn from it :001_rolleyes: .

And congratulations on the new job!


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