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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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TGIF indeed!

Plans for today:
-dd10: Math, English, Biology, Geography (test), Logic
-dd7: Math, Dutch, English, Geography, Copywork, Reading
-dd5: Math, Dutch, Copywork, Reading
-everyone: read aloud during lunch - NO
-Greek & Latin vocab
-study Latin
-library - NO
-clean something
-read a book

-get enough steps (fitbit)
-vit D & multi & fish oil

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I'm not sure why I ever think TGIF.  My days are pretty much the same whether it's a weekday or a weekend.  Blah.


To Do:


B'fast, lunch, dinner (Enchilada casserole)




1 load of laundry






-Latin vocab

-Greek vocab



Make a batch of dough for croissants (it has to sit in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours, so I won't actually make them until Sat)


Make a batch of homemade hot pockets (Indy and James Bond have already eaten the ones I made the other day)


Clean kitchen


Give Dutch a bath 


Sweep LR, DR, kitchen and entry


Think about Sherlock-JB and I watched S3E3 on Thurs night


Consider flying to England, hunting down Moffat and making him speed S4 up!  I want it now!


Try not to eat the batch of homemade pop tarts I made on Wed


Probably fail at the above-I need something to munch on while I think about Sherlock!




Watch TV


Waste time on the interwebs


Order an apron



Whew, I'm exhausted just thinking about doing all that!  Maybe I need a nap first!

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Melissa, enjoy your girls!


Happy Birthday KrissiK :party:


For me on this very cold Friday:

--school: English, history, maths, sciences

--pick up dd18

--go to massive used book sale sponsored by another library branch in the county with dd18 and dsis (so excited!)

--dd14 lab for bloodwork (need her type for the China trip paperwork---dh will take her this am)

--research trip insurance

--start buying spring semester textbooks

--exercise: cardio

--dd FLL 4-5:30, ballet 6:30-8

--tacos for dinner

--dive into my new books :D


Have a nice day, all :)

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--go to massive used book sale sponsored by another library branch in the county with dd18 and dsis (so excited!)


--dive into my new books :D


Ohhh, I'm jealous! I hope you find a lot of nice books!



I just canceled our regular library trip and send the kids to their rooms. Yes, I'm that angry :cursing: (and I still have a pile of books for myself to read :lol: ).


Now to make myself study Latin.....

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Good Morning!  :thumbup1:


Melissa--enjoy your girls!



  • run errands --Wal-Mart, Costco
  • have Sophie Graces bangs trimmed
  • decide what to cook for dinner all weekend
  • give the house a quick tidy and vacuum first floor
  • school---
  • lesson plans for next week
  • start a workout regime 


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Hey everyone, I hope you all have a wonderful day.


I am still reeling from eldest's Dr. appointment yesteday, it was a rough one.  I have never, ever, seen her so defeated in the whole Lyme battle.  Meds changed again, and we are seriously considering IV meds, which scares me on a fundamental level.  She was in such rough shape from the stress and anxiety of pouring it all out there, and in pain, emotionally, mentally and physically that dh and I went and picked up her boyfriend at 9:30 last night, if he is the only thing that comforts her, so be it.  We can have him all day today.  We just sat around watching Malcom in the Middle for some levity while he sat with his arm around her while she cried and shook


I have fed the pets, made lunches, done the dishes, cranked up the woodstove and made coffee so far.


Will do school with youngest today and I need to go out and get more cat food for my emaciated old fuzzy guy. 


I wish I could just go somewhere for a good cry for me, it is so hard to stay strong and this is the first time I've had to beg Rowan to keep fighting.  She has been such a trooper for so very long.  My heart is breaking.

Praying the new meds get her stablized at least.  I am waiting for CVS to call and tell me they are in.  Will run out and get them as soon as they call.


Sorry to be such a downer today.  Thanks for listening.

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Hey everyone, I hope you all have a wonderful day.


I am still reeling from eldest's Dr. appointment yesteday, it was a rough one. I have never, ever, seen her so defeated in the whole Lyme battle. Meds changed again, and we are seriously considering IV meds, which scares me on a fundamental level. She was in such rough shape from the stress and anxiety of pouring it all out there, and in pain, emotionally, mentally and physically that dh and I went and picked up her boyfriend at 9:30 last night, if he is the only thing that comforts her, so be it. We can have him all day today. We just sat around watching Malcom in the Middle for some levity while he sat with his arm around her while she cried and shook


I have fed the pets, made lunches, done the dishes, cranked up the woodstove and made coffee so far.


Will do school with youngest today and I need to go out and get more cat food for my emaciated old fuzzy guy.


I wish I could just go somewhere for a good cry for me, it is so hard to stay strong and this is the first time I've had to beg Rowan to keep fighting. She has been such a trooper for so very long. My heart is breaking.

Praying the new meds get her stablized at least. I am waiting for CVS to call and tell me they are in. Will run out and get them as soon as they call.


Sorry to be such a downer today. Thanks for listening.

:grouphug: Lizzy :grouphug:


You don't have to be sorry! This must be so difficult for you. I can't offer you a real life shoulder to cry on, but I can listen here.


I will pray that the new medication will help your dd!

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Good Morning everyone. Thanks for the early birthday wishes yesterday. I do love this group of friends here on this thread. You are all so sweet. Had a good dinner with my folks. Mexican food. Not low-carb (I've been doing Atkins), but I gave myself a meal off. Sometimes you just have to enjoy life. Strawberry shortcake for dessert.


Melissa - once again, congratulations on your sweet little girl. Rest and enjoy!


Today's plans....

** school

** lunch at McDonalds with the kids for my birthday (I'll be having a salad, but I do like McDonald's salads)

** co-op this afternoon

** dh and I were going to go out for my birthday tonight! but our sitter had to postpone, so we'll be doing that tomorrow

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Think about Sherlock-JB and I watched S3E3 on Thurs night


Consider flying to England, hunting down Moffat and making him speed S4 up!  I want it now!


Try not to eat the batch of homemade pop tarts I made on Wed


Probably fail at the above-I need something to munch on while I think about Sherlock!




Ahhh...Sherlock! I loved this season, and I am dying until season 4.



Okay--how do you make homemade poptarts?  Can I eat them with you?

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Okay--not getting up with dh is never good for my day. We slept until 9:00. We found out dh has to go to work tomorrow to help with the basketball games. Yes, teachers have to help out, but you think, since he lives 100 miles away, they could have scheduled him to do it on a week day when he's already there. Due to my sleeping in, I think I'm going to focus on the house today, and we'll do more of the schoolwork tomorrow while he's gone.





Coffee and computer time

Clean bathrooms

Clean kitchen/dining room



Clean living room

Make a plan on big projects I want to do over the next month or two (mostly clean out areas in the house because I'm a pack rat and don't put things where they belong or don't make sure things have a place to belong)


Everyone tidy their bedrooms

Watch Great Gatsby (Netflix dvd came yesterday!)


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Lizzie--I'm so sorry for all that you are dealing with. I pray you have peace about the treatment route that is best! I have a friend's husband who has advanced lyme disease, and he has been allergic to the antibiotics they've tried. 





I forgot that dd and I have hair trim appointments this afternoon. 



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So tired and grumpy, need to adjust to the new schedule at work


work 5am-7am at diner

work 730-830am at daycare

meeting for ds15 with career counsellor 9-10am

drop ds15 off at community service 10am


soak in tub to wash away grumpiness

clean kitchen

clean entrance

work daycare 130-6

kuk sool won 6-15-815

work diner 9-10


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I've got 20 minutes to try and find matching socks. . .  before I have to go to the dentist.  In this house, I might need the entire time!


Human care including breakfast done

Brushed teeth extra carefully.

Took all meds including probiotics in an attempt to counteract my body's rebellion against being on antibiotics for a month.  The timing issues are the biggest pain - I have to space antibiotics and probiotics a couple of hours apart.  Also drinking kombucha to try and foster healthy gut bacteria.

Dh appears to be staying home from work today.  

Talked to both kids about today's school.

Talked to ds about his reading in Paradise Lost and the paper I'm going to assign him so that he can be thinking about that.


OK - off to find socks. . . wish me luck!  

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shower, get dressed,

daycare child (7:45am)


take daycare child to preschool (9am)


    dd6: phonics, handwriting, math, reading

    dd10: handwriting, Megawords, Wordly Wise, math, reading, art

    ds: science, handwriting, math, Wordly Wise, reading

    dd16: Pre-Calc, AP Language (finish paper), APUSH (submit weekly assignments)

pick up daycare child from preschool


household chores: clean bathroom & kitchen counters, sweep, vacuum, wipe down kitchen appliances, empty/reload dishwasher, put away load of laundry from dryer, wash dog's blankets, 

get daycare child down for a nap 

write letters for two big kids (church retreat this weekend)

make sure ds packed appropriately for weekend retreat



scrub showers (2)

go to Walmart to buy new shower curtain liners

replace shower curtain liners

pick out new curtains and paint for upstairs bathrooms (master and kids)

renew library books online

daycare child gets picked up (5pm)

cook dinner

drop ds off at church (7pm) (dd16 will drive herself since she has to be there early for set-up)

clean kitchen



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Dentist done.   My teeth are absolutely perfect.  Pain is referred pain.  I am now very p.o'd at the last charlatan dentist and wonder if the last work I had done was even necessary.


Picked up prescription.

Grocery store done.

Dd - did lang. arts and reading comprehension on her own.

Dd - did math with me.

Ds - history/lit., robotics, Health done


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work is all done, kuk sool is done, only the girls trained, both boys were having crying fits during their own lessons.  Ds15 did his community service hours.  Only 20 left to go out of 60.  Meeting with career counsellor went well, he seems more on track with suggesting college programs that may only be 1 year certificates but require ds to actually graduate with proper levels not just bare minimum for trades.  I had a nice soak in the tub and it helped me feel more human.  It is not 1040ish pm and I have to be up at 4am for work so I am headed to bed.  School did not happen beyond listening to more of the BBC audio we are listening to of the Odyssey and dd6 practicing skip counting by 5s on her fingers and toes but it was still a good day. 

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