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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Clean kitchen


Flu shots for the kids

DS - online class

DS - school

Dd- school

Mail Mom's gift and card


Call to make doctor's appointment

prescription refills



Habits - 

breakfast w/in 30 min.

Digestive enzymes/probiotics


get in steps

Monitor blood sugar/blood pressure

Extra monitoring of blood sugar

Living room tidy


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work daycare 730-9

drop ds15 off at community service at 9 am

dd14 latin online 845-945

dd14 history of the horse and math (must be done before latin); LLATL and Meaningful composition to be done when I get back home

youngers: AAR, WWE, LLATL

drive to city 1 hour away, go to walmart and peavey mart

pack swim suits for youngers and uniforms for teens in car

return library items and pick up holds

work daycare 3-6

swimming for younger two 6-645

cadets for teens 630-930

put garbage can out to the curb

try to get some cleaning done around here

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Blah.  If I must!



To do


B'fast, lunch, dinner (Chicken and artichokes with spinach pesto, mini peppers stuffed with cheese and maybe homemade bread if I feel like it)




Make a batch of b'fast sandwiches for the week


Make a batch of homemade hot pockets for Indy (cross your fingers that this works!)


Clean kitchen after all that insane cooking


1 load of laundry








-Greek vocab


Vacuum LR, loft, stairs, and boys' rooms


Work on my Coursera course


Think about Sherlock


Try not to spend too much time on the internet <--That makes me laugh!

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I'm still having a daily headache. I thought it was the magnesium, but now I'm suspecting the nuts I'm eating. Sigh.


Plans for today:


-dd10: Math, English, Biology, Geography, Logic, Study skills

-dd7: Math, Dutch, English, Copywork, History

-dd5: Math, Copywork, Reading, History

-everyone: read aloud during lunch

-Latin & Greek vocab

-take dd10 and dd7 to music lessons (car!)

-grocery shopping with dd5 and dd3 (car!)


-several e-mails

-wait for confirmation email about TM :toetap05:


-read a book



-get enough steps

-vit D & multi & fish oil



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If I must.....

- dishes- done

- fold and put away laundry- in progress

- call pharmacy about Dh's meds- done

- nap?- not really tired and I have more pain when laying down anyways... Ok scratch that I'm tired but I'm gonna sleep like a baby.... With my butt in the air :)

- read or crochet maybe both- does any one have some nonfiction for nook lend me or know if there if there is something similar for kindle (I have kindle app on my phone)- thanks Lucky for the new reading material :)

- get dd off bus- done

- dinner- pork chops and toasted pine nut couscous, meat thawing

- bedtime routine

Pray Juli makes her appearance

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Good Morning...a big snow storm will be getting underway here around 11am.  We are suppose to get 4-7 inches, but they think we maybe get 8+.  I don't care as I love snow..bring it on!   Dh was given the day off. :) 


Wash sheets and put them back on.

Vacuum, dust and tidy up the house.  

Full day of school--Algebra, PE, World History, Marine Biology and Latin online tonight. 

Yummy dinner.

Enjoy the snow!

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We're in the band of "most snow expected" :party:


Melissa, I'll check my Kindle nonfiction to see if anything is lendable. It's mostly American history.


So today:


--pick up dd18 from her winter session class as soon as it lets out (snow should start around then)

--school: maths, English, history, geology

--find my Fitbit One that popped off my waistband sometime last night :( I suspect it came off when dd and I were wrestling with her new duvet and cover.

--exercise: Pilates abs and thighs, maybe some treadmill and/shoveling

--plan week (leftover from yesterday)

--emails (ditto)

--dinner: ham (got a great deal yesterday), baked potato soup, salad


Hmmmm...I know I have more to do!

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Good Morning all!

Melissa, hope it's a birth-day today. January is a very good month to have a birthday. I'd tell you to try to hold on till Friday,, since the 24th is really the optimal birthday ;), but I wouldn't do that to you!


So, here's hoping today is better than yesterday. I thought I'd be a nice mom and do minimal school since the rest of the neighborhood had the day off, but then bringing them in the afternoon and trying to finish up what little we had started, plus clean up the house for the cleaners turned it to be a nightmare with mom screaming at the top of her lungs. So. We're not going to do that again.

** full-on school today

** dd7 has her first tumbling class

** dd10 basketball game tonight


Can't think of anything else. Have a good one everyone!

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It went from "snow showers" to "blizzard warning" in 36 hours.  My take on it?  God provides. Dh was worried about funds because of the lost 10 work days while he was in Sierra Leone.  Tomorrow he will make $1000 clearing driveways.

Bring it on. ;)


Go out and get some more cat food for emaciated cat who is now boycotting expensive critical care food.

Pick up bread and cocoa, storm essentials. (beer too) ;)

Charge everything electronic and back up battery in case power goes out.


My arm is useless, dignosed yesterday with a variation of tennis elbow, I have a new brace on it which somewhat lessens the pain but was told not to do anything to aggravate it.  Very funny, using it aggravates it and it's my right arm!


Have the kids fill both wood rings for the woodstove so we don't have to go out in a blizzard.


Chickens need to be shut in later when the storm hits so they stay warm.


Thawing a ham to bake for dinner and sandwiches and a casserole the next night.


Get gas for snowblower and fill truck and car tanks.


School with yougest who stayed up way past her bedtime last night because her sister did.  (talk to both about responsibility later on)


In other news, my internet illerate Mom has discovered ebay.  7 phone calls last night.  Good thing she still needs me to help her actually buy stuff, hoping to stave off the worst, lol





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I've been on here so sporadically, but I do think of you all!


Melissa--I can't believe she's not here yet! I am praying she will be here soon. 



It made to almost 70 here yesterday and will be down to 19 tonight. It is so crazy living in the South! We aren't supposed to have any snow, but it will be cold for a few days. I ate some breakfast at 6:00, but I can't eat again for a long time. I have my annual check-up this afternoon. I am starving, and I think it's mostly because I know I can't eat!


I'm trying a new To-Do app on my Nook and really like it so far. It's called Color Note and is in the Google Play store. There are 9 different colors which you can use to categorize the lists/notes.


Here's my to do for today:


breakfast and lunch for dh

breakfast for me early

coffee and computer time

breakfast for the kids

Ds school: still playing catch up from his sickness last week (lots of grammar, math, spelling, and history)

Dd school: she's doing independent stuff right now and I haven't looked at her list (she mostly did Chemistry, history, and lit today)

Lunch for the kids

Doctor's appointment

Eat something!


tidy house


play games with the kids or watch something (dh is spending the night out of town)




Vitamins (no smoothie today)

Put away schoolwork/paperwork

Track food on app






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Today so far:

stripped all the beds and washed those--in dryer now
towels in the washer
made a sheet fort :)
school is almost done--oldest wanted to stay up late to watch a movie and sleep in so he did all but Math yesterday afternoon
I have chicken in the crock pot for chicken spaghetti that I didn't cook last night and enough for taquitos later this week

I need to go to the store to pick up a few things that I forgot to get yesterday--like spaghetti for chicken spaghetti ;)
Take ds1 to 4H this evening
Fold laundry and make all the beds


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went to work, dropped ds15 off, came home and gave dd6 her math test, dd14 is in huge trouble, instead of getting up when told to she went back to bed so she missed the first half of latin class and did not finish anything else she was supposed to.  Laundry is going, I spent some time pouring bins of stuff on the kitchen table to sort it out (small bins filled up during cleaning of items that didn't belong in that room, somehow I ended up with 6 of these bins that need everything sorted and put away.)  That should be done shortly.  Undecided now about driving to city 1 hour away, feeling light headed today so that may have to wait for safety reasons, just going to have a bite to eat and see if that helps before deciding.

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Well, late here. But with good reason, ds1 got his driver's license today!  He took the test last Friday and so here I am with a licensed driver.  He is coming to terms with the fact that we only have two cars and many people to get to various places. Due to the schedules and locations, he will not be a solo driver for a long time. And that is why we waited so long for him to get his license.


Other things to do today:

Wash all bed linens

start the massive decluttering project of the mud room

make mini dinner

gets trip info/maps together for this weekend

check on bills

finish school with kids

check on teens work

PM practice: swimming (2 locations)

Judo pickup



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Habit - monitored blood sugar and blood pressure - done

Habit - eat breakfast within 30 min. of waking up - done

Human care done

Pet care done

My poor "disease vectors" (aka kids) have had their flu shots.  They said "if I get sick from this, it is all your fault, Mom!"  They think I bribed the doctor to be told that I can't have one myself.   ;)

Ds - online class done

First digestive enzymes and probiotics done

Doctor's appointment made for self.

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We've been having heavy snow since 10am :D Dh came home from the office early (he'll work from home)----it took him 1.5 hours for a usual 20 minute drive! National Weather Service has us in the 10-14" range.


What's been done? History and half of math. I planned out my week. Made lunch (grilled cheese and tomato w carrot sticks). Helped dd18 with some funky calculus. And I can't find my little Fitbit :(


Dd14 better get cracking----my teacher time is up at 4!

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Congratulations with your new driver, Jen!


Luckymama, I hope you find your fitbit soon!


Melissa, I hope Juli will come soon. How many weeks are you now?


I hope everyone is safe, with all the strange weather/snow.


I'm not feeling very well and am too tired to update my list.

I did take dd10 and dd7 to music lessons, dh ordered Chinees food, and that's about it.

See you all to tomorrow.

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We have almost six inches of snow after five hours!


Dd finished maths. I made her a latte 'cause I'm such a nice person ;) She's a bit sad that it's too cold and windy to go sledding. She's taking a break to read a bit while sipping her drink, then she has to do English and some geology.


I found the fitbit :party:

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Blah.  If I must!



To do


B'fast, lunch, dinner (Chicken and artichokes with spinach pesto, mini peppers stuffed with cheese and maybe homemade bread if I feel like it)




Make a batch of b'fast sandwiches for the week Working on it!


Make a batch of homemade hot pockets for Indy (cross your fingers that this works!) I don't have the supplies I need.  I'll get them tonight or tomorrow.  I did have enough flour to make one for Indy for lunch, and he said it was way better than the store brand.  Yay me!  


Clean kitchen after all that insane cooking


1 load of laundry








-Greek vocab


Vacuum LR, loft, stairs, and boys' rooms


Work on my Coursera course


Think about Sherlock This will really be kind of an all day process.  ;)


Try not to spend too much time on the internet <--That makes me laugh! Clearly I'm failing at this one!


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Good Morning...a big snow storm will be getting underway here around 11am.  We are suppose to get 4-7 inches, but they think we maybe get 8+.  I don't care as I love snow..bring it on!   Dh was given the day off. :)


Enjoy the snow!


Man, I miss snow!  We almost always got a lot in Germany (you know this!), and WA gets very little along the Sound.  :(


We're in the band of "most snow expected" :party:





I wish I could do the dishes on my hands and knees, the relief is amazing :) I would wait for dd to help me but if I wait that long I won't do them at all.... Again....


Poor thing.  I hope she comes along soon.


Wow it's not even noon and I have most of my list done, some of it has specific times to be done so I can't do them early (like getting dd off the bus, dinner and bedtime).


Well, you want to come do some of my stuff?  That would be great.  :)

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Went to the bank

Went to the post office (which was a zoo after the holiday yesterday)

Got the "chicken meal deal" at Albertson's for dinner

Ds has put in 2 loads of laundry for me.

Dh vacuumed the living room/dining room/hall/bedroom

I disinfected the CPap and got out a new mask since I think mine sprang a leak last night (very noisy hissing sound that I could not make go away)

Had my kombucha


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Lots of prayers Jean, right now I'm watching TV, timing some contractions and thier severity. This last time I went in to the hospital the new midwife shared some info with me that would have been useful about 3 trips ago. If the contraction is soft like the end of your nose it's a Braxton hicks, medium ones are like your chin and the really painful ones should be like your forehead :)

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Dh will come home soon.  MIL is hallucinating and doesn't know who he or his sister are at the moment.  He's taking off of work tomorrow to stay at the hospital with her.


I helped out at Zumba.  That was tough physically for me.  I mostly walked in place and just moved my arms at the very end.  I probably shouldn't have stayed that long but it was a sub and I feel like as the "class captain" (the Y's new term for an assistant) I  need to go the extra mile.  



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Went to work at daycare, kids had their swim lesson, teens went to cadets, drove to a small city about 45 minutes away to go to walmart when waiting for cadets to be over, on way home just around the corner from home I got a flat tire, I limped my car home but I can't fix it tonight, the road is very icy and it is dark, I won't risk it.  So called into work for tomorrow am, and cancelled ds15s community service tomorrow.  It is supposed to be -36C in the wind tomorrow so I will call the tow company to come and change it and then will drive it the couple blocks to the service shop for a new winter tire.  I have to drive 2 hours to the city on Monday and will not do so on a crappy spare.  Anyway, got the car unloaded, and walked over to the diner (thank goodness I only live 1/2 a block from it), did my cleaning shift and walked home.  Now just going to relax with a book (House of Hades came in at the library today finally), and get some sleep.  It will be nice not having to be up first thing in the morning, but I have to be at the diner for 2 pm so that means I still have to be up early enough to deal with this tire in a timely fashion.

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Brandy, did you go to the endocrinologist?


My appt for that is Feb 6th at 930am, I am heading to Calgary the day before since it is a 5 hour drive from here.  I am staying at my brother's place that night, as much as he ticks me off hotels are expensive.  Best part of that trip is the homeschool store I normally order from is in Calgary and I am going to go pick up a few things and save myself the shipping costs since I will already be in town.

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