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PSA: Can lids are ridiculously sharp


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I need a recommendation for a quality safety can opener.  I'm typing with fewer fingers than normal because I sliced my pointer knuckle and nicked a tendon on a stupid can.  I got four stitches and a referral to a hand surgeon.  The ER doc said cuts from cans are "common".


I opened the can of pumpkin, left the lid sticking up, scraped out the pumpkin with a long rubber spatula, and caught my right forefinger on that razor blade of a lid.


Darn it.  Sigh.  At least it wasn't a can of tuna - that would be worse.

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I have a scar on my pinkie from an orange juice can from when I was a cook in a nursing home 25 years ago.  Then again I have another scar from the saran wrap box.  It fell and the cutting edge cut my finger.....................and a scar from where my dh cut me on the ankle with his sharp toe nail about 20 years ago.

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When I was a kid, my brother used to love to hug the trash when he was a toddler.  Like, we lived in the middle of nowhere, there was a closet that the old trash bags were in.  He would break the safety thing and get in there and hug the trash bags and it drove my mother nuts.  She was always pulling him off there.  One day, he grabbed the bag and the lid of a dog food can sliced his thigh open several inches across.  Blood everywhere.  I'm still a bit grateful that I missed it.  I was dropped off by the bus at the gas station/bait shop and the people who owned the place looked after me for several hours when my mother didn't come get me because, as it turned out, she was at the hospital getting him something like 20 stitches.


Anyway, all this is just to say, this is why I got a can opener with this design when my boys were born.  They don't seem to make the one I actually have anymore, but it looks very similar.



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Guest submarines

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Oy. That's just awful. I hope you heal well. I've cut myself badly on lids before--meaning a deep cut and lots of bleeding, but your injury sounds horrible.

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Thank you!  A friend sells Pampered Chef, so she has ordered a can opener for me.  I'm planning to buy one for my mom and each sibling.  The fact that one can cut a tendon on a can lid is shocking.  I have to see a hand surgeon this week. 


Have I mentioned that I teach piano lessons and play for our church?  Sigh. 


However, I did NOT get blood in the canned pumpkin, and so I finally made my almost-primal pumpkin custard.  It was fantastic.  So I think I will be fine soon. 

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