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Why do threads get deleted instead of just locked?

Mom in High Heels

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I'm curious as to why this happens.  Can't they just be locked instead of deleted, and inflammatory post deleted from the thread?  I asked a question and I really wanted to know the answer, but when I came on this morning, the whole thread was gone.  We're all adults here, we should at least be able to read a thread, if not post on it.

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I've seen both.  I don't get onto the uber controversial threads that get deleted.  I have been on threads where posts have been edited by the mod, as well as posts being deleted.  one thread where that was the case the mod locked it, and said they were leaving it becasue there was useful information - but the nasty posts were deleted.  


there have been changes to the software- and I'm not sure how supportive the current software is to do that.  it does take more work by the mod to only delete the nasty posts, and leave everything else vs deleting the whole thread.

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I don't think posts should be deleted or edited. I don't have someone following me around IRL modding what I say. *shrugs* We are all adults and should be treated that way. Erasing or editing what was posted doesn't change the fact that it was posted and read by others.


But whatevers. :) I've been against censorship on forums for a long time and it is still around. I just deal with it.

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Maybe some of the posts were of the type that would cause people to go on reporting posts (to the mods) or PM'ing posters or continue the argument in new threads?


The cupcake thread did survive.  That's all I really care about.  :P


(I don't think I saw your post last night - or, I don't remember seeing it ....)

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I appreciate the moderation on this forum, it helps make it the generally pleasant and supportive place it is while still allowing for interesting and thought provoking discussion.


I don't know what thread it was that got deleted this time.

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The deleted threads contain personal information, are breaking forum rules or are really offensive to be left on the site.


Anyone googling for a person's name, say Jane Smith, could land on the threads with that name and read things that Jane Smith may not want to talk about IRL. I have seen things like that affect people's careers and friendships. So, when Jane Smith's thread goes viral, Jane Smith might ask the moderators to delete her thread.


When I see people posting heated responses in threads I usually stay away.

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They used to do that - delete individual posts - but I've wondered if the current software doesn't allow that anymore.  I know there used to also be a little explanation sometimes next to deleted threads and that's not there anymore either.


But...  on the subject of off limit topics, aren't we not supposed to use the forums to discuss the forums?  I've seen people chided for that before.

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They used to do that - delete individual posts - but I've wondered if the current software doesn't allow that anymore.  I know there used to also be a little explanation sometimes next to deleted threads and that's not there anymore either.


But...  on the subject of off limit topics, aren't we not supposed to use the forums to discuss the forums?  I've seen people chided for that before.


Yep.  According the to Community Guidelines, we're not supposed to use the boards to discuss the boards, and we're not supposed to ask why threads are deleted. 

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When 85% of the post in a thread break forum rules (i.e., are partisan, insulting, or snarky), it is far too time consuming to delete individual posts. The thread goes. Particularly if the thread itself was almost breaking board rules RE politics, etc.


Now stop discussing the boards and go back to conversing.



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