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Call me sexist, but I'm not remotely surprised. . . .


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I was a vitamin fiend for 2 years. DW never was. However, I was also anal enough that I bought everything online after much research. Maybe Walgreens is just the wrong venue. Someone must be buying those giant tubs of Mega Muscle Blaster Powder at the GNC.

AHHHH, that could be it. Maybe it's manlier to buy the giant vitamin store tubs at GNC than the prissy little drugstore bottles.

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Its the opposite at my house. DH is vitamin crazy and is always buying bottles of them for me to use. However they just pile up at the back of the cupboard till they expire and I toss them. For one thing I've never found they did me any good and secondly I could never find a good time to take them...in the morning they make me very ill and anytime after lunch or before bed they keep me awake.


I'm allergic to the fish oil ones.


The only ones I can deal with are Vitamin D and they mega expensive so I only buy them on sale.

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I stopped when my cancer mets'd and I A) decided the money wasn't worth it, and B) started getting so many blood draws and surgeries that had I not cut out the fiah oil, I'd bleed out like a fountain.


Edit, well, now I know bee parentheses gives me sunglasses on my phone. Spiffy.


And btw, since I saw, rather than read Hitchiker's guide, I had no idea there was an R in SlaRtibaRtfast beacuse the Brit actor said it Slahteebaharfahst.

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There's a LOT of apparently very credible research that says supplements are a waste of money, and maybe dangerous if taken in excess.  Maybe men have clued in faster than women.


(Disclaimer:  I don't take much, but I do take a multi-vitamin and calcium.  When I remember. ;))


And no, I'm not looking up links.  It's been all over the news for years, so I'm sure the info is easy to find for anyone interested.

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There's a LOT of apparently very credible research that says supplements are a waste of money, and maybe dangerous if taken in excess.  Maybe men have clued in faster than women.


(Disclaimer:  I don't take much, but I do take a multi-vitamin and calcium.  When I remember. ;))


And no, I'm not looking up links.  It's been all over the news for years, so I'm sure the info is easy to find for anyone interested.


Yes, research study after research study after research study. The first one that caught my attention was when they had to stop the study about whether beta-carotene supplements helped smokers because their risk of cancer was so much higher than the placebo group. They had expected the opposite because beta-carotene in food consumption is equated with better outcomes for smokers. Taking the beta-carotene out of the complex package of phytochemicals, etc. in FOOD not so much. I have consistently seen that since then. And yes, it is all over the news. First link is an nih summary of the beta carotene studies. Second is a good summary of "hey this supplement is great" and "Oops. Forget we said that" research including the research on basic multis.  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10359235 http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/09/opinion/sunday/dont-take-your-vitamins.html?_r=0



I don't take a calcium supplement though I'm at risk of bone loss due to a medication I take. I increased my dietary intake of calcium instead. Calcium supplements were recently found to be associated with increased cardiac events in men.


I'm a strong believer in taking your nutrients in the complex packages God put them in --in food, not pills. I should probably post that in the unpopular opinion thread.

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There's a LOT of apparently very credible research that says supplements are a waste of money, and maybe dangerous if taken in excess.  Maybe men have clued in faster than women.


(Disclaimer:  I don't take much, but I do take a multi-vitamin and calcium.  When I remember. ;))


And no, I'm not looking up links.  It's been all over the news for years, so I'm sure the info is easy to find for anyone interested.

Yup-multivitamins and vit A for most normal populations. However, they've found helpful links for those with illnesses, such as Celiac's, etc. There are a few that studies show are decent, too. Vit D, Magnesium, Iron, etc. I'd live to get mine all through food, but alas, my stomach hates me so very much. I have to take b vitamins! iron! and zinc or I get atrocious angular chelitis no matter how well I've been eating since I have some crazy stomach issues. I'll be glad to stop taking them when I'm better. :)


Gummy vitamins-YES! I hate that none of mine are gummies right now. I <3 gummy vitamins.


My Step-dad was the vitamin fiend growing up. Now I take quite a few and diabetic dh takes a multi that he says helps him sleep better. No idea, but even if it's a placebo for him, the risk is nothing to worry about.

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I was raised to believe that vitamins were hooey - and I tend to believe that they are overrated.  At some point in my adulthood, I did start taking them because it was easier than making sure I had enough fruits and vegetables every day.  Now I take whole food mega-vitamins on the recommendation of a doctor.  But, I have never bought a vitamin that was "for women."


I do agree that guys are less likely to buy vitamins than women, but part of it could be that they are taking the unisex kind....

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