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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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work 7am-2pm

work 8-9pm

clean underneath stove

wash kitchen cabinet fronts

clean alcove


wash lino/laminate in kitchen, entrance and livingroom

Finish preparing for Monday school start up



monitor ds15s meds (he is skipping them lately if I am not here to stand right over him)


fill out forms for dd6 camp and put in envelope at front door with payment (to be submitted monday night)


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Dang it, woman, you keep making me do stuff!!!  Jean, I hope you're feeling better!


To do:


B'fast, lunch, dinner (wild rice with veggies and chicken)


Finish removing holiday stuff


School planning!!!!


Organize the junk drawer


Work on cleaning the pantry (If I finish, yay!  If I don't finish, at least I started!)


Pack stuff in boxes to deliver to Goodwill


Maybe go to Goodwill and drop said stuff off (If I get it all packed up)


Enjoy the quiet house while James Bond takes the boys swimming



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It's raining and cold...I feel like doing nothing but sitting in my pj's and reading all day.  I can't do that as tomorrow is back to reality.  We have school work to accomplish.  


I need to do these things:

  • laundry--white, dark
  • cook dinner
  • tidy the house and make sure everything is put away 
  • work on my lesson plans for the week
  • hang out with dh before he heads back to work tomorrow
  • quick inventory to make sure we have everything we need for the week
  • enjoy the day! 
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We woke to icy precipitation :( And temps are supposed to increase all day and overnight to 50 (!), then decrease tomorrow and tomorrow night to 5 :eek: What the heck?!


We had a nice family breakfast. Now dh is catching up on work-related reading, dd18 is reviewing calculus in prep for her winter session calculus class which begins tomorrow, and dd14 is making sure all her FLL presentations are memorized.


I need to

--exercise: it's a day off on the Blogilates.com monthly calendar, but I'll do 60 min of cardio in case I can't exercise one day later this week

--laundry, just one load

--prep dinner: Cooking Light version of fried chicken, yummy

--plan school for the week...

--plan the rest of the week

--sketch how I'd like dh to build drawer organizers for the kitchen (he's itching for a project :lol:)



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I feel like I've been tackled...going on just a couple hours of sleep here because of a certain 3 year old.  I wish I could get by on as little sleep as he does!

I plan on holding the recliner or couch to the floor for most of today.


Food is available for lunch to anyone that gets hungry(dh cooked breakfast).

I'll cook something for dinner.

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Plans for today:



-HST+ for next week

-Greek & Latin vocab

-study Latin

-review Greek grammar

-evening walk with friend

-read a book



-get enough steps (fitbit)

-vit D & multi & fish oil



I had forgotten that dh needed to go clothes shopping. Clothes shopping with dd3 and dd5 isn't exactly fun and it took all afternoon. Now my feet hurt (falling apart club :D), but I don't want to cancel my evening walk with my friend. Maybe a slooooooow walk.
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I had forgotten that dh needed to go clothes shopping. Clothes shopping with dd3 and dd5 isn't exactly fun and it took all afternoon. Now my feet hurt (falling apart club :D), but I don't want to cancel my evening walk with my friend. Maybe a slooooooow walk.

No, you have to go on your walk with your friend, even if you rest on benches along the way! When I read you original post and saw that as part of your to-do list I had a nice little reverie moment of a slower-pace-lovely-way-of being-with-a-friend. There is something infinitely civil about taking a slow, ambling comfortable walk with someone whose company you enjoy. How often does that get done these days?

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No, you have to go on your walk with your friend, even if you rest on benches along the way! When I read you original post and saw that as part of your to-do list I had a nice little reverie moment of a slower-pace-lovely-way-of being-with-a-friend. There is something infinitely civil about taking a slow, ambling comfortable walk with someone whose company you enjoy. How often does that get done these days?


Haha, you are absolutely right! And your image of these walks isn't that far off *in summer* :D. In winter it's more of a 'walk trough the pouring rain' kind of thing, with me trying to not walk too slowly. My friend sets a fast pace and is a bit taller than I am (I'm 5'8" and considered a bit on the short side :lol:). Still, rain or not, walking fast or not, it's still one of the highlights of my week!


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Yes, I definitely had summer in mind while contemplating this...a smell of lilacs or jasmine in the air which would be soft and inviting, the light slowly fading from the sky. Definitely not trudging through the rain at a fast clip. Nevertheless I think a rainy, ambly walk would have its merits too. Not a fast paced on though :D

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I am sick.


I skipped church.  Dh took oldest to Robotics.  I will pick him up from Robotics and take him to Youth Group but will not go in.  I may venture over to Walmart while he is at Youth Group.


UGH.  I hate living so far from everything.  You can not just drop off and go home.  I live 25 min. from church and 45 min. from Robotics.  At least church is on the way to Robotics and they aren't in opposite areas.  But it isn't enough time to come home in between.



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Were you planning on cleaning the ceiling?  Do you regularly run the blender without the top on?  


That reminds me of the time I came home and found tuna on my ceiling.  I am sure I made a post about it at the time, the kids were trying to replicate a mythbusters experiement.  I still have stains on the ceiling, and stains from when we did our vinegar and baking soda volcano and used a syringe to inject the vinegar into the baking soda and I pressed too hard and the mixture shot up and hit the ceiling.  Yeah, my ceiling gets well used apparently lol.  Maybe I should add cleaning it to my to do list :)

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Hey ladies! Well, the antibiotics have kicked in and I'm feeling better.

Church this morning!

Now, I'm just taking it easy, sitting on the couch with a large cup of coffe watching San Fran and Green Bay (go Niners) on tv and "The Good Wife" on my iPad. I imagine that I should make some attempt to clean off the school table and do a little lesson planning, since we do start up again tomorrow! But, I'll do that later. ;)

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I feel like I've been tackled...going on just a couple hours of sleep here because of a certain 3 year old.  I wish I could get by on as little sleep as he does!


I plan on holding the recliner or couch to the floor for most of today.


Food is available for lunch to anyone that gets hungry(dh cooked breakfast).


I'll cook something for dinner.


supper cooked, hopefully I will see my bed soon!

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Dang it, woman, you keep making me do stuff!!!  Jean, I hope you're feeling better!


To do:


B'fast, lunch, dinner (wild rice with veggies and chicken)


Finish removing holiday stuff


School planning!!!!


Organize the junk drawer


Work on cleaning the pantry (If I finish, yay!  If I don't finish, at least I started!)-Nope


Pack stuff in boxes to deliver to Goodwill-Partially finished


Maybe go to Goodwill and drop said stuff off (If I get it all packed up)-See above


Enjoy the quiet house while James Bond takes the boys swimming  It was GLORIOUS!  Quiet and relaxing, even if I did just take down the holiday decor and clean out the junk drawer.


Oh, I also highlighted my hair.  Bonus!

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We are supposed to start school tomorrow.  We've been off for 3 weeks.  Ds esp. has to start up with school because his online stuff starts up again.  But I'm not sure if it is the meds I'm on or if I'm still dealing with infection or what but yesterday and today I've been so tired that I have done practically nothing.  Nothing.  NOTHING!  Me.  The woman who tackles the world.  And I cannot drag an ounce of oomph out of my reserves because I don't seem to have any reserves.  

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Well I got called back into work at 5pm and worked until 9pm.  I am home again and so tired.  I barely touched my tackle list today and have stuff to do tonight off of it and have to get ready for school to start again tomorrow but also need sleep because I am out the door and on the highway at 7am to head to job #2 which starts up again tomorrow.

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