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I think I have figured out the source of my tension headache, my recurrent vomiting and my neck pain.




my mother. 




Everytime I need to do something with her or for her, this awful headache comes on. Today we visited for her birthday and i vomited twice on the way over. I had been fine, headache-wise, all day. My head was pounding and I was anxious and irritable and making everyone miserable. 

Now that I'm home, I am having some peppermint tea and trying to relax.


I don't see my mother that often, even though she is but 15 minutes away. Maybe once every 3-6 months, and only for a few minutes usually. It's different around the holidays as family comes and she's the go-to host.


I suppose that the headaches will subside now that the holiday season is winding down.



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