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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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As always, how much I do on this list will depend on how I feel.  If you heard a scream from this part of the world it was because dd told me Sunday night that her lymph nodes were starting to feel swollen.


Clean kitchen


Work on that blue laundry basket that I keep saying that I'll get to but haven't

Call doctor re. throat culture

Thank you notes


*Library * (an absolute must)



Get in steps?

Monitor blood sugar and blood pressure

10 min. dog grooming

Green smoothie

Keep living room clean

Keep dining room clean

Digestive enzymes

No rice

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Oh Jean :grouphug:.


My best female friend is visiting today! Wooooohooooooo! She will stay all day!


Plans for today:


-bake two apple cakes (for today and tomorrow)

-Greek & Latin vocab




That's about it :lol:. My dh is doing the cooking and groceries.



-get enough steps (fitbit)

-vit D & multi & fish oil



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Today is my baby's birthday-----she is 14 :party: (Dang, I feel old...)


On tap:

--make the foods she has chosen for all 3 meals

--choose cake recipe w her input (she wants chocolate but doesn't care which recipe)

--wrap her presents (Legos, geeky tshirt, complete bedroom makeover)

--check out IKEA website to determine budget for room makeover :lol:

--tally and bag clothes for donation

--Costco (dh)

--exercise: Piates abs

--add books to Goodreads account...

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Prayers for you Jean.


On my list...



renew my driver's license - on my way, wonder how long I'll have to wait! --Um, 2 hours!

feed sick friend's horse

finish baking/gifts to give on new years day

spend some fun time with Dh and Dc - about to have a movie night since Ds is not feeling well

finish notes/cards for new year (we didn't get them all out for Christmas) - working on these during the movie

laundry-in progress will need to finish tomorrow

straighten up and come up with a plan for cleaning, organizing & school plans - waiting 'til tomorrow


forgot I have to do the grocery shopping, back out I go!


ETA:  I'm also thinking about ruthlessly cleaning out my clothing based on the 333 thread. --not happening!




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Good Morning!


Jean, oh no...hope your dd feels better today.   Good luck with the ENT. 


Tress, enjoy your friend. 


Luckymama,  Happy Birthday to your dd.  


Today list:

  • vacuum, dust and mop the house
  • clean bathrooms x 4
  • iron up clothes and put away laundry 
  • clean my desk and organize it
  • wipe down kitchen with bleach and wipe out refrigerator 
  • watch a movie tonight 
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So far:

Breakfast made

Laundry started--1 load folded and put away and one still going
Floors Mopped
Trip to drop off donations
Trip to dump

Yesterday I got the kitchen cabinet cleaned out and we took all of the Christmas decorations down.  I think I vacuumed 4 times yesterday.  No more vacuuming lol ;)

Maybes for today:
Trip to Hobby Lobby to look for some winter decorations.  Our house looks empty!
Straighten up the pantry.  It's not bad but it wouldn't hurt to give it a little attention

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Good Morning! It's Monday! I am so glad Christmas is over! That's all I can say!


** laundry

** decluttering


That's on the docket for today! I don't want to go anywhere, I don't want to see anyone! We are all hacking and coughing. We haven't had rain in over a month and the air quality is horrible. My poor baby has such awful post-nasal drip she vomits at night. I line all my kids up and give them their dose of Zyrtec every morning and I've been taking shots of Benadryl on top of that and two other nose sprays I'm taking. We are miserable around here.

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My little kids come home at some point today, late morning/early afternoon I believe  which means more stuff will be coming into the house because I did not bring all their presents home with me when I came home on boxing day.


Otherwise my list today is to continue my rotations through the rooms.  I made good progress yesterday though my work schedule prevented me from finishing anything so hopefully today will mean those rooms can be done











As well I have to go into work from 8-9pm

talk to the teens

hang out with my littles (man I miss them)


start lesson plans for the new year

try to finish sewing dd6s badges on her sash

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Well, the day is half over, but I am just checking in.  I have a few things to do today. 


Clean the kitchen

Clean bathrooms (with my minions)


Projects for the rest of the week:

clean out master closet

clean pantry in mudroom

put away decorations

finish afghan


All the practices :)

I did clean out one big cupboard in the kitchen and I finished the quilt!


I hope everyone is feeling better soon!


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She chose a chocolate cake roll (jelly roll/sponge cake) filled with freshly whipped cream for her cake.


I exercised---ouch.


I did get through a big job not on my list-----I went through a decade (!) of recipes pulled from Cooking Light magazine and only kept what we would actually try. I also went through the binder of recipes we've tried and eliminated the ones we didn't absolutely love. I will add the not-yet-tried recipes to the back of the binder and try one new recipe each week :)

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Krissi - do you have an air cleaner in the house? I would have it running around the clock with your issues. Also - vitamins A & D and Quercetin.

No, although a lot of times dh runs just the fan on the AC and that pulls all the air through the filter. We have an expensive air filter. I should do that.
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