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What to do with unwanted inherited "collectibles"?


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So, I have a few mementos from my mom that mean something to me: a couple serving plates and a sapphire ring.  I saw these every day as I grew up so they hold a lot of meaning and I can use them daily myself.  I also ended up with a few of her Precious Moments figurines.  These mean nothing to me because she always kept them boxed up and "safe."  I don't want them. I realize that they aren't worth anything (and aren't selling on E-bay, I checked), but I am hesitant to toss them in the box going to Goodwill.


What would you do with them?

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I think I knew the answers I would get, and needed the extra push to get rid of them. I  like the idea of taking pictures first. Thank you for that.  I think I'll be starting my spring cleaning a little early.  I have plenty of my own clutter to clear, I don't need to add the clutter from previous generations.

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I had things like that from my mom.  I put a couple of things away for my kids when they objected to me getting rid of them.  The rest I took to Goodwill.  Some things I just threw out. 


Now, when I am trying to decide about keeping or getting rid of something of mine, I consider whether or not my kids are going to want it or if the item is going to be a burden.  More often than not, the answer is no and I get rid of it.  I do sometimes ask if something has sentimental value, and so far the answer has mostly been no. 

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I inherited a set of depression era glass for which I had no appreciation or use.  I thought about donating it, but I figured the best thing to do in her memory was to make sure the collection was passed on to someone who would/could appreciate the collection as much as she had.  There wasn't a ton of action on eBay, but in researching online I found several collectors/advisors with websites and even a forum dedicated to depression glass. I chatted up a few people, exchanged some pictures, and ended up shipping (at his cost) my great-grandmother's collection to one of these people. I didn't care if he kept it or sold it, I just wanted to be sure I gave it to someone who appreciated its value.

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As someone who loves Good Will, I've found stuff that I'm betting daughters like you gave in. . . and I was thrilled to find!


Two perfume busts of Washington and Lincoln -- from Avon -- I found last summer. Spray painted them each shiny black and they're so cool at 4th of July!


Then someone handed in three busts of composers w/ their names and years of their life. Again, I spray painted them shiny white and put them in my boy's Xmas stocking (he's into piano). Did he care? Not at all. But they're really cute and now he gets to see who Chopin, Bach and Beethoven are.


I'm just saying people on the receiving end are often tickled! Also, there really are people into Special Moments. Maybe put an email out to local homeschoolers?



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You might consider giving one to each of your kids or other grandchildren as something to remember their grandmother by. Each of my mom's 10 grandkids got one from her collection of mice (not real ones!). I like bumping into them now and again around the house.

I think that's an excellent idea. Sometimes the things we think are unimportant can end up meaning a lot to our kids. There are things that belonged to my parents that I was going to donate, but when I had my ds go through the house and choose what he wanted to keep, those "worthless" items were among the first things he chose.

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Ask on Freecycle....you never know when someone may really really want them.  I used to collect music boxes, but eventually got to the point that I just didn't want them cluttering up my house.  I figured no one would want them, but posted them on Freecycle anyway.  I got an email within an hour from a little girl, telling me she was ten years old and wanted to start collecting music boxes.  She said she had two so far, and that she would take really good care of mine if she got them.  A lady emailed shortly after, and it ended up being the girl's mother.  She didn't know her daughter had emailed, and she told me how she knew her daughter would really love them.  Mom ended up telling her that she thought I had given them to someone else.  The look on the little girl's face when I showed up with them at her house was priceless. :) 

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I'd ask around if anybody wants them. if nobody does: toss them in that box going to Goodwill.

I do the same but I mostly just ask my kids what they think of such items. If they express interest, I set the object aside to ask again next year. Anything that might have future monetary value I tuck away. But the rest I pass along, most of it goes to the thrift store.

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