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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I don't know how much of this I will actually do outside of church but I'm opening up the tackle Sunday thread anyway.



Clean kitchen


Dd - clean room

10 min. working on stuff in the blue laundry basket


Thank you notes



Get in steps?

Digestive enzymes

No rice

Monitor blood sugar and blood pressure

Keep living room clean

Keep dining room clean

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Are you feeling a bit better, Jean?


I had an aweful night with dd2, so now I'm already feeling headachy :(.

I had planned to get up early to bake cakes, but that's not happening.


Plans for today:

-bake 2 cakes......will do that tomorrow

-visit dfil :hurray:

-take a nap at dfil's house?

-most important: talk to people....I'm very much an introvert (although a chatterbox with the right people), and after a sleepless night, I usually stop talking at all, not good when you are going to visit extending family.

-Greek & Latin vocab

-read a book



-get enough steps (fitbit)

-vit D & multi & fish oil



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Take care of Aidan (dog)

4 loads laundry, from wash to put away

Clean kitchen

Tidy dining room & vacuum

Tidy living room & vacuum & mop

Tidy bathroom & mop

Pay bills

Make budget

Discuss budget with DH

Go to Healthcare.gov and try to sign up yet again

Comb dog

Make dinner

Eat/serve/clean up after dinner

Call Mom, sister, and several friends

Make sure kids take trash to road for pickup tomorrow

Bake something

Make chocolate truffles


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I have a headache as well---sinus, in my case. And it's raining :(


So far today I've made a blueberry coffeecake and planned our meals for the rest of the week.


I would like to

--plan what needs to be done this week

--continue sorting through clothes

--exercise because it does make me feel better (treadmill)

--read :)

--let dsis know the plans for dd13's bday celebration :D

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We have a house guest who came home with us on Thursday. He has been doing lots of computer gaming with my family. I admit the screen time started driving me nuts quickly. Dh is about done today.


It will be an adjustment for the boys after the guest goes home tomorrow.


(we have also done other things. It is just the default thing to play computer games. We knew this was likely to happen when we invited him over. We have done other things.)

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Morning Ladies! I'm home from church today with my youngest. She threw up 3 times last night, but not a lot and she's perfectly fine now. My suspicion is that it's post-nasal drip. That stuff goes down into your stomach and makes you nauseous. But, we're not taking any chances and decided to keep her home. I gave her some Zyrtec. The air around here is horrible. We need rain to clean it up, but haven't had rain in... I don't remember when. Everyone's allergies are going crazy. So, I'm home with her. Not complaining. I do like church, but I have been going and going and going and am welcoming a quiet morning.

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I had an aweful night with dd2, so now I'm already feeling headachy :(.

I had planned to get up early to bake cakes, but that's not happening.


Tress, I hope you and your dd feel better. I've been thinking of you enjoying and drawing inspiration from your 'lending library art'. Such a great idea! I'm gathering from the timing of your posts that you're in Europe?

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Jean, hope you find some answers to your health problems soon.   


It was pouring down rain this morning, and I slept in until 11am...I never do that.  I admit to feeling like a rockstar now.  I made brunch for the family, and we cleaned out the refrigerator and did up all the dishes.  Laundry is humming along --3 loads--white, dark and towels.   I'm going room to room to pick up anything that's out and put it away.   Watching football with the guys should round out my day.  



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Jean, hope you find some answers to your health problems soon.   


It was pouring down rain this morning, and I slept in until 11am...I never do that.  I admit to feeling like a rockstar now.  I made brunch for the family, and we cleaned out the refrigerator and did up all the dishes.  Laundry is humming along --3 loads--white, dark and towels.   I'm going room to room to pick up anything that's out and put it away.   Watching football with the guys should round out my day.  


Tammy, I am consistently in awe of your tackling abilities and the lack of complaint with which you go about your tasks.

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Tammy, I am consistently in awe of your tackling abilities and the lack of complaint with which you go about your tasks.


Trust me ...there are days when I complain. ;)  Usually just to myself.   


I really love doing what I do...my family are excellent helpers and we all team up to get things done quickly.    I do have a problem sitting still...so having things to do helps me. 

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The wind will not stop.  Constant 20 mph, with 60 mph gusts.  It is hot, dry, and miserable outside.  The dust is wreaking havoc with everyone's sinuses. 


To do:

Part 2 of dc's room cleanout (beds moved, floor and mattresses vacuumed/sheets washed)


Take a look at YNAB and see if it's something that will help with financial goals



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The wind will not stop.  Constant 20 mph, with 60 mph gusts.  It is hot, dry, and miserable outside.  The dust is wreaking havoc with everyone's sinuses. 


To do:

Part 2 of dc's room cleanout (beds moved, floor and mattresses vacuumed/sheets washed)


Take a look at YNAB and see if it's something that will help with financial goals


Your wind sounds like when we lived at Fort Irwin, CA....that was some crazy, crazy wind.

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Trust me ...there are days when I complain. ;)  Usually just to myself.   


I really love doing what I do...my family are excellent helpers and we all team up to get things done quickly.    I do have a problem sitting still...so having things to do helps me. 


Yes, but the 'just to yourself part' is key and it's where I tend to fall down :lol: 


Also I don't seem to have the 'sitting still' issue :smilielol5:


Anyway, that you love what you do is obvious and I find it heartening :D


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That is a difficult question to answer.  (I have a thread up on all that's going on right now.)  The short answer is "yes and no"!

Jean, I checked the other thread. I hope you will feel better soon :grouphug:.



Tress, I hope you and your dd feel better. I've been thinking of you enjoying and drawing inspiration from your 'lending library art'. Such a great idea! I'm gathering from the timing of your posts that you're in Europe?

I still have a smile on my face every time I walk past one of the paintings. We put one near our dinner table and one in our hall way. I'm trying to persuade dh to get another subscription (or two, or three :lol:), because I would love to take home some other paintings or a beautiful sculpture (but no ceramics.....while beautiful, the thought of having breakable art in the home with my dd2 is making me hyperventilate).


Yes, I'm in Europe, in the Netherlands.

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shukriyya---my goal for 2013 was to find joy in everything I did...whether it was cleaning, cooking or whatever.  It took a couple of months, but it's made a world of difference in my attitude about doing things.   I find that each day when I wake up I feel super blessed.   Dirty dishes means we had food, laundry means we have more than one thing to wear...etc....you get the picture.  I've made it my mission for our children and grand-babies to understand just how blessed we are and not to take our blessing for granted. 


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The little one and I went to walmart this morning so he could use his gc from his aunt and uncle.  I picked up a few things as well as material to make more dinner napkins.  I've done this before but I really want to get back into using cloth napkins.

I went through my clothes and 2 boxes of 'what in the world is in here' boxes that dh set on my side of the closet

I really want to work on the one kitchen cabinet that gives me grief but that may have to wait until tomorrow

I need to make the bed.  I found a couple of sheet sets that I had forgotten about in above mentioned boxes :)

I need to think of something for dinner or maybe treat the kiddos to pizza tonight 

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Pack up pantry (old house)

Unpack pantry (new house)

Final clean (old house)

Nap (new house)


I'm going out of order, but still getting things done. We sign papers on the old house tomorrow, so today we're supposed to do a final clean (including all food). I'm really kind of dreading that job. I'll probably save it until the (literal) 11th hour. LOL The final walk-through with the new owners is 8:00am, not too bright but definitely too early.


I hope everyone who is under the weather will feel better soon!


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Home from church.  I didn't feel super great the whole time but God was good and I managed.  I did have an excellent class though with the teens and that always energizes me.  


I can't find my diuretic.  I had cleaned out my current supplement/medicine area and put it "somewhere safe".  Now that I need to take them again, I just hope I can remember where that safe place is.  I knew there was a reason why cleaning was evil!  

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shukriyya---my goal for 2013 was to find joy in everything I did...whether it was cleaning, cooking or whatever.  It took a couple of months, but it's made a world of difference in my attitude about doing things.   I find that each day when I wake up I feel super blessed.   Dirty dishes means we had food, laundry means we have more than one thing to wear...etc....you get the picture.  I've made it my mission for our children and grand-babies to understand just how blessed we are and not to take our blessing for granted. 


This is wonderful and very inspiring. I'm sure your family is blessed by your presence. As are we on this tackling thread :D I have not thought to look at dirty dishes that way or laundry for that matter but I will be remembering that on my grumpier days.

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Home from church.  I didn't feel super great the whole time but God was good and I managed.  I did have an excellent class though with the teens and that always energizes me.  


I can't find my diuretic.  I had cleaned out my current supplement/medicine area and put it "somewhere safe".  Now that I need to take them again, I just hope I can remember where that safe place is.  I knew there was a reason why cleaning was evil!  


Jean, I hope this coming week is more manageable for you than last week.

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Did not expect this, but dh joined in with the room cleaning and it made all the difference in the world for ds.  They worked in small increments with a few breaks.  This was not my original plan, but hey, it's done.  :hurray:


Dd and I still have a few things to do in her room but it is essentially clean and reorganized. Dh tried to help but he became overwhelmed by what he called "girly stuff".  :laugh:


I downloaded YNAB and will play around with it this evening.  We even had time left to watch some football.  Dh has offered to make dinner, so all in all, a good day. 

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spent a lovely morning with dc rainbow looming

got to Michael's to pick up more RL supplies among other things

dropped dc at friends for football game

did a small bit of grocery shopping

installed dog gate

cleaned and tidied dc's room

dismantled dog crate -- an unwieldy job

took down some of the Christmas ornaments


Still to do :: organize games, wash up dishes, plan and make dinner, family game


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