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just found out I'm expecting again!


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Thought I had the flu but nope I'm pregnant with my 5th.  I'm starting out approx. 20lbs more than I like and I'm afraid of packing on more with this pregnancy (I generally put on 80 lbs when preggo).  Any suggestions on how to eat well while pregnant and not gain so much?

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I had gestational diabetes with ds and had to eat a strict modified-carb diet. I was actually about 10lbs lighter the day I had him than when I got pregnant. But I started out pretty overweight (the 40+ I was still carting around from dd didn't help) so I wouldn't typically recommend losing weight while pregnant. :lol:


You might find a modified-carb plan helps keep from packing on too much extra though... and it's quite healthy too!

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Thanks everyone we're excited.  The kids are already arguing about gender.  DS said if it's a boy it's not fair because he'll be out numbered :lol:

I think I'll try high protein and low carb. 


One thing I thought of is that you don't want to go TOO low carb when you're pregnant. Ketosis (which is kind of the point of something like Atkins to lose weight) can trigger pre-term labor. So the idea is to be more balanced, eating good carbs and pairing them with fiber and protein to slow adsorption and keep your blood sugar level. Eating small snacks (a protein/carb pair like fruit/cheese or peanut butter/whole wheat crackers) in between meals helps too.


I am not a medical professional, so this is definitely something you should discuss with your doctor. :laugh:

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Congrats!  My number 5 is due in June!  This time around, I was showing within days of becoming pregnant.  I dropped my gym membership because I had trouble going with homeschooling and working part-time.  I think that was a mistake as I have gained more this pregnancy and feel just sort of weak and tired.  I'm trying to walk more frequently now.

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