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Who's going to tackle Christmas with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Did everything on Tuesday's list with amazing help from dd and ds. Lovely Xmas eve dinner. Went to midnight mass, got back around 2 am.



Sleep a bit

Stockings and presents

Big platter of cheeses, smoked salmon, pâté, watercress salad, fresh berries, navel oranges.


Xmas dinner will be rib roast with Yorkshire pudding, maple glazed Brussels sprouts, roast carrots and shallots. I still have to assemble the buche de Noel for dessert and make meringue mushrooms - not so bad, as it is the only big thing I have to do all day.


No laundry!! No errands!

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Merry Christmas everyone! :grouphug:


Plans for today:

-try to curl my hair with my new flat iron, so difficult! More or less...


-lunch - DONE

-Christmas dinner (at my sister's house!) - DONE

-try to keep up a good spirit (family meetings stress me out), I might go all American 'Bless your heart' :D. - DONE

-Greek & Latin vocab (evil flashcard program won't let me take a break! :lol: ) - DONE

-read a book - DONE

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It's 1:30am and James Bond and I are still up watching TV!






Prep an easy b'fast (warm baguette, cheese, meats, fruit)




Put together presents (urgh!)


Relax while the kids play


Go out to dinner (Emerald Queen Casino)


Relax more while the kids play


Put the kids in bed


Go to a movie (James Bond and I love to go to the movies Christmas night)





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I was going to make Quiver's rolls but all the kids said they would prefer pancakes!  :hurray:   I have no idea why, because they normally much prefer rolls, but I am very relieved to go the easier route.




Pancake breakfast

Family Christmas

Clean up living room after gifts

Start prepping Christmas lunch with my new toaster/convection oven and new hand mixer (yes, I know what i am getting!)

Have turkey and all the fixin's

Watch a Christmas movie 


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Christmas does not get tackled.


Relax at home in morning. Presents, gf donuts, scrambled eggs.

Visit my parents for lunch (big decision :walk, show off younger ds's recumbent trike, drive it's about a mile. Some of us will probably drive with food I made and some of us will work on teaching ds how to ride)

Meet MIL, SIL,and cousins for a movie late afternoon, early evening.

Eat leftover dessert and call that dinner.

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Just a relaxing day today :)


--lightly frost the stollen

--get kids up for stockings and "Santa" gifts (books for all this year)

--shower and dress while dh and the kids load up the van

--drive 1 mile to my sister's :lol:

--massive brunch before...


--lie around on the couch talking, playing w the kids, reading, snacking

--low key dinner


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Good morning and Merry Christmas my tackling friends!


It's 8:00am Pacific Standard Time. The presents have been opened and the kids are watching season 2 of Emergency. Love that show. Dh is working on adjusting roller skates and my 3 year old is painting. I just finished my coffee.


We'll be spending the day at my parents' house, doing nothing, which will be wonderful!


Have a wonderful and blessed day, everyone!

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Went into the bedroom to dress, turned on the light and "forgot" to turn it off again so that dh would get out of bed and join us.  He came out and just sat there while the rest of us were running around.  I told him to "make yourself useful and make scramble some eggs"!  Then I felt good enough this morning to have a mini freakout about how messy the dining room was.  We boxed all the junk up and  have put it in the bedrooms.  I'll deal with it later but I wanted a clean dining room, darn it!  Breakfast was very good.


Now we're having a small break to feed dogs, do vitamins etc. before reading the Christmas story.  

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The morning has passed in a blur of stockings, breakfast, presents, lunch and more. I did manage to get a hill hike in the though :hurray:


Dc and dh are currently watching an episode of Star Trek TNG while I sit here for a few stolen moments with my cup of deliciously hot Earl Grey tea and some dark chocolate w/ginger. Soon enough the work of hosting will begin...tidy up the front room, clean up kitchen, prep appetizers, set table and appetizer area, prep dinner, change into something other than jeans to greet our guests, gather and share food and friendship with our little group. It remains to be seen whether the clean up for tonight's party will happen tonight or whether we'll be greeted by our the results of revelries in the morning.

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  I, however, am getting suddenly worse and am going to stay home from the extended family thing.  It's ok.  I had the part of Christmas I really like.   ;) But I feel pretty rotten.  


:grouphug: Hope your evening unfolds with peace and nourishment for your body and soul, Jean.


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Dh is doing the yams. Ds is doing the tomatoes. Dd is getting the cousin gifts ready to take. I, however, am getting suddenly worse and am going to stay home from the extended family thing. It's ok. I had the part of Christmas I really like. ;) But I feel pretty rotten.


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