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Wah. Where's my Christmas miracle?

plain jane

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I'm so frustrated I cried. :(


I can't get my milk duct to unclog.  I have tried everything.  It's day 3 of this now. :(  I called the nurse at my dr office (who won't see me but happened to be in this morning) and she said that I need to be seen in the next couple days because it's not clearing up but since they are closed I need to go to a walk-in clinic or urgent care centre (she strongly recommended against this due to everything going around right now).  I've massaged so hard I broke the skin a bit.  It's not infected at all and looks like it will heal just fine but probably only if I don't massage anymore.  But how can I unplug the duct if I can't massage?  :willy_nilly:


The nurse admitted that all a doctor could do for me was confirm if it was a plugged duct and not something else and to give me an antibiotic if I should get sick.  But that's going to be about 4 hours of waiting.  On Christmas Eve.  When I really need to be home nursing, right?  :willy_nilly:


And I'm scared it's going to get infected and why oh why oh why can't it just go away.  :crying:   But I feel 100% fine right now.  It's not even painful unless I push on it.  Although the wound stings a bit.  I do have a bit of antibiotic ointment on it and keep reapplying.  I'm not being callous, I'm watching and being cautious.  I'm safer at home than at a dr. office right now, I'm sure of it.  :ph34r:


I even read on the internet about using ultrasound to break up a plugged duct.  Called every physiotherapy office within 45 min of me and even though I would pay the $100 apt fee, none will treat me for this.  :crying:


Does anyone have an in with the Man Upstairs and want to put in a good word for me?  ;)

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Here is something that worked for me when I had a clogged duct (multiple times, mostly with my 2nd child).  If you haven't tried it yet, it might be worth it.


Fill a big cooking pot to about 1-2" from the top with the hottest water you can stand.  Put it on the table and use whatever is handy to pad a chair seat.  Kneel over the pan and soak the affected br3ast for a while.  Refill the pot with hot water as needed.  Sometimes the duct will unplug all on its own, but usually I had to massage.  Let soak for a while before massaging though.  You can do this a couple of times a day if you want/need. 


Some people say to do this in the bathtub, but instead of trying to sterilize the bathtub I always just used the clean pan because it was easier.  It looks weird but it worked.

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Here is something that worked for me when I had a clogged duct (multiple times, mostly with my 2nd child). If you haven't tried it yet, it might be worth it.


Fill a big cooking pot to about 1-2" from the top with the hottest water you can stand. Put it on the table and use whatever is handy to pad a chair seat. Kneel over the pan and soak the affected br3ast for a while. Refill the pot with hot water as needed. Sometimes the duct will unplug all on its own, but usually I had to massage. Let soak for a while before massaging though. You can do this a couple of times a day if you want/need.


Some people say to do this in the bathtub, but instead of trying to sterilize the bathtub I always just used the clean pan because it was easier. It looks weird but it worked.

Thank you for this. I have tried this. I can get the milk flowing out but then it clogs up again after a while. :( it's one stubborn plug.

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Prayers.  :grouphug:


Have you ever done soy lecithin supplements? With one of my kids, I had plugged ducts regularly and a last-ditch suggestion by someone at LLL was to take soy lecithin. In my case, it really helped. Not sure how fast it would kick in.


Erica in OR


Yes, you might try the lecithin protocol. Here's Kellymom's description: http://kellymom.com/nutrition/vitamins/lecithin/ I have one duct that is a little wonky and tends to get plugged, and if I take a big dose of lecithin for a couple of days, it resolves. (I have to continue smaller doses to keep it clear.)


I've also heard that ultrasound (like you would receive for an injury in a physical therapist's office) can help break up clogs. I have an acquaintance who did that. You might call a couple of PTs later in the week and ask if they could help. :)

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