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The Sears catalog

Night Elf

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Does anyone else remember the cool Sears catalog? Am I showing my age? Every Christmas, my sister and I would go through the toy section and circle and initial all the items we wanted. Santa got his ideas from our suggestions. We never did write letters. I guess I just assumed my mom sent the whole catalog to him. I don't remember.

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I remember being so excited when the Sears toy catalog arrived.  My siblings and I circled the toys we wanted and wrote our names next to the toys. 


Sears always had a lot of Barbie collections of clothes and accessories that the local K Mart and Value Mart didn't carry.  I assume the collections were packaged especially for Sears.  I still have some of those Barbie clothes in a box in my closet, and also a few Breyer horses that were toy catalog orders.  The chemistry set (with REAL chemicals) is sadly long gone. 


When I was really little, my mom helped me make paper dolls by cutting out doll pictures from the toy catalog.  I remember being in awe of Mom's scissors skills!


Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

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Back in the Dark Ages, I worked on computer systems for the company that did the call centers for the Sear Christmas Catalog - our operators answered the phones and placed the orders, which were then sent on to Sears to be fulfilled.


The two main computer servers that handled all the order processing were named ....  Ken and Barbie.


Who says computer geeks don't have a sense of humor?

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I still miss the Sears wish book! I remember the way it smelled the first time you cracked it open, like wonder and anticipation. And there were so many wonderful things that I didn't even know existed, but couldn't possibly live without once I saw them! I'm not sure that I ever got anything that I saw in it that I "had" to have, but I sure loved looking. I feel kind of sorry for my children that they can't have the same experience.

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Back in the Dark Ages, I worked on computer systems for the company that did the call centers for the Sear Christmas Catalog - our operators answered the phones and placed the orders, which were then sent on to Sears to be fulfilled.


The two main computer servers that handled all the order processing were named ....  Ken and Barbie.


Who says computer geeks don't have a sense of humor?


My mom used to ask for the same operator every time.  Then they chatted away while my mom was placing her order.  What a different era that was.  Nowadays a customer service rep would be sacked for spending time chatting with a customer instead of answering a gazillion calls per hour.

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Oh yeah, loved that catalog. My mom also worked at Sears for a while. :hat:


She also used to do seasonal retail work when department stores would open up "Toyland" for Christmas. My friends thought it was so cool that my mom worked in toyland.


Well, that is pretty cool. As a young adult, I worked in a toy store. I loved the holidays and the craziness. It was tons of fun!

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Just last week, my son was reading about US history and got to a part about catalog sales becoming popular.  I told him about how we used to get the Sears catalog at Christmas time and look through the toy section.  My favorite strategy was to ask for something and then look at it every day and leave catalog lying around open to that page.  I miss the Sears Wish Book!

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