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:willy_nilly: this is how I used to feel with Christmas and extended family!   Last year we announced we were no longer participating in the gift exchange and its been wonderful!!!! 

     After hearing a grown woman complain about the family decision to switch to a pollyanna (there are over 30 ppl in that family group who can afford to buy for everyone?!?!) and then her announcing at Christmas that she "won Christmas" because the 2 gifts she picked for people(her gift and the gift her fiance gave to someone) were the best I was done.

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I hear ya' sister! Hey, this year, my sil sent a Christmas card to us with postage due on receipt. WTH? I didn't even know you could do that! But the postman left a little envelope with the amount due written on it!\

:lol: I'm sorry, but that is taking it to a whole new level.  I might be willing to send Christmas cards if I didn't have to pay for postage.

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:lol: I'm sorry, but that is taking it to a whole new level.  I might be willing to send Christmas cards if I didn't have to pay for postage.


(Insert copious swearing) This just reminded me of one of the reasons I'm having a bad evening.  I'm not sending christmas cards anymore either. At least not to these people. I won't go into details in such a public area, but suffice it to say, "No more Christmas cards"


I'll save that money for the therapy my kid will need because she had to cry in bed a couple nights as a baby.

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We exchange with our parents, and buy for our nieces and nephews, all of whom are still young and at home.  And there's an optional "draw a number" gift exchange at one of the extended family gatherings.  None of our siblings, aunts and uncles, anything like that.  Far too much pressure. 


And I haven't sent Christmas cards in years... and I don't really bake either.


Huh.  I think I just figured out why I'm not stressed at Christmas but most of the people I know are going nuts.  It's because I bailed on half of it a long time ago!!  :lol:

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I totally understand! I've been there and in someways are still there a little. Will always do grandparents but I have given up on doing my Aunt's family for the first time this year. Last year they gave us nothing and for the past several years I've given a family type gift (movie & treats or game & treats). While in person they say they appreciate the gift. We don't get anything back and honestly it gets harder and harder to know what to give them, so this year since we've had a big movie, opened a new office for my husband's business, & my grandfather (my aunt's dad) passed away I've decided to just let it go. My DH and I agreed if we got something from them we would send a nice thank note and something small as a token of our thanks but in all honestly I am not expecting anything and hope they don't. It's been so freeing and so much less pressure since I decided not to send them anything. My sister and I have exchanged off and on but she has never been a great gifter and a lot of times has gifted with my mother for my side of the family so this year since she is married and we are seeing her around New Years we are sticking with a couple gift (puzzle and tea for a cozy night) they like staying home and my sister last I knew liked puzzles. She hasn't sent anything if she doesn't I don't know if I will keep giving or just send a card..but either way it's way less stressful then other years when she lived with my mother and I felt I had to send similar amount of gifts to both of them. 





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I came here tonight to rant about my sil.  I guess I'm in good company.  If I was Elizabeth Bennet and my sil, Miss Bingley, I would have to slap her repeatedly up side the head with my fan!  I don't know why this women feels she must assume that everything I say or do is a motive to annoy her! 

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