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Wii Fit users - how's it going?

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I've been thinking about getting the Wii Fit (we already have a wii), but my DS13, an avid gamer, says that he read that the majority of people who get one don't continue. That it's boring.


Now, he may be saying that to keep me away from the wii, LOL! He reads alot of gaming mags/websites and is generally well-informed, so what he's saying may have some basis in truth.


Anyway, I really need to get moving. I already walk the dog 40 minutes a day, but need to do more.


So, how are all you wii Fit users doing? Give me some success stories (or lack-of-success, as the case may be.)

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I love the game....and don't think it is boring at all....my daughter still plays it regularly....*I* on the other hand am lazy and it takes all the energy I have to make it to the gym for my regular workout....not a lot left for playing on the wii fit....though I do need to start making myself do it.....*sigh*

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I got it about a month ago and I have only used it once. It wasn't bad but I guess I enjoy walking instead. I am going to try and start using it to strengthen my back. But between homeschooling 4 kids, teaching cubbies, Ladie's bible study, walking, church, and life I don't know when I can add it back in.

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I'd love to hear how it's going. I'm thinking of getting one for us to use, esp. on days when it's too yucky to be outside (too hot & humid).


Do you use it?


Do your kids use it?


Does it make you dizzy to do the activities like the ski jump? (I could see myself getting motion sick from that one.)


Would we be better off just doing some basic exercises & getting a mini-trampoline?


Yay or nay?


Thanks for any input!

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We have had the Wii Fit from the second day it came out. My 11 yo dd still uses it on an almost daily basis. I use it when I can, some weeks I manage four times, some others only one or none at all.


I don't find it boring, although I combine the Wii Fit with my stationary bike and regular walking. There is a good combination of aerobics, strengthening, balance and yoga exercises to keep it interesting. When you do a strengthening or a yoga exercise it suggests combinations of exercises to target a particular area or skill. I try to follow these combinations.


My dh also uses it and enjoys it, he usually does the balance games only because he does his fitness regime at the gym at his office.

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We got ours a few days ago....I just finished my 30 minutes for today :001_smile:. It's pretty cool, and it's easy to pop on for a few minutes while the kids are around (although that means they all want a turn, too, of course). I have to say, I don't really feel like I'm working that hard on it, even when they say I'm being a "calorie torcher." And it's not like I'm in such fabulous shape or anything. But maybe I'm going to lose 50 pounds and become incredibly fit with minimal effort through the magic of the Wii, who knows? I also wonder if balance is really as incredibly important as my Wii seems to think it is? I have learned that I have absolutely no ability to do a push up anymore--none whatsoever.

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I am on day 68, and still enjoying it! I have only lost 2 lbs, but hey! That's something, right? I like the boxing, but wish there was a longer session. (The longest is 10 minutes.) If I choose that as my aerobic routine, I usually end up playing the 10 minute session 3-4 times. I also enjoy the free step. I put on a video and step while I watch. And I am actually improving in the strength training exercises. My score is higher than it was 2 months ago, and I can complete more reps of each exercise. Dd(7) is hooked on the running games, especially the island lap. She likes speeding up when the dogs run by so that they become her guide. I'm hoping they come out with some additional games for the balance board, though. Wii fit II, anyone?



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We have had the wii fit for a couple months now. My daughter does use it. My son has not gotten into it too much. I also use it. We used it more in the beginning then now. After awhile some of it got really repetitive. I would not look to buy it as a major exercise tool, more like a supplement. There are some fun games that my daughter and I try to bump each other out of the top score. We personally use the dance, dance revolution pads more in our household. We love that we can use them together or alone. They are a great way to make exercise fun. :lol:

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I love my Fit! I use it just about every single day. I don't need to lose weight but I'm loving how I can tell the difference in my fitness. I can do much more reps and I'm imagining I can tell a difference in my stomach muscles. I unlocked more reps on the jackknife and I do it 3 times spread out in my whole workout. Abs are my first focus.


We've had it a few weeks or almost a month. I'm definitely the #1 user in my house.


However, I get really annoyed with what my Mii does each day when I do my Body Test(?). I'm underweight and each and every time she does this terrible thing that looks like she's wilting and pitiful. I am the size I am naturally and I don't really appreciate the "jab" I feel like it's giving me. Personal question but if you are overweight for where you want to be, does you Mii acknowledge your weight each and every time like that? I'm pretty happy with my size and tired of the pitiful Mii. :)


Thanks! Loving my Fit, using it very regularly and never dizzy or unbalanced from any of the exercises.


Hope that helps! I'd buy it again today if I had to.

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