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Homeschooling Stunts Your Growth

Lovin Learnin

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I think I've heard it all now. My dd went to physical therapy this afternoon and chatted with a woman of about 80 who was also receiving therapy. This lady went on and on about how homeschoolers were socially awkward and dumb. She said there was no way dd had any friends. Also made comments about how sure she was that my dd wasn't getting any personal attention since "her teacher" has to split her time amongst her 10 other children (Uh, I have 3 children and two are away at college, so one-on-one attention). She is a former teacher and claims to have 2 grandchildren who homeschool, although they are smarter because they do all their work online. She asked dd if she was going to high school. Dd said probably, we are exploring options. She told her there was no way she could ever test into any of the private schools in the area and the public school won't want her. Such a pleasant lady. Oh, and Homeschooling makes you dumb, and being dumb stunts your growth.


I was proud of my daughter. She was respectful but logically defended our decisions. She saw the humor in it, too. Too bad I didn't get to meet her.

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Will someone please tell my sons that homeschooling is supposed to stunt their growth? Pants which fit each of them that I bought like 2 months ago are high waters now. Stop with the growing alright already! And I will tell the kids coming over for a sleep over and cookie making party tonight that they don't really exist because my sons don't have any friends. Since they don't exist, do I have to make them dinner tonight?

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