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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Yes, I'm tackling Thursday.  We won't have our Thanksgiving until Saturday so that all the Canadian relatives can get down for it.  They don't have tomorrow off of work for some odd reason.   ;)


Clean kitchen


Help ds16 work on his room

Make cookies with dd?




Monitor blood sugar and blood pressure

Get in my steps

Digestive enzymes

10 min. dog grooming

green smoothie

Keep living room clean


Anything else will depend on pain levels.

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Hope you have a low pain day!  I'm doing a little bit of tackling, but mostly eating.



To do:




Watch Macy's parade (or at least part of it)




De-brine the turkey (kosher salt) and pop it in the oven


1 load of laundry (James Bond has to pack for his trip and there are a few things that need washing)


Brush Bella


Finish up side dishes and then eat way, way too much


Stare with malevolence at all the dirty dishes from one meal while eating pumpkin pie (HUZZAH!)


Take the kids to the park if it's not raining


Take a tryptophan induced nap


Clean up the dishes


Eat leftovers for dinner followed by more pumpkin pie


Lay on the sofa and moan about how much I ate

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Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends!

I'm going to tackle the day! :D

The kids were so annoying yesterday, that I told them we would do a full school day today and that if they didn't cooperate they would need to do some of yesterday's work too. I've had it with the 'too ill to do school, but well enough to annoy mom' attitude.

Plans for today:
-dd10: Math, Dutch, English, Latin, History, Biology, (Geography), Logic, Reading
-dd7: Math, Dutch, English, Copywork, Geography, Reading
-dd5: Math, Handwriting, Reading
-everyone: read aloud during lunch
-Greek & Latin vocab
-study Latin
-read a book & watch Coursera videos

-get enough steps (fitbit)
-vit D & multi & fish oil


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dd14 latin class online 845-945

work Job #2 3-530

teens shooting 630-830

take littles to the night light parade at 7

then take littles to kids church as parade is only for about 15-20 minutes

Job #1 9-10pm

pick up mail

call homeschool store and get total so I can email money transfer the payment

school-math, grammar, lit, spelling, composition, read aloud

Check into how much it would cost to switch ds15 primarily over to R&S texts and see if any used ones are listed anywhere

pay power and gas bills

take $15 to work to contribute to boss xmas gift

D/C advent challenge items

pick up holds at library

I need to read faster, my pile is growing faster than I can keep up with

fix seatbelt in car, it broke today

clean out car

clean livingroom


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Dd wants to set up the Christmas tree and start decorating the house, so that's probably how we'll spend the morning. 

Dh is going to take the kids to the movies in the afternoon. 

In between that, probably watch some football and snack. 

We already celebrated the big family dinner so I let dd pick the menu for tonight.  Lasagna, garlic bread, and chocolate cake. 


Hopeful Habits:

walk in the morning




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Oh geez, I need 2 ovens due to being too lazy to make the pies yesterday, after I forgot to put the sugar in 2 pumpkin pies.


Aidan care:  feed, feed, walk, walk, play, fenced area 2/4x, tidy pen 1/2x

Woofy care:  feed, feed, feed, walk, walk, train, train, train, play, fenced area 5/8 times, tidy pen 3/6x


Make 2 pumpkin pies, with sugar

Make 2 pecan pies

Make several kinds of dressing and stuffing

Cook stuffed turkey

Clean kitchen

Make green bean casserole

Make mashed potatoes

Watch last 1/2 hour of National Dog Show

Make caramel frosting and frost cake - DD to do

Clean kitchen

Laundry - loads 1  2  3

Tidy living room and dining room

Clean bathroom

Add leaf to table, tablecloth, set table

Slice canned cranberry sauce - forgot this

Steam broccoli - decided not to do this

Make gravy

Serve/eat/put away food/clean up after dinner

Try to talk myself into throwing away turkey carcass

Clean kitchen

Be mature. Make turkey broth

Get kids to take out bone-filled trash

Clean kitchen again





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Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Dh took kids to practice, so I got a little extra sleep. So to do:


Coffee and paper

Clean kitchen

pick up downstairs with everyone

watch football

bake the dressing, re-heat potatoes, heat rolls.

pack up everything to take to my mother's.

Try not to lose my mind at dinner and keep my sister from losing hers

come home

watch more football and enjoy my kids and their friends



Healthy lunch (i will make that breakfast today)

turn worry into gratitude

write 45 minutes

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Well got some kinda good news, dfil may come home today :)

-Load of laundry- in the dryer

-Deep clean living room- in progress

-Dishes (I already know I will have to do them twice today :( I seriously need a dishwasher)

-Organize dd's room

-Clean kitchen

-Dh and I is making dinner when he gets up from his nap (he has a head cold)

-catch bits and pieces of parade with dd- in progress

-eat dinner, not sure if we are taking plates to dmil and dfil or what

-go to Walmart for sale items (like 3 things and none of them are that big) and a few other things we need

- bedtime routine

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So far today:


--nice quiet time w dh before the kids woke up :)

--breakfast of eggs, bacon, scrapple (not me!), and toast

--ran dishwasher and did hand dishes

--prepped turkey for oven (goes in at 1)

--started stock w giblets (use this for the regular stuffing and usually for gravy, which I made ahead this year)

--have apple-walnut stuffing prep in progress


To do:


--put turkey in the oven

--apple-walnut stuffing in one large crockpot

--regular bread stuffing in dsis's crockpot

--chill beverages once turkey is in the oven (seltzer, sparkling juices, regular juices, wine)

--wash pots

--empty dishwasher (a kid)

--prep cheese sauce for broccoli casserole

--make 2 layered pumpkin chiffon pies w the girls

--wash yet more pots and mixer bowl

--prep coffee maker for after dinner (dh)

--put away all the school stuff in the kitchen

--sweep kitchen floor (dd18)

--quick bathroom cleaning (dh)

--fill soap dispensers (dh)

--change out towels on kitchen and bathroom

--make sure all serving dishes and utensils are ready

--put out Fiestaware for the appetizers


And have a glass of wine at 3:30 before the inlaws descend :lol:

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Good morning, all. It's 6:00am here in the west coast. I've been up 1/2 hour already, got the pies in the oven. Now I can sit with my coffee and enjoy some peace and quiet before it all begins.


Jean, I'm hoping you are pain free today.

Peace and quiet!  I think you need to pass that around.  There are some mighty busy tackle lists today!



I really wish that I could say that I'm pain free but I"m not.  It was a very bad night where I actually broke out a muscle relaxant on top of my other meds.  It made me woozy and and helped my shoulder feel better for a couple of hours but did nothing for the pain in the rest of my body.  I did cobble together about 7 hours of sleep though, so that's something.  "Better Living through Chemistry" is a crock.  But someone challenged me the other day to be thankful even for the bad things so here goes:  I'm thankful that I did get 7 hours of sleep.  I'm thankful that my shoulder felt better.  I'm thankful that I can continue to learn to depend on God.  

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Well dd14s latin teacher never showed up, if she opted to cancel classes due to thanksgiving (she is in the states) then she should have contacted the students to inform them, after all they are all Canadian students registered with a Canadian school.  The class decided to hold music 101 and shared their favorite songs of various genres, so instead of working on latin, dd listened to techno, classical, rap, oldies rock, some current pop, country, one instrumental peice and I have no clue what else.  They seemed to make the most of the tutor being absent.


ds10 is currently de-crayoning my oven.  He is grumbling the whole time but I don't give a hoot.  I talked to the homeschool store and e-transfered the payment, I am quite excited, it should be shipping today.


I also allowed myself the enjoyment of a 2 hour soak in the tub, reading and relaxing.  I have not been able to do that since I started working and I really needed it.  Now that I am out, the first load of laundry for today is going.


Time to get back with reality and get some school work happening with my kids that are not scrubbing the oven.

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seatbelt is fixed, car is cleaned out.  the girl who is supposed to be cooking at the diner tonight called to see if I will take her shift since she is sick.  I told her I can't do the whole thing since I am at my other job today, but if I can find a ride for the kids tonight home from shooting I would do the last 2 hours of it.  Not sure how that would work, we need another cook hired and trained for sure for times like this.

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Human care including breakfast done

Pet care finally done (we had to run to the grocery store for more dog food)

Went to grocery store.  It wasn't quite as bad as I thought it might be.  Got stuff for turkey sandwiches for lunch since we aren't having our turkey until Saturday.  Dd and I also got some stuff for baking.  

Ds has almost taken all the junk out of his room in preparation for sweeping and mopping.

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Dinner over.  I am tired and my back hurts.  I put the food away and clean up will have to wait.  So will the turkey broth.  We will eat dessert in an hour or so.


Aidan care:  feed, feed, walk, walk, play, fenced area 3/4x, tidy pen 1/2x

Woofy care:  feed, feed, feed, walk, walk, train, train, train, play, fenced area 6/8 times, tidy pen 4/6x


Make 2 pumpkin pies, with sugar

Make 2 pecan pies

Make several kinds of dressing and stuffing

Cook stuffed turkey

Clean kitchen

Make green bean casserole

Make mashed potatoes

Watch last 1/2 hour of National Dog Show

Make caramel frosting and frost cake - DD to do

Clean kitchen

Laundry - loads 1  2  3

Tidy living room and dining room

Clean bathroom

Add leaf to table, tablecloth, set table

Make gravy

Serve/eat/put away food/clean up after dinner

Try to talk myself into throwing away turkey carcass - it worked!

Clean kitchen

Get kids to take out bone-filled trash


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Turkey sandwiches with cranberry sauce for lunch - done!

Dishwasher emptied, filled and is running.

Ds's room was emptied, swept, mopped, swept again and then select things put back carefully and neatly.

We took pictures of ds for Gparent Christmas presents.  (Dd's pictures were already taken.)


Next up:  Groom Rocky's paws for 10 minutes (which he absolutely hates).


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My entire list was accomplished by 3 pm :)


Now dh is washing the silver and china and stemware; I am drying as he goes along :)


All the leftovers are in the fridge (or sent home with our guests). The kids put away the extra tables and chairs, and rearranged the furniture back into its usual formation. The linens are in the washing machine.


Three guests did not come for dinner---dh's sister is apparently running a fever. Dh and I think she is still irked at fil for a bonehead move he made at her grandfather-in-law's funeral a few weeks ago. I just wished she or her dh had texted us instead of going through mil.


After I finish with the dishes I will have a small glass of limoncello :D

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It's the middle of the night here (3:30), and just when I thought everyone was feeling fine.....I now have vomiting kids. Blech.


Don't expect me to tackle anything tomorrow :D.



(And we were going on a field trip to a Da Vinci exhibition, with my dh, tomorrow.......we almost never go on field trips.....the kids will be so dissapointed.....I really need to think of something fun to do at home.....I'm too tired to think.)

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Good job to those who survived big or little family dinners.  


Tress, I'm so sorry about the sickness derailing your field trip tomorrow.  


I am finally coming out of pain.  I have downed enough magnesium and other electrolytes that I should be running to the bathroom.  The fact that I"m not, makes me think that I must have been very low.  

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Jean, I am glad you are feeling better. Tress, so sorry about the field trip! Krissi, so impressed!


Ds3 rallied for dinner, and it was fine, dh handles my mom pretty well. Thank goodness for football!  



Home now, with some crochet and more football, leftovers in the fridge and a basement full of teenage boys.


Have a good night, everyone!

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Dd wants to set up the Christmas tree and start decorating the house, so that's probably how we'll spend the morning. 

Dh is going to take the kids to the movies in the afternoon. 

In between that, probably watch some football and snack. 

We already celebrated the big family dinner so I let dd pick the menu for tonight.  Lasagna, garlic bread, and chocolate cake. 


Hopeful Habits:

walk in the morning



Dh nixed the Christmas tree set up.  He told dd we had to get through Thanksgiving day first. 

The lasagna was awesome.  It's something we rarely have so it made for a different type of holiday dinner. 

Just have to make the buttercream frosting for the chocolate cake and we are done. 


Hope that everyone had a nice day today. 

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1045pm update: Picked up library holds, went to job #2, picked up kids, bought take out and ate in the car as I drove them to shooting night.  DD14 earned her cross rifles first class and did wonderfully, ds15 came within 2 mm of earning his first class as well.  While they were there I actually went into job #1 and let the sick cook go home early.  I worked the last 2 hours of her shift and then did my hour of cleaning.  That meant the littles missed the parade and church but I earned an extra $20 and this close to xmas every $ counts.  I came home rebooted the laundry, did a load of dishes, put my oven back together, returned some messages on fb, and got the littles off to bed.  It has been a good day.  Excited for tomorrow, I saw the kuk sool teachers today, they had their newest baby 4 days ago, and I get to spend 2 hours tomorrow holding her while my 4 kids go through their classes, they have testing next week so the instructors will be busy.  I love holding babies and can not wait lol.  She is cute enough to almost make my uterus hurt but then I look at my crew and I think, oh hell no, no more kids needed lol  I will likely be up for a couple more hours thanks to the 2 cups of coffee I foolishly drank at work, so I just might be able to finish off my list, we'll see

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