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If you just wanted a cheap ring to replace a wedding set, where would you go?


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I lost my diamond last week out of my wedding set.  I have to do something and our insurance lady has not called me back yet.  (there were tornadoes a week ago, so I'm guessing they are dealing with that)  We leave on Saturday for a week and I want to get something temporary.  Where would you go?  I'm thinking less than $50?  Any suggestions?

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I bought one from Amazon and I love it. It's a Tungsten Carbide ring, made out of the material they make airplanes out of. It's indestructible!




I was going to suggest a tungsten ring as well.  We replaced DH's wedding band a few years ago with one.  He is a heavy duty guy- works very hard with his hands, and it looks as shiny and new as the day it came.


I really want one too.  There are so many pretty ones now!  My diamond is always getting caught on things, and some of the prongs holding the smaller diamonds in need to be re-tipped.  It's also gold in color, and I never wear gold anything.

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Dead relative?


Seriously, I'm plump enough, I'd just go without or wear just the band.  One look at me with the 5 yo in tow, and they're not thinking hot single thing, haha.  And if I were hot, well then I'd PROBABLY just leave the rings anyway and say we're getting to know each other.   :lol: 

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I bought one from Amazon and I love it. It's a Tungsten Carbide ring, made out of the material they make airplanes out of. It's indestructible!




My husband's ring fell off while we were out shopping. I bought a tungsten ring from Amazon as a replacement. We'll never be able to replace the original emotionally, so this one works.

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We replaced my wedding ring last year (after 33 years).  My original one needed new prongs and a few other adjustments that would have been expensive.  As I get older, my knuckles are getting bigger and I was afraid that eventually I wouldn't be able to get my ring off to redo the prongs and I'd lose my diamond.  So, we went to a reputable jeweler and purchased an antique ring that he got from an estate sale.  It was around $300 and is just a narrow gold band with five very small diamonds set in.  I absolutely love the simplicity of it, but I'm a minimalist and have very small hands so it works for me.  


Anyway, I know that doesn't exactly answer your question, but I just wanted to recommend this route for anyone who is interested.  Our jeweler had a really beautiful selection of excellent quality and barely worn antique rings.

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