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DD 17 received her MRI results today


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So, today we found out what has been wrong with dd2's neck and arm this past year.  Turn's out it was a combination of two things. 

#1.  She has something pinched in her elbow.  That should get better with therapy.

#2. is she has a very slight bulge in one disc of her spine, dr said it is very small but since it is starting it is best to be proactive with it.  


But #3. Is most concerning.  dd2 has arthritis at a significantly higher level then dr's would expect to see in a 17 year old girl.  She is also under a weight restriction for lifting things, nothing over 20 pounds.  The dr wants us to sit down with her chiropractor, massage therapist and physical therapist and build a life long plan to strengthen our daughter's spine and back muscles.  Please pray for Jenn, this is sending her into a tizzy.  She's always wanted to be a farmer and now faces that God just might have a different plan for her life then what she thought it was too be.  Much of the work on the farm will be off limits to our dear daughter because we can not allow her to continue to damage her body as she has been for the past year.  This is also coming as a shock to hubby, because we were gearing up to start talking with her about working full time on the farm, because we need reliable help.  I could tell by the look on his face that option is now closed.  He told her that he couldn't allow her to hurt herself by working along side him doing all the heavy work, he told her he loved her too much to risk putting her into a wheel chair by letting her work like she was.


If you have any suggestions of books I should read about arthritis in children/ young people please link me to the titles.  Also, any websites that I should be following to learn more about this, would be greatly appreciated also.



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I was diagnosed with various spinal issues at the age of 22. I have scoliosis, which resulted in bone spurs on my spine. The spurs cause my hands to fall asleep. I also have other joint ache and range of motion issues related to my spinal problems. I have also dealt with bulging disc issues.


The absolute worst thing your daughter can do is to stop moving and exercising.


In the short term, she will need to rest and embrace some therapeutic measures to get the area to calm down.


In the long haul, though, she must--really, absolutely MUST--embrace a lifestyle of consistent, hardworking exercise to keep her spine and her joints strong. Without strong muscles, I promise the arthritis issues will get much worse.


I have had to learn this the hard way. The more I exercise my neck, back, and trunk, the less my hands fall asleep and the less my joints ache. The harder I work, the less my pain.


Find a barracuda physical therapist who will prescribe an unflinchingly hardworking program of physical therapy. You will need someone who is sports oriented. You are not likely to find such a person in a hospital rehab setting. Look specifically for someone who works with athletes a lot.


Expect to spend a roughly four weeks calming the inflammation down. After that your dd should have a consistently escalating program of exercise.


If your physical therapist cannot deliver on this, get a different one. I cannot emphasize strongly enough how important muscular strength contributes to better mobility and reduced pain.


I also personally recommend regular chiropractic care ( I go every 4-6 weeks for tune-ups). I also find massage really, really helps.

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Gosh, hugs to you and your family. She needs to go to a rheumatologist to determine what type of arthritis she has.


My sister has crippling osteoarthritis, but she has always seemed to do the wrong things for it. Diet can make a difference.


If she has access to a pool, spending time in it exercising and even just hanging out in it to give the body a rest from gravity is very important. Thirty minutes to an hour a day over the course of a lifetime can make a difference in long-term prognosis.


My brain is shutting down, but I will try to post a few more things tomorrow.

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I'm so sorry. She must be really upset. I like that the doctor is thinking of managing her issues with a variety of treatments. While it looks like heavy duty farming is off the table it doesn't mean she won't find a way to be part of a farming team.  :grouphug:

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I suggest, as someone else did, that you do a consult with a sports medicine specialist. They are in business to get people functioning at the best level they can given their medical issues. Many rehab places only want you basically functioning, while the sports medicine people might be able to help her achieve better and longer lasting functioning. They would also have contact with good physical therapists, etc. that work with them. Of course, consult with the main doctor on this as well and make sure everyone else has the MRI reports, etc.

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I'm glad that you have the information from the MRI so that you will be able to prevent further harm to your dd. I know that losing a dream can be very difficult, so I am praying that God will either give Jenn a new dream that is even better or allow her to pursue her current dream in a way that will not cause her physical harm.

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