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Maury Show---it reall is sad to listen to


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I had the news on in the other room and now the Maury Show is on.


It really is sad to see the people he hosts on his show. The women who are claiming so and so IS the father of their baby, while other women are claiming the same thing. Or that so and so was cheating on them with their (insert any relative/friend) and that the baby is not ..........


I know this is hyped up for TV, etc. but the portrayal of casual intimate relationships with many people, med fighting to prove that they shouldnt' have to support a child they fathered, women not knowing who fathered their child(ren) and on and on.


I can only imagine these precious little children in 5, 10, 15 years seeing and hearing about this stuff. Does not lend to a stable family environment.


Also, while this is certainly not limited to minority people, it seems like his show caters to those minority people and audiences which again leads to even more stereotyping.


Where or where is Bill Cosby with his wisdom of having men step up to be men.

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He's been around for some time.  I "think" (may have incorrect memory here) that he "used" to have decent guests on.  IF he did, it didn't last long. Unfortunately, tv is "mostly" about RATINGS!  I believe he piggybacked from Jerry Springer or vice versa.  They are both disgusting in the programs they host/ed. 

Maury was/is married to Connie Chung, a news anchorwoman. 


I don't watch too much tv, but when I do I continue to steer clear away from Maury.    It IS hype, b/c that translates into RATINGS and that translates into MONEY! 

Sad, isn't it!!!!!!!!!!!


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I think these shows exist so that people can feel that however awful stuff is in their own life, at least they aren't like "that". It serves to set ourselves apart from "the other".


There is no way that I would have a show like that on in my house, especially around my kids. It's sick. The producers do what they can to spark fights and edit it so it seems like an even bigger fight.


Maury Povich and Jerry Springer once upon a time were actual journalists. I get the feeling this is what sold so this is what they do to earn the money. I bet either would have preferred to be Donahue or Oprah. I imagine they both must feel some sense of comedy in what they do.

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It isn't something we ever "watch" but today I had the news on to listen to and that was the next show and I didn't get the TV turned off (we actually don't watch much TV but rather have speakers in the kitchen and hearth room where I can listen to the TV news, etc. while I cook, clean, etc).


I know it is all about the ratings and I am sure the people are paid to act like that and increase the drama on the show, etc. but what about the kids who have their pictures on TV? have their parents fighting on TV about who is cheating? How many other kids the dad fathered at about the same time, etc?

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When DD13 was tiny, I was staying at home and we didn't have cable-- I watched a lot of this type of show rocking a baby to sleep.


One day I found myself thinking I needed to get paternity testing.  Then I shook my head and thought-- wait!! I KNOW who the father of my child is-- no doubt--- LOL 

Watching these shows really did a number on me!!

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I think I see parts of an episode about once a year. 


I think its hysterical. Sad but funny. 


They moved production of the show to Connecticut. My hairdresser works around the corner from the studio. The Maury Show wanted people to come to this salon to have their hair done before the show. My hairdresser said he would quit if they took the business (its a tiny shop and he brings in most of the business). Thankfully they didn't take the business. I could just imagine fights breaking out in the middle of a shampoo.  :001_smile:

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I can't believe that some of these people aren't actors.  Can there really be that many people in those scenarios ready to air their dirty laundry on TV.  A paternity test can't be that much.


Same thing with Jerry Springer.  I used watch when we had only 3 channels and I was home alone with a colicky newborn.  People would act shocked that the news they were provided with on the show was not good. They acted like they were going to get some long lost relative reunion and have a fairy tale ending, then WHAM, the real story came out.  Really?  You were asked to be on Jerry Springer and you are SURPRISED the news is not good news?

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My mom, sister and aunt were on Maury. The story that aired was very different than the real story, but they didn't much mind as it wasn't terribly serious and kind of funny. Their same episode had a paternity dispute and some kind of girl wrestling.


Please don't kick me off this board for admitting that.

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