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Unfortunately I haven't been able to follow the story line this season - somewhere along the line I got really confused.  I think I need to start over from last season's finale.

Yes this has quickly turned into something more than loss of power. If I miss an episode I will surely be lost, I would try to catch them online or something!!

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If he's dead, I'd like to know why she's bothering to dig him up.


Although I always hate it when someone gets buried and they act like they have all the time in the world to dig them up and they'll be just fine.  How much air can be in a coffin?

I would guess enough for a couple of hours at least

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Well, as we all thought of course Monroe is alive!!! Poor Dr. Porter he is just in such a bad spot. His heart was in the right place that's for sure. Dr.Horn sure is a nut case!!! I feel bad for Aarons girlfriend. She has to know he was only trying to protect her though. I kinda laughed out loud when Monroe first woke up he was so goofy and that little smile LOL! He was all bad a$$ with that knife then all of a sudden, I better sit down LOL! 


To Happi Duck if I were you I would try to see it from the beginning you will most likely be very lost if you don't.

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That was crazy. Watching next week's preview I am pretty sure Rachel will sacrifice her dad. I like how the Patriots are like" the others" on LOST. There is always a new head bad guy showing up. I am glad Monroe was alive. It wouldn't be the same without the banter between Miles and Monroe.

Everytime I see her in a flashback I am all like it is Juliette NO wait it is Rachel LOL!!!!!!!!

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 I feel bad for Aarons girlfriend. She has to know he was only trying to protect her though. 


Ah, but now she sees the connection between her husband/his mistress's deaths & Aaron.  Wouldn't it cause her to question why/how her (albeit JERK of a DH) died "accidentally" & Aaron was there to step into his place...?  I'd be on edge, too.



I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes Monroe!  He's got spunk.


I did like Miles, but he's too broody lately.  All he seems to do is stare moodily into space... (maybe he learned that from Bella, LOL, any Twilight fans out there?  He was her dad.)

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I don't get why the blazes they did follow Aaron in the tunnel?! Geez.


But I've been saying since the peace with Texas thing that they should have high tailed it out of there like satan was in their heels. Why oh why did they stick around?


I feel awful for Aaron in general. It seems a few pale faced computer geeks just picked him to be their little guinea pig fail safe of some sort without his consent. And only her husband knew about it or why. Gee. If I were Aaron, I would not be feeling as warm and friendly about that old dead buddy as I used to that for sure.


Monroe is nuts. I hope in his second life he makes up for the first bc I think they should have left him in the ground. It's like keeping a rabid guard dog. Sure he is effective, but still not a good idea.


I get that Rachel's life is crap, but her emotional breakdowns are annoying.

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I get that Rachel's life is crap, but her emotional breakdowns are annoying.

I TOTALLY AGREE. If I have to watch her stare into space with that vacant look for another episode....grrrrr.


Also I find it interesting that throughout season 1 they were on the road and yet Charlie always looked freshly showered and her hair was clean and lovely. Now they have a home with access to a bathtub and water and they all look like they haven't showered in weeks! And why do they keep wearing the same clothes? They showed shops selling clothes. They have access to other clothes. It's just weird.


But I still love Monroe. :)

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If I were Rachel I would be having a breakdown LOL!!! Monroe was just awesome looking at Miles saying, Your my best friend!!! A lot of this isn't all Monroes fault though. In the beginning he didn't want to do these things Miles pushed and he took it a step further it seems to me he was like a child trying to out do his big brother or something. When he came out swinging then stumbled and talked about sitting down just for a moment I laughed it was just funny!! I think a lot of people were making the remarks about how clean they all were because I read somewhere that season 2 the characters would look a lot dirtier.

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I'm really looking forward to Monroe being on the side of good. For one, he's hawt, lol. But my other reason is weird. I have a Sebastian. Between Revolution and Glee, his TV name has been associated with bad people! And we call him Baz, which is often met with confusion. I feel like having a good, cute, popular character named Baz might pave the road a bit for him, lol.

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I can't quote from my phone. But-

1. I have crushes on Miles and Monroe.

2. I keep calling Rachel Juliette and then correct myself.

3. The dirty hair? That should have veen last season, now they just look grungy.

4. Rachel needs to man up and become Charlies mom again.

5. Aaron is probably gonna lose the girlfriend now that she knows he killed her husband.

6. They better not cancel this show- I am way to invested now. ;)

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I can't quote from my phone. But-

1. I have crushes on Miles and Monroe.

2. I keep calling Rachel Juliette and then correct myself.

3. The dirty hair? That should have veen last season, now they just look grungy.

4. Rachel needs to man up and become Charlies mom again.

5. Aaron is probably gonna lose the girlfriend now that she knows he killed her husband.

6. They better not cancel this show- I am way to invested now. ;)

Her husband was a monster who deserved to be killed!!! I have called her Juliette many times myself LOL

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Her husband was a monster turd, but now she has to wonder if she was manipulated into this relationship and if so, Aaron would just be a nicer monster then wouldn't he? We know it didn't happen that way, but after years of abuse with a manipulative abuser monster turd husband, I can see how she is going to reasonably really struggle with accepting that Aaron didn't do it on purpose to manipulate her. I would.

Not to mention the only reason she is there is because she trusted him, if she doesn't - can they trust her? What if she decides he is too dangerous and maybe those patriots are just trying to protect people from him?

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Her husband was a monster turd, but now she has to wonder if she was manipulated into this relationship and if so, Aaron would just be a nicer monster then wouldn't he? We know it didn't happen that way, but after years of abuse with a manipulative abuser monster turd husband, I can see how she is going to reasonably really struggle with accepting that Aaron didn't do it on purpose to manipulate her. I would.

Not to mention the only reason she is there is because she trusted him, if she doesn't - can they trust her? What if she decides he is too dangerous and maybe those patriots are just trying to protect people from him?

OHHHHHHHHH That is a very good point!!!!! Your totally right she could turn on them! That would make for some intense scenes for sure!  I don't think Rachel will sacrifice her dad to be honest. She saved Monroe for Charlie she wouldn't kill off grandpa and risk ticking Charlie off.

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Miles, well the actor looks way better on Revolution than in Twilight with that beard LOL! Monroe is just adorable and total honesty here I have thought it since the first time I saw him LOL! Even when he was all I am killing everyone I have thought he was HOT!!!! Talk about bad boy infatuation


I know. And I never go for the bad boy. In the real world I'm married to Aaron. Geeky, smart, adorable.

But, man when Miles starts swinging that sword.... 

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