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Mom in High Heels

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I am practically bouncing!  Spoilers ahead!  Spoilers ahead!  Spoilers ahead!  If you haven't watched the episode, do not read any further!  Actually, get off the chat board and go watch the episode!  Go!  Shoo!


Okay, now that the non-watchers are gone:


Holy beejeebers!  I am all over the place after watching this episode!  So very much went on.  Ariel!  Eric!  Eric is in Storybrooke‽‽‽  WHAT‽‽‽  I really liked Ariel and the way she got her legs temporarily.  I did not, however, like the ball dresses.  Short?  Please.  Bad call costume designer (Eduardo Castro).  Bad call. 


Oh, Hook.  Poor, poor, Hook.  He looked so very broken hearted.  I'm sure he needs me to comfort him.  His darkest secret was that he didn't think he'd be able to love another woman (after Milah) until he met Emma!  Gasp!  And Emma wants to put Neal behind her!  YES!  YES, SHE SHOULD!  And then she should totally go jump Hook's bones.  Neal said he'd never stop fighting for her!  Bah!  Weenie.  He's got to go!  The look on Hook's face when he saw them together was heartbreaking.  It's okay Hook!  I choose you!  Wait, um, I mean, Emma chooses you.  Yes, Emma.  Not me.  Emma.


I'm glad the whole "Charming can't leave the island" thing wasn't drawn out.  As soon as I heard about the whole 'Echo/secret' thing, I knew it was going to come out.  Whew!  It would have been really annoying if they'd drawn it out.  Snow was PISSED!  Good for her.  I felt so sad for her when she said she wanted to have another baby because they were robbed of everything with Emma.  


And next week we're back to Storybrooke for part of it!  YAY!!!!!!  I cannot wait!  Why are Sunday's so far apart??????  

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: )


Dd agrees with you re: the dresses. She was voicing her displeasure to the TV.


Loved Hook's and Snow's secrets. Emma's surprised me. Not complaining, though, and it was pretty clever of the writers to let her move on in that way. No one can blame her for stepping back from Neil, and then bam! There's Hook just waiting for her. Yay! Still wondering how this David never leaving Neverland thing is going to work. Maybe Rumple can find a way to keep him alive?


I might have sent up a fist pump when Emma and Neil had their chat.


So happy we're going back to Storybrooke! I've missed it!


I still cannot stand Pan. I do like seeing Rumple and Regina working together for a good cause, though. I hope they can defeat smarmy little Pan. Oh, I just remembered a thought I had when Regina said something about defeating Pan w/o anyone dying. A fate worse than death? I think she'll find a way to make time work again on Neverland and Pan will have to grow up!


Can't wait to see more of the Ariel/Eric story!

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I come on here every Sunday looking for your update! And your enthusiastic use of punctuation!!!!!!  :laugh:


Loved the show this week! In fact I think that this season has been really, really good. Last season seemed to drag in spots, so I'm glad they've picked it up.


I might have to confess that I watched the Hookup :drool:  from last week repeatedly in my spare time, so that might make the days pass faster until next Sunday.  

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Fabulous episode.  So glad to see Rumple back.  I missed him.  He and Regina teaming up-good form. And Regina exposing the Belle fantasy for Pan's shadow-excellent.


I agree with daffodilldreams about Regina making time start so he has to grow up.  That would seem the worst thing for Peter Pan.  Perhaps the writers will surprise us with an even better twist.


Ariel and Eric, sigh.  I have to admit, I like Disney's Ariel better.  This one was drippy.  Where was her spunk.  I think they could have done better with her character.  Regina as Ursula though-that was a good one.  I want to see more of the real Ursula.  Those short ball gowns were just plain awful.


Hook, my darling Hook.  So dreamy.  Even sexier that he told the truth about Neal right away.  So happy there is no long drawn out Charming can't leave the Island.  Get those secrets out in the open. 


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I really loved last nights episode!!! I finally felt like we were getting somewhere and making some progress. I am so ready to be out of Neverland!


Emma and Neil need to be DONE! I know she might have her heart broken again, but she can find solace in Hook's arms :) I don't know if it's the actors or the writing but they don't have nearly the chemistry that Emma and Hook have.


I loved  how Regina and Rumple teamed up. And finally to know  what was going on with those  visions of Belle. They seemed more real than a dream but  I couldn't  figure  it  out.  I also think the fate worse than death awaiting Pan is growing  up,  but who knows.  Would  that make him weaker so that they could defeat him? WHY does Rumple have to die  if Pan dies? I would love to get to see more of his backstory, I"m sure its coming.


Any new guesses as to who is in the other cage? My money is still on Greg or possibly Tink, but  I really think Greg.  


I can't wait to see what they're going  to  do with Charming and being stuck on the island. My  guess is they'll find a workaround for the magic. I was glad Snow was pissed, she should have been!!



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I forgot to mention this in my previous post.  I still have no idea who it is.  I WANT TO KNOW!!!!


I know! I am totally with you! The only reason I am leaning towards it being Greg over Tink is that they made reference to  going to get Tink in the past episode (Regina I believe it was) so I am thinking they know where she stormed off to. OTOH everything thinks Greg is dead (and Tink make a great reference to him being dead) so I am thinking Pan wants to catch them off guard. 

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I know! I am totally with you! The only reason I am leaning towards it being Greg over Tink is that they made reference to  going to get Tink in the past episode (Regina I believe it was) so I am thinking they know where she stormed off to. OTOH everything thinks Greg is dead (and Tink make a great reference to him being dead) so I am thinking Pan wants to catch them off guard. 


And didn't they say something in one of the first couple episodes about how there was hardly anything left of Greg's body?  I've watched enough tv to know that if there's no body, the person isn't really dead. ;)

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Other person in the cage could be a diminished form of Ursula. Or Rumple's Shadow.

And given that Pan's shadow can impersonate anyone, like we saw with Belle, it could be anyone in there. Emma, or Neal. We can't be sure of anyone at this point, especially with Regina gone from the group. She seems to be the only one who can tell the difference.

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Honestly, I'm almost ready to give up on the show.


I totally predicted Regina showing up as Ursula, and then Ursula making an appearance. Bah. I knew as soon as they said U hadn't been seen in a thousand years that Regina would be showing up.


So far, there's no plot twist that either I haven't figured out, or thought of a better one than actually happens.


Diva loves it though, so I get to grit my teeth and hope it improves.


Rumple does rock, but he's not in every scene. And I loathe, loathe, LOATHE Neil. He's such a schlub. Bah.

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Rumple does rock, but he's not in every scene. And I loathe, loathe, LOATHE Neil. He's such a schlub. Bah.


Yes, he does rock.  He should be in at least HALF the scenes.  Hook should be in the other half.  ;)  And I absolutely agree on Neil (or is it Neal?).  He is a schlub and he and Emma have ZERO chemistry.  Captain Swan all the way!

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Great episode last night! The secrets that came out were goodies. I am wondering how Charming is going to leave Neverland and live? Will the death of Pan (if he is even killed, b/c that supposedly means that Rumple will die also) release him, or if Pan is defeated in some other way will it break the curse? And Emma, choose Hook....PLEASE! Goodness knows I would if I could. :)

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I admit, Hook has my sympathy now.  But i still like Neal better.  He's such a great guy, not a drama queen like Hook, just solid and sweet and honest.  But yes, i was VERY pleased to see Rumple in screen.  He's my eye-candy.  


I was going crazy wanting to read this thread but had to watch the show first!!!  


oh, i also like the tension w Snow and Charming . . . yeah, they should have a good fight. their smarmyness was getting on my nerves

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I like Neil! I have a difficult time liking Hook. Pretty helps, but really he was a guy who would take a married woman and mother away from her husband and child. I don't understand what there ever was to love about her either. Maybe he has grown to appreciate better women? Hmm. I don't like either of them for Emma. I still want the huntsman I tell ya!

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I like Neil! I have a difficult time liking Hook. Pretty helps, but really he was a guy who would take a married woman and mother away from her husband and child. I don't understand what there ever was to love about her either. Maybe he has grown to appreciate better women? Hmm. I don't like either of them for Emma. I still want the huntsman I tell ya!


Well, to be honest, you can't take a woman who isn't willing to go.  We already saw how shallow she was and how much she wanted out of her life.  She chose to leave her husband and son.  Hook was merely a means to an end, IMO.  He may have loved her (I think he did), but I'm not convinced that she really loved anyone but herself.  


Oh, Huntsman!  You were gone too soon!  I could have seen him and Emma together, but since he's no longer an option, I'm for Captain Swan.

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I think she will end up with Neil LOL! They will find some way to get Charming off the island or they will just relocate everyone there!! I am eager to see Storybrooke too. I half think Ariel will bring Belle back with her!! That would be cool!! I don't see the big deal for Snow wanting another baby though, I mean of course she would in all reality she is very young. Maybe Pan has Belle in that other cage? Maybe for leverage????

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Finally able to jump into the conversation!  Sheesh, you'd think my boss actually expects me to do work all day long.  :glare:


I loved Ariel and I was excited for this episode to be here. I'm curious who they'll make Eric be in Storybrooke.  It's obviously a much bigger town than it looks.  LOL     And I completely agree the ball gowns were horrid.  Major fail to the wardrobe dept on that one.


I never would have guessed that Belle was the shadow.  How sneaky and evil of Pan!   DH wonders if there is a way to reattach Pan's shadow to him.  And speaking of shadows, what ever happened to Rumple's?  Is Pan holding Rumple's shadow in the other cage?


I thought Snow's secret was lame - of course she wants another baby since she missed out on Emma. Duh.  I'm happy that Charming was forced to tell her that he can't leave Neverland but I'm sure the writers have already found a loophole unless they are planning to write the couple out of the show and are keeping that news well under wraps.  As a side note, did you know that they recently got engaged IRL?  I think it's sweet.


I'm still rooting for Emma and Hook.  I swear I love Hook a little more each week.  His secret was heartbreaking, and so was Emma's!  I don't know if Neal will hold true to his word to not give up fighting for her but he may be in for a long battle if he does. I don't think she's going to get over his betrayals as easily as he seems to think she will.  Hopefully Hook will fight just as hard for her!!!


FWIW because I didn't know this and I'm probably (hopefully!) not the only one, Emma was dating Jefferson IRL but they broke up a few months ago.  I'm sad, they made a cute couple!   How I do wish they'd bring him back from whatever land he ended up in for at least an episode or two. Or send him back to Wonderland. I'm good with that too.  :laugh:


I don't know if this counts as a spoiler or a warning, but the OUAT wiki site says we're in Neverland for at least another 4 episodes according to episode titles.

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Finally able to jump into the conversation!  Sheesh, you'd think my boss actually expects me to do work all day long.  :glare:


I loved Ariel and I was excited for this episode to be here. I'm curious who they'll make Eric be in Storybrooke.  It's obviously a much bigger town than it looks.  LOL     And I completely agree the ball gowns were horrid.  Major fail to the wardrobe dept on that one.


I never would have guessed that Belle was the shadow.  How sneaky and evil of Pan!   DH wonders if there is a way to reattach Pan's shadow to him.  And speaking of shadows, what ever happened to Rumple's?  Is Pan holding Rumple's shadow in the other cage?


I thought Snow's secret was lame - of course she wants another baby since she missed out on Emma. Duh.  I'm happy that Charming was forced to tell her that he can't leave Neverland but I'm sure the writers have already found a loophole unless they are planning to write the couple out of the show and are keeping that news well under wraps.  As a side note, did you know that they recently got engaged IRL?  I think it's sweet.


I'm still rooting for Emma and Hook.  I swear I love Hook a little more each week.  His secret was heartbreaking, and so was Emma's!  I don't know if Neal will hold true to his word to not give up fighting for her but he may be in for a long battle if he does. I don't think she's going to get over his betrayals as easily as he seems to think she will.  Hopefully Hook will fight just as hard for her!!!


FWIW because I didn't know this and I'm probably (hopefully!) not the only one, Emma was dating Jefferson IRL but they broke up a few months ago.  I'm sad, they made a cute couple!   How I do wish they'd bring him back from whatever land he ended up in for at least an episode or two. Or send him back to Wonderland. I'm good with that too.  :laugh:


I don't know if this counts as a spoiler or a warning, but the OUAT wiki site says we're in Neverland for at least another 4 episodes according to episode titles.

I saw pics of the honeymoon on facebook. I am pretty sure they are already married they have been engaged for a bit now!!! "Emma" well the actress seems to have a thing for dating and breaking up with co stars. She also dated Chase on House then they split up. I don't mind Wonderland so much to be truthful. I don't wanna spend a whole season there but it is OK for now :)

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