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How to keep Han Solo dry at night!?!?! Help

Mom in High Heels

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Help me here.  Han Solo wakes up soaked from his chest down every morning.  When we moved to the States, we had to go down a size in diapers, as the size 5's here swallow him whole and they gap so widely around his legs that the pee just runs down his legs.  Size 4 are still a little big (he's a skinny little boy), but don't hold enough.  We've tried everything.  We tried putting a size 5 over the 4, different diaper brands, plastic pants made for cloth diapers, and cutting down the amount of liquid he gets before bed, but he still wakes up soaked.  I have to either give him a bath or wipe him down (if it's not too bad) every morning and change his clothes.  He cannot be comfortable wet.  What can I do?  


We didn't have this problem with the diapers we used in Germany.  It's making me crazy.

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I've never seen them in a size 4!  Jean suggested them (above), but I've only ever found them in size 6!  I guess I'll order them and see if they work.  I hate that he's wet every day and I really tired of doing his laundry over and over!   ;)


They helped with my skinny flood-makers, but every kid is different.  Hope they help!

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When my son (who is now 14!) had this issue we used pull-ups lined with cloth diapers, then with a rubber (or whatever it was) pant on the outside.  I think I used at least 2 cloth diapers. That boy soaked through everything.  


I'm happy to say that this is no longer an issue. :D It does end.  I do remember those days.  Washing all of the bedding almost everyday!  Good times.  :tongue_smilie:

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I don't know if this is helpful, so please just toss it out the window if not. The Goodnights website says the #1 reason for bedwetting is dairy allergy. We removed all dairy from ds' diet and his bedwetting stopped. If he gets the tiniest morsel, even the juice from hamburgers with cheese on them spreading onto his burger, he wets. He also wets from red dye and peanuts. 

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When we had this problem, it was because the boys were...  ahem...  removing the equipment from the protective sheath of the diaper after they were put down to bed for the night.  So changing things up didn't help that much.  Don't know if that's the case here, but I thought I'd suggest it.

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I don't know if this is helpful, so please just toss it out the window if not. The Goodnights website says the #1 reason for bedwetting is dairy allergy. We removed all dairy from ds' diet and his bedwetting stopped. If he gets the tiniest morsel, even the juice from hamburgers with cheese on them spreading onto his burger, he wets. He also wets from red dye and peanuts. 


We know he's allergic to milk protein, so he doesn't have that anyway.  Thanks for the thought though.


Thanks everyone for your suggestions.  The nighttime diapers arrived today (yay Amazon!), so we'll see how that goes.  He actually hasn't been wet the past 2 mornings, but that's because he hasn't been feeling well and been up a few times, so I changed his diaper.  He sleeps all night, so I don't want to wake him up to change him, but since he was awake, I figured I'd take advantage of it. We'll see how the new diapers work, and if I have to, I'll try the whole maxi pad thing.  I won't tell him when he's older though, so I don't scar him for life.  ;)

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We know he's allergic to milk protein, so he doesn't have that anyway.  Thanks for the thought though.


Thanks everyone for your suggestions.  The nighttime diapers arrived today (yay Amazon!), so we'll see how that goes.  He actually hasn't been wet the past 2 mornings, but that's because he hasn't been feeling well and been up a few times, so I changed his diaper.  He sleeps all night, so I don't want to wake him up to change him, but since he was awake, I figured I'd take advantage of it. We'll see how the new diapers work, and if I have to, I'll try the whole maxi pad thing.  I won't tell him when he's older though, so I don't scar him for life.   ;)


Hmm… might it be eggs then? I've read that 50% of those allergic to dairy are also allergic to eggs. our ds is, and eggs also make him wet. 

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Hmm… might it be eggs then? I've read that 50% of those allergic to dairy are also allergic to eggs. our ds is, and eggs also make him wet. 


We don't eat eggs, so no that either!  


I actually bought the Fisher Price night time diapers and THEY WORKED!  He woke up completely dry.  We didn't have to change his undershirt or jammies.  HUZZAH!  Hopefully we'll have continued success.  He seemed happy not to wake up cold and wet.  Thank you all!

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