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No good, awful, very bad morning and it's progress


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I woke up this morning to have dd3 greet me to tell me that dd2 left the liquid laundry detergent cap off the bottle, and it tipped.  2 liters of soap was covering my folding table and dripping onto the floor and running underneath my stackable washer and dryer.  Yeah!  At least there were no clothes on the folding table.  Apparently, my speech about don't wake me up until someone is bleeding a lot worked!


I was able to get that cleaned up and thought, I'm going to go right now and get my bath to clean up for the day and to try to stay relaxed.


I've had a stress rash for a few days now and this morning was the best it has looked so far when I first sat up in bed.


So, I had a lovely bath and felt relaxed.  When I went to get out, I slipped and came crashing down onto my hip and leg.  Really!!!  It's an accident but honestly please can I not come down with anything injured, illness or emotional breaking point for 1 week!


I decided that I'm not going to let me get this down, I'll just call the chiropractor and start the healing process. 

So, I call my hubby to look for some sympathy and he tells me that the milk inspector is coming sometime today and the milk quality control gentleman is coming to inspect and sign off of our paperwork, but he doesn't know when!!!  It could be in 2 hours or tonight after milking (7pm).  Today is trick or treating!!!  How on earth do I tell the kids that they might not get to go!  We have to drive them because the farms are so far apart, so they can't go by themselves.  My in-laws are next door but they have to be at this meeting also.  The house is untidy, homeschooling started 15 minutes ago and I am overwhelmed!


Maybe, I'll make them have the meeting in the laundry room.  It smells really clean right now!


Here's my list:

1. Don't kill husband.

2. Start slowcooker.

3. Clean entrance way and kitchen while kids do math.

4. Keep flipping laundry.

5. Tidy living room and clear off computer table.

6. Put all paperwork that will be needed for the meeting in one location.

7. Breath slowly.


When I get that done, I'll come back.  Please wish me luck!

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You poor thing! I hope the milk inspector can get there early and get through in a timely manner. Are you where the weather might cause him to delay?


My mother taught me that when liquid detergent spills, to use hand towels or dish cloths to soak it up, and then you can throw a saturated towel in with a normal load and save much of the detergent. If you have to use many towels (like your 2 liter spill!), you can toss them into a plastic bag or bowl to hold until you can use them all.


Chin up, girl! This, too, shall pass and tomorrow is a new day.

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Here's my list:

1. Don't kill husband.

2. Start slowcooker.

3. Clean entrance way and kitchen while kids do math.

4. Keep flipping laundry.

5. Tidy living room and clear off computer table.

6. Put all paperwork that will be needed for the meeting in one location.

7. Breath slowly.


ok, I'm pausing to eat lunch and watch Liberty Kids with my kids.  I did soak up the detergent with rags so as I keep the laundry moving my rag pile is getting smaller and smaller.  I decided to focus on folding laundry after I finish eating and while we watch our show.  Praise God there was no arguing about getting Math done this morning!

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You ladies are a hoot!  No, I won't kill hubby.  His life insurance isn't high enough yet! LOL  <--- that was me joking, no need to call the police. :lol:


House is ready.

I am ready.

Paper work is ready.

My girlfriend took my very rural kids to her subdivision to go trick or treating.  They will have a blast.


My son ended up burning himself on the slowcooker, so I added that to my list of REALLY's!!! for today.

Apparently, someone wants me to understand that I can do all this in one day and survive.  And I did one better.  I thrived!


I have 16 minutes to finish my tea and play a game on the ipad.  So, I'm off to chill and relax. 

Oh, and I never yelled once today at the kids!  Hubby on the other hand was given a quiet discussion. 

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Yes.  He's actually in the barn now and then he'll come into the house to go over our paperwork.  Hubby informed me that he was supposed to have a list of all the chemicals in the barn written out for the Milk Quality inspector.  I didn't kill hubby, I just went out and wrote it all down and then came in to print out the Veterinary information for each one.


Really, it's just a new program that the "public" supposedly wants in place to make sure all is well with the milk supply.  I understand the reasoning for why they want some information but honestly, a lot of it is just a paper generating machine.  If I'm only allowed to buy medicines from my "approved" vet why on earth do I have to keep 10 sheets of documentation about each available medicine on the farm.  All that info is available on the internet to anyone now as it is.  But, no, I have to keep a 3 inch binder of info just in case I happen to use any of those meds.  btw, we are a small herd and RARELY have to medicate anything!  Our children drink this milk unpasteurized and we eat the meat from these animals.  We grow our own feed for these animals with minimal or no chemical involvement because we want our children to have the best food supply.  But I understand other farmers don't do things like we do.  So, because of that we have to jump through hoops and annoyingly MORE hoops because we have to prove we aren't medicating on the sly.  Like I have time for that!!!


I have to walk around the farm every 2 days with a checklist and inspect a bunch of stuff, sign off and say everything is A-ok! and then keep that piece of paper for 5 blasted years!  Why?  Because someone in the future, might want to make sure that the hamburger that they might have bought 4 years ago came from a clean farm.  We don't butcher animals here!  We have no control of how the animal is treated after it is sold from this farm, but we have to have paper work to prove there wasn't a problem here.


I personally think many of these stupid programs are created by people who want to make jobs for their kids so they design another program that generates paper that someone has to inspect.  The best was the milk inspector who came one year, walked into our barn and actually said, "So, this is what a dairy barn looks like."  I just about passed out.  He had been working as an inspector for 2 years in an office and had never made a field call.  He never grew up on a farm, never been to a farm and admitted his uncle helped him get the job.   He actually wanted all the farmers around here to come up with a way to keep the flies out of the barn.  Why not just cure the common cold while we are at it!


Ok, coming off my hissy fit.  :tongue_smilie: Putting on my smiley face and getting the hot water ready for coffee!

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