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Question About Pictures of Your Kids


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In this day and age, where there is a digital camera (of respectable quality) built-in-to darn near everything, how often do you take pictures of your kids, things that they make, yourself or something that you make or see that is of interest?


I take pictures of the kids every once in awhile.  I didn't get a digital camera until Link was a  year old, and for a long time I took tons and tons of pictures - of Link, of Astro when he was little, and Pink, too.  As they've gotten older it isn't so much a daily thing or even a weekly thing - they aren't changing as much, so even *I* noticed that it was another picture of them looking exactly the same.  Which is fine - I just stopped taking so many!! 

I snap a picture of everything they make so i don't feel bad about throwing it away.  :lol:  I'm considering making something that includes the pictures in it or on it - whether a book or a poster of some kind I'm not sure.  I've seen several ideas on Pinterest so I've been considering something like that.

I don't often take pictures of myself.  I actually used to do selfies all the time before they were cool.  ;)  You know, back when I was in high school and college and lighter and didn't pick myself apart in every picture.  :D  So I've started trying to get more pictures with me in them as of late.  Pictures of me with DH or one of (or all of) the kids, 'selfie style'.  :)   And I always take a picture of myself when I get new hair every few months - today I got it ombre with red at the top and blonde at the bottom and I literally spent 45 minutes trying to get a good picture of it.  It's raining here so there wasn't much 'natural lighting' to speak of, and apparently all my bulbs are the 'warm light' or whatever they call it - I had a terrible time finding anywhere in the house where I could get a true picture of the color.  I still ended up settling for less than perfect.  But anyway....

When we go places, I take pictures.  On field trips, to museums, any special thing we go to, sometimes when we go for a walk on the trail, vacations, etc, etc. 


I love love LOVE pictures.  I come from a family that was like that, too, so I see it more in myself than anyone else I know.  Most of DH's extended family and my friends don't take nearly the amount of pictures I do.  :D

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Whenever my kids remember to take a picture of each other or themselves. I just tend to not get to it.

This is me. I am not a picture person. I do not like to be in them and I rarely think to take one in the moment. When the kids want to see pictures of life events they were part of I send them to see my sister. (On a related note, all but two of the pictures of my kids on Facebook are pics she has taken and tagged me in. :) )

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I use my phone for any impromptu photos. For any known events DH or I or both bring a digital camera, and sometimes a video camera. All of those photos have become something of a digital clutter challenge DH is trying to sort out.


Our phones' cameras are also used for more mundane purposes. DH is an engineer and takes pictures of issues with things at work. I take pictures of notices at the library or gift ideas I see while running errands. We've used them to comparison shop (pictures of items with price tags), or to check in at home to see if the person sent shopping was selecting the correct stuff. And just last night DH texted pictures of the crack in our suddenly leaking fish tank while I was with the kids at Aikido.


My USFS archaeologist friend sometimes sends pictures from the field, or of the sunsets or weather where they are. We also use the still and video camera functions on the phone to send short messages featuring the kids.


Lots of use, so I'm careful of who else (especially other people's kids) might be in my phone photos, since I enabled geotagging. I don't post pictures to Facebook and just disabled my Pinterest account, so sending via text or email is my primary mode of distribution.

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Not very often.  Usually I forget to bring my camera to memorable events.  :/  Yesterday was my dd's birthday but I had forgotten to charge my camera.  I got a few snaps on my iphone, which is something I rarely do.  Once in a while I capture something silly and "so my kids" on my camera's video.  Over time, it is more than enough.  Certainly a lot more than my parents ever took of me.  :)

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