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I am desperate for **actual** tea!


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I just have to say that WTM euphemisms make reading posts here endlessly engaging, even if (or especially if) they are NOT meant euphemistically! (I still can't hear a women say she's tearing out all her carpeting and going bare without snorting my tea...) 


I literally just laughed out loud!

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I am caffeine sensitive, and drink decaf. green tea all day long. I make a gallon pitcher (takes 16 bags), and experiment with different combinations, 12 of straight green tea, then 4 bags of a flavor, I like the chai. With only 1/4 of it caffeine, it doesn't amount to much. And I use stevia for sweetener.

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Oh my goodness.  Until after this first intro I didn't realize she was talking about actual tea but the WTM kind  :lol:


Have to share a story though. 


So at my older sister's baby shower this weekend my brother in law (my other sisters husband), someone asked me how far along I was into my pregnancy and he over heard the remark 15 weeks.  So a couple second later while I was somewhat distracted he asked, 


"15 weeks- no sex?"  


I thought he was asking if it had been 15 weeks since I had sex.  


I responded, "Well I try.  I mean, when I can you know."  :laugh:


He meant did I know the gender yet.


You are awesome :-)

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To answer your question...

I have all of my clients drink Pregnancy Tea.  I prefer it over RRL tea because it has other beneficial herbs in it.  For example, Traditional Medicinals has nettle (good for your blood), rose hips (Vit C), Alfalfa (good for blood and digestion), RRL (uterine toner), and peppermint (reduce heartburn and for taste).  


Two cups a day in the second trimester and three cups in the third trimester is what I recommend. 


When you are nursing you could drink Mother's Milk.  It's generally for those who want to boost their milk supply but honestly, you need to drink A LOT of it to actually do that.  Anyway, it would be safe while breastfeeding.  :)  You could also continue to drink the Pregnancy Tea then as well.  

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If the caffeine does not seem to affect your baby or your milk supply, I would not worry about it.  If it does affect your LO, as they get older and nursing spaces out a bit, you can time your cup of caffeine to be right after a nursing session to allow maximum time before baby nurses again too.


As for herbal teas, kellymom has a good list of herbs to avoid while breastfeeding here:  http://kellymom.com/bf/got-milk/herbs_to_avoid/  I would just read the labels and make sure your herbals don't contain those.  When I want caffeine free, I love the rooibos teas (usually vanilla rooibos or chai rooibos) since I can still put half and half and sugar in them like black tea.  

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I think tea would be ok.


Tea shops carry caffeine free teas that are delicious. I am not really fond of Rooibos, the flavor seems weird to me. 


I think maybe a cup or two would be fine for breastfeeding even if it does contain caffeine. But if you aren't comfortable with it I would go with some nice herbal teas from a tea shop.


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I had prepared this long and thoughtful reply that held a comment directed at nearly everyone and then lost it! Will it suffice if I just a big HUGE thank you to everyone for their advice, guidance and resources.


Jr. and I are going on some errands tomorrow and we're going to the tea shop and the tea section of the market!!!

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