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Downton Abbey: Season 4


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This latest episode left me horrified and sickened. I wish the writers hadn't gone there.


Also, I cannot stand the new lady's maid (why, oh why did they bring her back?! ick!) and wish Branson would stay far, far away from her.


There's a lot I do like about this season so far, but I find the above two story lines hugely disappointing.

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All these comments about disturbing have me concerned. Dd and I have been watching the links on here. Is this something that I will not want her to see? How horrifying is it, and in what way?

I'm going to put a spoiler in white, so you can know what happened if you wish, without giving it away to the rest of the board.


Spoiler (highlight to see it):

One of the characters is raped. You see the violence leading up to it, but not the actual rape itself, and then you see the character's reaction afterwards.

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All these comments about disturbing have me concerned. Dd and I have been watching the links on here. Is this something that I will not want her to see? How horrifying is it, and in what way?

I don't have a teen but I really, really would not watch that episode with my daughter...teen or not. It was disturbing and I wouldn't have been emotionally OK with that episode as a teen. YYMV. I can pm you with the topic/storyline of concern or you can google a synopsis. I'm sure it would be mentioned as it was a shocking part of the episode.

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Is anyone else fearful that (highlight to read): Anna will become pregnant from the rape and will have to pass the baby off as Bates?


That's where I'm afraid they are going with this particular story line.


Also can't stand the new maid. Branson should know better by now.


I was so glad to hear Lady Mary laugh again though.

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Is anyone else fearful that (highlight to read):


That's where I'm afraid they are going with this particular story line.


Also can't stand the new maid. Branson should know better by now.


I was so glad to hear Lady Mary laugh again though.

Yes, that is where I think they may go with this. I really hope not though.


I really like Branson. I hope he can somehow wise up to the maid situation and overcome his insecurities of not fitting in.

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Is anyone else fearful that (highlight to read): Anna will become pregnant from the rape and will have to pass the baby off as Bates?


That's where I'm afraid they are going with this particular story line.


Also can't stand the new maid. Branson should know better by now.


I was so glad to hear Lady Mary laugh again though.


Yes, the thought has crossed my mind.  I really hope they don't do that.  I want a quickly wrapped up, justice is served resolution to this.  Thoughts that might give too much away, so highlight if you wish to read on: Even though I could tell the guy was bad news, I didn't think Downton was going there.  I really, really thought Bates would come looking for Anna just in the nick of time and toss the slimeball out on his butt.  

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I finished watching about two hours ago and I still feel really sick to my stomach. It really should have come with a trigger warning. And that isn't a particular trigger for me.


I agree. I think it's because over the past three seasons the writers have developed that character so much that the viewers have really gotten to know her so it was like watching it happen to a family member or a close friend. It definitely left me shaken much more than that kind of thing (like in a movie) usually does.

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I agree. I think it's because over the past three seasons the writers have developed that character so much that the viewers have really gotten to know her so it was like watching it happen to a family member or a close friend. It definitely left me shaken much more than that kind of thing (like in a movie) usually does.


Yes. And thank you for saying that, I have been driving myself mad wondering why I am having such an incredibly hard time with it. But yes, if feels like it has happened to a close friend.

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I am really disturbed by this plot twist. I could see this happening to one of the lesser maids, but not an established one. I'm guessing the actress playing Anna wanted some excitement. But I think the writers made a big mistake with this one. I can't believe that anyone is going to enjoy watching what she and mr bates are now going to have to suffer through.


I believe I'll be using my fast forward feature on this part of the storyline as well as Tom and the evil maid. Fortunately, the Simply June blog I view through also linked an article about the dazzling actress who is coming in to play the new nanny and Tom's love interest. Til Edna gets the boot, that part of the storyline will get ff'd. Can't believe I'm saying this, but....ain't nobody got time for that!

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