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Has anyone travelled to China? (speaking of dream trips!)


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Dh and I have the opportunity to spend 2 weeks in China next June, traveling with a group put together by friends who are China natives and professors at the university here. We'd spend 6 days in/around Beijing, 4 days in Xi'an, and 4 days in/around Shanghai.


Dh has been studying Mandarin for several years. He is beside himself with excitement. I can say hello, goodbye, thank you, and I would like tea/wine/coffee :lol:


The Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the terra cotta warriors (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), all the amazing gardens---oh my!


I know Laura used to live in China. Has anyone else been? Our friends say things are changing so rapidly in their home country.

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Twice. Although the purpose was to bring home our daughters, they were incredible trips and we can't wait to go back. Among other cities we visited Guangzhou on both trips, 1998 and 2005, and yes, the change was amazing. We will likely return in the next 2-3 years, although not in the middle of summer if at all possible.

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I spent 10 days there as a tourist a few years ago.  It was my second-best travel trip after India.  Can't wait to take my girls there someday.  :)  You are hitting the best places.  Of the three cities, Shanghai was my least favorite, but they do have a really sweet tea room place that I liked.  In Xi'an, make sure you see the dance show at the dumpling house - of course I don't remember what it's called, but a tour guide would be able to tell you.  Best show I ever saw or probably ever will see.  (The dumplings were yummy too.)

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My husband and I spent almost three weeks in China in December 2009 when we traveled to adopt our daughter. We went to Beijing and toured The Great Wall and The Forbidden City. We also rode a rickshaw through parts of the city and visited a couple of traditional homes. Wonderful and amazing experiences! We then traveled to Nanjing to receive our daughter. While there, we went to an art gallery and walked along the Yangtze River. We toured several historical sites there as well. We wrapped up our trip in Guangzhou. It was very pretty and modern. There we stayed at The White Swan hotel-a fabulous experience! We really enjoyed our time in China and would love to go back one day.

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We lived there for almost seven months. June is going to be incredibly hot. We used to take the fast train to Shanghai to visit Ikea, Hershey's, and Carl's Jr.  when we were tired of the local food. Prepare yourself mentally for crowds, to be stared at, and touched by strangers. It might not be so bad in the larger cities. I've heard that the Silk Market in Beijing is pretty incredible. Bargain, bargain, bargain or you will get ripped off. Be prepared for very poor air quality and humidity. By going to three different provinces you will experience three different styles of Chinese food. Enjoy your trip!

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i worked there from 2002 to 2004, with a short stint in Hong Kong in 2005. I love China. It was wonderful. I am sure it has changed immensely since I was there; even from 2002 to 2004, there were enormous changes.


My sister just went there this summer on a tour with a musical group, and did not really enjoy herself--she experienced a different side of China, I suppose. She found the new construction and luxury hotels that they stayed in in the big cities to be an upsetting contrast to the fact that you can't safely drink unboiled tap water, for instance. I was a little bit sad that her experience was not the marvel that mine was.

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My family travelled there this past summer (in June) for two weeks; one in Beijing and one in Shanghai.  We are Jewish and keep kosher so that limited what we could eat (we brought lots of food from Japan and supplemented with some peelable fruit from vendors and the one kosher restaurant in each city and a ex-pat market run in each city as well - mostly to stock up on goodies I couldn't get in Tokyo).  We had an amazing time, but the pollution was horrendous -- we bought Totobobo face masks but didn't use them (because we felt stupid with them on).  Our eyes were tearing horribly each day and I needed to use inhalers for long-dormant asthma once or twice in Beijing.  You couldn't see the sun!  The cities themselves are amazing and changing every second.  The taxis will take your breath away (and that comes from someone who has driven in many countries/cities) and walking across the street will make you take your life into your own hands.  


All in all, I might go back if my husband gets asked to teach a summer course there, but Japan is so much more... Japanese. ;)  

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We lived there for seven years. (2005-2012) I am the one that pushed to move back home.  Now I'm the one trying to get us to move back.  It was amazing how much everything changed while we were there.  You are visiting some great places.  Have fun.

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We spent two weeks there when we adopted our daughter. I can't wait to bring her back to visit! My son lives there half the year, he teaches history in a middle school there. He absolutely loves it. I don't know that I would want to live there as the culture is so very different then what I am used to. Like someone else said, be prepared to be stared at and touched. There is no such thing as personal space in China.

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Without a doubt the downside is smog in the cities, no personal space, and in Beijing, every time you cross the street, it's a life threatening experience. Then there is the fact that you can't drink the water. I even kept my mouth closed every time I showered and had a towel handy to wipe any water off my lips. Hubby and I also brushed our teeth with bottled water. There are some places you visit that will have only "squatty" potties, so be prepared. Also, keep some toilet paper or Kleenex in your purse b/c it's not always available when you're out & about-every hotel in which we stayed had Western toilets and plenty of toilet paper, but we stayed at the high end luxury hotels. At The Great Wall, there was no toilet paper in the restrooms and only "squatty" potties. When I typed my first post, I guess I was wearing my rose-colored glassed b/c I only remembered the awesome parts of our experience in China. It is definitely different from the United States, but that's what makes it unique. It was a completely new and exciting experience for us. Overall we loved it and hope to go back one day.

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Yes, I have been twice.


My father grew up in Tian Jin (used to be Tian Tsin when he lived there.)


I spent 2 weeks there in 1994 and a little over 3 weeks in China in 2007.  The second trip I saw more.  I even went to the Grasslands in Inner Mongolia, that was really cool.  



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I went to China once (in conjunction with a long trip to Nepal and Thailand). I <3 Asia! I found it easier to travel there in terms of not knowing the language too than parts of Europe (where everyone is irritated with you if you don't!).


Go and report back with pictures for us! :)


ETA - I would totally agree things are changing fast. But it would definitely still be worth the trip to me.

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I was there 5 years ago, and went to the same cities! My trip was much shorter than yours, though. I recommend going to the Great Wall at Simatai, it's a bit of a drive from Beijing but more authentic and less touristy. The warriors were fantastic! Also, there is a little museum in Xian called The Forest of Stone Tablets - one of my favorites. We really enjoyed walking around on the tops of the city walls.


Enjoy your trip!!

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I was there 5 years ago, and went to the same cities! My trip was much shorter than yours, though. I recommend going to the Great Wall at Simatai, it's a bit of a drive from Beijing but more authentic and less touristy. The warriors were fantastic! Also, there is a little museum in Xian called The Forest of Stone Tablets - one of my favorites. We really enjoyed walking around on the tops of the city walls.


Enjoy your trip!!


I agree with the Simatai section of the Great Wall.  It really gives you a feel for being on the frontier, whereas the standard rebuilt section could be anywhere.



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I'm surprised only one person brought up the toilet issues.  Be prepared!  I think it is the biggest culture shocker of all when visiting China.  The bigger cities will have some western toilets, but most places are squatties without tp.  My suggestion is to bring some tp with you every where you go just in case.  And lots of hand sanitizer, as there is usually not soap in the bathrooms either. But don't worry, you will get used to it fast.

 June will be warm, but nice.  Like some one else said it will be great to experience 3 different types of food.   Have fun!


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I'm surprised only one person brought up the toilet issues.  Be prepared!  I think it is the biggest culture shocker of all when visiting China.  The bigger cities will have some western toilets, but most places are squatties without tp.  My suggestion is to bring some tp with you every where you go just in case.  And lots of hand sanitizer, as there is usually not soap in the bathrooms either. But don't worry, you will get used to it fast.

 June will be warm, but nice.  Like some one else said it will be great to experience 3 different types of food.   Have fun!


Honestly - I lived there so long that the toilet issue became second nature and I forgot to mention it.



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One tip - make sure to schedule the trip around any national holidays!!  We ended our trip in Shanghai on Labor Day (I think) and the absolute MASS of humanity that descended on the city made those last few days very, very difficult. 


Also for the Great Wall - we headed to the Mutianyu section as opposed to the Badaling section.  It was great and not very crowded.  I have heard the Badaling section can become SO crowded that there is very little room to move and you have to wait for people to come down before you go up.  The Mutianyu section was a little further out of town but definately worth the extra little time in the car!


In Xian don't miss the Banpo Museum - it was built over an archaeological dig of a prehistoric village - very cool!


A highlight for us was the time in the little town of Yangshou on the Li River.  We would definately go back again!

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In Xian don't miss the Banpo Museum - it was built over an archaeological dig of a prehistoric village - very cool!


A highlight for us was the time in the little town of Yangshou on the Li River.  We would definately go back again!


I agree with you about Yangshuo - lovely place.


The Banpo museum used to be really funny: the labels were all about the archaeological record of communist organisation in the ancient village.  They might have updated the labels since I was there in '86.  Or maybe not.



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I agree with you about Yangshuo - lovely place.


The Banpo museum used to be really funny: the labels were all about the archaeological record of communist organisation in the ancient village.  They might have updated the labels since I was there in '86.  Or maybe not.




They must have redone the musuem very recently.  They had some seriously cool interactive displays - very cutting edge! 

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We've decided to take dd13 to China with us :party:


Cammie, thanks for sharing your blog with us---dd just read the entire thing!






This is my blog about our family trip to China. We had a great time! We did a Beijing-Xian-Guilin-Yangshaou-Shanghai trip. All the details are in the blog - hotels, trains, flights, etc.


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Feel free to PM me with any questions!  It was a seriously great trip - and one that had not been on my radar.  My Dh was looking at flights on sale at 2 AM and woke me up and said "shall we go to China this summer?"  In the morning I had to confirm that he had booked tickets!  Living in India so many great trips are so close!


We have seriously picky eaters in the family so that was a concern.  We ended up eating American fast food most of the time - a sacrifice I'm willing to make to keep everyone happy.  DH and I did get to eat some more authentic food a number of times after we got the kids fed.


Have a great trip!

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