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When you list something and you get a bunch of people lowballing, do you even bother responding?

I have an item listed for $250.   I have gotten people responding with offers as low as $150.


Right now it is pending pick up from someone I have agreed to sell it to for $225.  Since then I have actually gotten some full price offers, but since I already committed, I am going through with the $225 offer.


I just get so irritated.  Some of them are rude too.


Last time I listed something on CL (ipod touch for $160) I got an email that expressed interest.  I emailed the person back my phone number.  The person emailed back and said, "You get $100 and you must deliver."   I emailed back and said no.  Then they CALLED me and said again that I needed to deliver.  Their house was 35 miles from me!!!!!!  I told him no and he seemed upset with me!  What the heck, I wasn't even agreeing to the price, much less delivery!   


I now make sure to say, "You pick up!"


I guess I need to add to my listings:


Courteous replies will be answered.  No low ball offers.  

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Unless it's a scam reply, I always respond considering it a common courtesy.  Usually the response is something to the effect of, "Sorry, but I've already accepted an offer at ___ price."  The ___ can be replaced by "my asking" if it was true.


I guess I feel I give potential buyers and idea of what the market price is so they'll know for any future offers they want to make.


The phone call deal is weird.

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I had that on my local moms' group.  I listed some kitchen items for dirt cheap and a woman over 20 miles away (and in a direction I never go) asked me to deliver them to her.


The items were about $10 combined.  Gas would have cost me another $10 plus an hour of time.



I don't respond to people like that. I have really crazy stuff too, like when I posted a bunch of books for free and the person expected me to bring them. :confused1:


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I had that on my local moms' group.  I listed some kitchen items for dirt cheap and a woman over 20 miles away (and in a direction I never go) asked me to deliver them to her.


The items were about $10 combined.  Gas would have cost me another $10 plus an hour of time.


Yeah some times I am amazed at people and not in a good way

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I don't give a phone number until we get to the point of arranging pick ups.


If someone lowballs AND requires something unreasonable (Like the person who wanted me to meet her 2.5 hours away -- spending more on gas than she was willing to spend on the item), I just delete the message and go on.


If they offer a different price, I'll respond back with what I am willing to accept and see what they do.


If the item is pending pick up, I'll mention that and let them know I'll get back to them if it isn't picked up.


If it sounds scammy, I usually delete. I don't want to give my email address away.


I do the best I can to reply to every reasonable email on my Craigslist posts though.


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some people don't deserve a response.  if you're getting that many low-balls, you can add to your ad that the price is firm - and IGNORE the low-balls.  considering some people aren't serious (note how many ads list "serious inquiries only".), if a response doesn't include a phone number, I consider it unserious and just delete. (main parameter, not the only one.)


I never include my phone or e-mail in the ad - they have to do a generic response to craigslist and I decide if I want to respond to them.  I do not owe them my phone number or e-mail address, which they get if I respond.  there are scammers who take those phones #'s and e-mails and sell them to advertisers.  no thanks.


as for the guy with the $100 - I'd think about telling him I'll take $100 as a delivery charge, and the item is $250.  so $350 total.   cash only.  (I'd probably have just deleted as I don't want these types of people having my e-mail.)  but I sometimes enjoy poking people.  I've also had people pretend to be willing to pay full price, and show up and low-ball me.  um, no.  and lectures because it wasn't in new condition.  what part of this is "used" didn't you understand?  you're welcome to go pay retail if you can find it in a store. 


some people do act as though they are entitled.  I recall listing a Barbie house on freecycle and had many responses.  I waited to choose until I had one I liked .  one grandmother repeatedly sent responses, the gist of which was,  she had to have been one of the first responders and so she should get it.   I completely ignored her.



eta: I've also have people bring less cash (or claim to) than the item costs in an attempt to low-ball me  no, price is firm cash only.  I had fun with one guy when I was selling my mother's car.  I had SO MANY offers for the first day, I should have asked more.  first guy wants me to hold it for several hours and can he come back later. um, no.  you can go get the cash or I'll sell it to the next person on the list.  I was willing to wait the 30 minutes it took him to go to the bank.

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I find that it is all in how you post the item. You have to be very clear. Something like:


"Selling this item for $200 FIRM. No lower offers please. Item will be yours to pick up, I cannot deliver."


But no matter what you say you will get the weird spam offers that come in from overseas, etc. Just ignore those.


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I don't give out my phone number without them trying to arrange pick up either.  But even when they seem like they will pick it up, I get people who change their mind or negotiate after the fact.


She said she would show at 7:30pm.  It is now 8:35 and she isn't here.  Dh is mad because item is now in the garage and we can't put the car in there until it is GONE and there is no way he is taking the bunkbeds back up the stairs.





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I just posted a bunch of my little girl's 18 month clothes. Someone emailed me and asked how much for all of it (20 pairs of pants, 23 shirts, 4 dresses and a coat and hat), to which I replied $60. She asked if that was the best I could do. Yes, for mostly Gap/Gymboree/Old Navy, that is the best I could do. Irritating!

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Craigslist seems to draw the crazy. DH had been trying to buy a freezer from a guy for a week now, and the guy repeatedly has excuses about why he can't arrange to meet DH. I'm like, why the heck did you bother listing the freezer if you don't really want to sell it? I have a love-hate relationship with Craigslist.

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Put on your add FIRM. People assume they can negotiate anything unless you state otherwise.


With large furniture you might want to add that must bring or van with seats removed and buyer will need two people to carry and load item. I know it seems obvious, but otherwise you get people asking you to do all this stuff.


I'd tell no show, unless she contacts you with a good excuse (massive accident shut down interstate and I was blocked in the traffic), that furniture is going to someone else. Then start contacting the higher offers.

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Put on your add FIRM. People assume they can negotiate anything unless you state otherwise.


With large furniture you might want to add that must bring or van with seats removed and buyer will need two people to carry and load item. I know it seems obvious, but otherwise you get people asking you to do all this stuff.


I'd tell no show, unless she contacts you with a good excuse (massive accident shut down interstate and I was blocked in the traffic), that furniture is going to someone else. Then start contacting the higher offers.

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She didn't show.  DH is really irritated because it is in the garage now and now we can't park the car in there.  UGH. 

Time to be contacting the others who offered full price.  Hopefully one of them will still want it.


It's not uncommon to have Craiglist no-shows.  Did you get their phone number?  We do.  Once I called the number and the guy on the other end was a little sheepish when he said, "Yeah, we changed our mind.  I guess we should have called you, huh?"  Others tend to make excuses.


I figure the least I can do is try to imply they should have manners...

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I have contacted 3 on the list who wanted the item.   TWO have now emailed me back that in the 3 days I held it for the woman who begged me to hold it, they found other beds.


I haven't heard back from the 3rd.  


If it doesn't sell by Wed. I am going to have to take it off and relist after my trip.  


SO irritated.


DH says I should never hold it.....can't come until Saturday?  Well, contact me Saturday and I will let you know if it is still available.   I just have a soft spot for people who say they can't come until the weekend and would i please hold it????  I guess I am toughening up fast here though!



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THanks guys.


I sent emails to the 3 or 4 who had contacted me but I had said it was pending.  I said clearly, "First person to come after noon today and have cash will get this.  I have had some no shows and will not hold it anymore."


Someone was here before 1pm with cash!



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THanks guys.


I sent emails to the 3 or 4 who had contacted me but I had said it was pending.  I said clearly, "First person to come after noon today and have cash will get this.  I have had some no shows and will not hold it anymore."


Someone was here before 1pm with cash!





I think your wording for future "weekend only" folks sounds great too...

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