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2008 Olympics- UGH!

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Ok. I love the Olympics. I like to watch it. However we don't have cable and I am not about to get it just for the Olympics. So I go to "The Network" site so that I can watch it on the computer and am told that you must be a subscriber to a local cable company to watch it on the computer! Is that nuts or what!:glare:

Ok done with the rant now the question. Is there someplace online where one can watch the Olympics without the hassle?


Any suggestions?

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I don't know about watching it online, but, maybe you should know ahead of time (because we watched it live this morning here) that when the USA athletes come out, they get totally boo-ed. It bothered my dc and we talked about why that might happen. I actually warned them ahead of time that it might just because of it being in China and the basic perception of the US as a whole right now. Pres. and Mrs. Bush were there and they were boo-ed as well. He just stood up and cheered the athletes as much as he could. It was heartbreaking for my dc.


Just a little warning.

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The Canadian Broadcasting Corp (CBC) is broadcasting live and also has live feed on the website.


I am watching the opening ceremonies for the second time (live 12 hours ago, and a full replay of ceremony) on CBC, and didn't notice any boo-ing of US team. They looked great, and your president and his wife were beaming!



Wow!!!! Well, maybe it's edited or something? I don't know, but, on our tv here they were definitely boo-ed and the announcers even commented on it several times. The other athletes, though, were cheering loudly for them. I hope maybe it was something on our end.

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I don't know about watching it online, but, maybe you should know ahead of time (because we watched it live this morning here) that when the USA athletes come out, they get totally boo-ed. It bothered my dc and we talked about why that might happen. I actually warned them ahead of time that it might just because of it being in China and the basic perception of the US as a whole right now. Pres. and Mrs. Bush were there and they were boo-ed as well. He just stood up and cheered the athletes as much as he could. It was heartbreaking for my dc.


Just a little warning.


Dh poked around online a little bit and found something that mentioned booing for Pres. Bush when he was shown on the screen, but not for the athletes. Not that any booing is appropriate....


Here's a link: http://www.radioaustralia.net.au/news/stories/200808/s2329743.htm?tab=latest

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I'm watching the opening ceremonies and we all think it is fascinating. Maybe it is because I grew up in an Asian culture, maybe it is because I find the history so interesting, but I found it beautiful and absolutely amazing.


Also - it might be because we hooked up our HD converter box for the first time tonight and we see a lot more than snow on NBC!

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We just turned off the opening ceremonies...boring.


Oh my goodness! I just came online to post that it was one of the most fascinating, artful opening ceremonies I'd ever seen! It was absolutely gorgeous - tasteful, elegant...


I loved it. Would watch it again if it came on!!


Heard absolutely no booing for the US team. As a matter of fact, I remember being surprised at how loud they cheered.

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Oh my goodness! I just came online to post that it was one of the most fascinating, artful opening ceremonies I'd ever seen! It was absolutely gorgeous - tasteful, elegant...


I loved it. Would watch it again if it came on!!


Heard absolutely no booing for the US team. As a matter of fact, I remember being surprised at how loud they cheered.


We felt the same way, Robin! Dh, the boys and I were mesmerized at certain parts. I cannot even imagine the logistics of it all.

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I don't know about watching it online, but, maybe you should know ahead of time (because we watched it live this morning here) that when the USA athletes come out, they get totally boo-ed. It bothered my dc and we talked about why that might happen. I actually warned them ahead of time that it might just because of it being in China and the basic perception of the US as a whole right now. Pres. and Mrs. Bush were there and they were boo-ed as well. He just stood up and cheered the athletes as much as he could. It was heartbreaking for my dc.


Just a little warning.


I did not see or hear any boo-ing. I have seen it twice so far. I watched it once with dh and then with my girls. I just asked them and they didn't notice any boo-ing either. dh and I were holding our breath waiting to see if that would be the case. It is why I recorded it before I let my girls watch it. Plus, it was on to darn late.

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Oh my goodness! I just came online to post that it was one of the most fascinating, artful opening ceremonies I'd ever seen! It was absolutely gorgeous - tasteful, elegant...


I loved it. Would watch it again if it came on!!


Heard absolutely no booing for the US team. As a matter of fact, I remember being surprised at how loud they cheered.

:iagree: I thought it was beautiful. Now, Japan's openning ceremony was boring.

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I watched it when it was broadcast on NBC last night and it was pretty good. Some parts were boring because they lasted longer than they should have IMO, but my kids enjoyed it too. The only part I found difficult was the parade of nations was not in alphabetical order for us. Apparently they were listed in the order of the chinese characters which made it just seem jumbled but it was ok.


I noticed no booing for the US, I was truly surprised by how loud the cheering was, I definitely heard some booing for some nations, though the US wasn't one of them.

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Ok. I love the Olympics. I like to watch it. However we don't have cable and I am not about to get it just for the Olympics. So I go to "The Network" site so that I can watch it on the computer and am told that you must be a subscriber to a local cable company to watch it on the computer! Is that nuts or what!:glare:

Ok done with the rant now the question. Is there someplace online where one can watch the Olympics without the hassle?


Any suggestions?


Traci, have you called your cable co to see if you can be a seasonal subscriber? I called to ask how to get the Olympics without subscribing and found out we can go seasonal, so at the end of the Olympics, we turn it off. Then if something else comes up, we can turn it back on for a month.

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Hmm. Don't remember any booing last night. I do think they did an amazing job with the opening ceremony. With such precision you would of thought that it was all done electronically. I do agree some parts were just a little bit longer then I would of liked with certain aspects of the show. I do like how they showed their history that was fantastic , and the guys under the boxes , at first I thought that was sometype of electroncial show but here there were people under them. That was really amazing. I liked the end of the torch relay. That was very interesting for sure.

They did a nice job.


I was doing other stuff by the time the were doing the march of Nations so I don't remember any booing of other countries, but I certainly saw the Americans come in and didn't hear any booing on my t.v. Strange.

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