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I think my daughter might have broken a rib


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My daughter jumped on my older daughter while she was laying down. Older daughter pulled in her legs and kicked middle daughter on the right side of her chest, hard. Middle dd fell off the bed and rolled a few times. All she could do was whimper for a few minutes. She could breathe, but she said it hurt so bad she could hardly talk. I looked at her chest and there was a large (foot size) mark on the right side of her chest.


We immediately put ice on the area and gave her ibuprofen. The redness faded after a bit but is now starting to redden back up. DD is on the couch. She seems fine, on the computer and doing some craft projects. However, she says it hurts if she takes a deep breath, coughs, sneezes or hiccups. It also hurts if she twists her torso or bends over.


I know it's harder to break a rib in a child than an adult, however, due to her having Celiac Disease, her bones are a bit more fragile. She takes calcium daily to help. The doctor said her bones were about two years behind her age and while not excessively fragile, more fragile than they should be.


Any thoughts? If she's still hurting tomorrow around lunchtime I'll probably take her in, but I wondered if anyone with experience in broken ribs could chime in? (My older daughter has a 'hard to get' psychiatric appointment that we must keep in the morning to adjust medication).

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Yes, I would take her in.  I'd call the ped tonight and ask whether they'd like to see her tomorrow right after the psych appt or whether they'd like you to go get an x-ray or otherwise get looked at tonight (I'm guessing the latter, but you won't know till you call).  I have no advice as to whether there could be additional internal injuries though that may be a concern.


Pain medication is important - she must breathe normally in order to prevent pneumonia and it's hard to breathe normally with a freshly-broken rib.  Keep up the ibuprofen though the doc may provide something stronger or a higher dosage.

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Are the concerns about the pain or other injury besides the rib? Our local ER's response is to bandage things up until the next week-day, regardless of whether they occur on a week-end, regardless of whether it's broken.


It's about 1 1/2 hours into the nearest city and a several hour delay once we get there. As long as she's not in current pain (although, granted, she can't be as active as she'd like), I'm content to wait until tomorrow and see our pediatrician (still an hour's drive, but the wait won't be as long) unless there's something else I should be looking for.

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Can you call your pediatrician at this hour to ask him/her what to do?  My guess is that they would say to go to the er if you felt it was necessary to call him at this hour.  However, he might say that you could wait until morning and go to an urgent care rather than the er tonight.


It is so hard to know what to do in these situations.  I have taken my kids to the er/dr several times right away and everything has been fine.  If I had waited a day or two, they probably wouldn't have needed to see anyone.  However, you don't know that at the time. 


Hope everything turns out okay.



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My daughter broke her rib when she was in high school. It was extremely painful, and she could even feel the pop when it happened. I took her to the ER and they did an x-ray, but then they sent her home. They said there was really nothing they could do, she just needed to take it easy while it healed. It has been two years now and it still protrudes differently than the others, but she is fine. I probably didn't even need to take her into the ER, it's just what I thought I should do at the time. I know it could have been more serious, however.

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I think calling the on call ped or nurse is a good idea.  I assume a broken rib is extremely painful and I assume breathing, coughing, hiccups, and twisting the torso would be excruciating.  Unless your ped thinks this is an emergency situation I would wait until tomorrow to go into the doctor.


Here is some good info: http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/rib-injuries/Pages/Introduction.aspx

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The nurse called back and said to wait until tomorrow. My daughter is already asleep. The nurse said if my daughter was in significant pain she wouldn't be able to sleep. She told me a few things to check on tonight - fever, excessive coughing or shortness of breath.


If she's feeling sore but okay, we'll take her in tomorrow afternoon after my other daughter's psych appointment (which again, is too important to miss). If she's really hurting, DH will take her in the morning.

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Thanks for asking. She is much, much better. I called the doctor's office back and they said not to worry with bringing her in. She's still sore and some pain, but she hasn't needed even ibuprofen and is moving fine. They said if she starts coughing a lot, fever, odd bruising on her back or if the pain increases to call them again. She's been out riding her bike and swimming today. I'm very, very thankful she's doing okay. I was worried last night.

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