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Exercise 8/8/08

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SIL and I ran 3 miles this morning, AND shaved 2 minutes off our time! Woo-hoo!!! :hurray:


This is only the 2nd time we've ran 3 miles *and* is a comeback from Wed. when we couldn't finish and had to walk. It is much cooler with less humidity today. That makes a huge difference I'm learning.

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I see this thread every day--and even read it on many days!--and yet...here I sit. Since I injured my back at the beginning of the year, I feel like I've become a couch potato.


I'm not a runner, but I love to walk and lift weights. Getting a chance to walk alone outside isn't always an option because of DH's 24-hour shifts. But no excuse there: I have a treadmill!


Someone PLEASE get over here and drag my sorry derrière up out of the bed and help me get moving again!!


Thank you. And you go, girls!! :001_smile:

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Only 5 miles, not the 11 I was talking about last night. But I got to thinking, I have to cross a major highway, like a US Route, not a little busy local road if I go 11 or 15. I didn't like that idea.


But 5 miles, 30 minutes, give or take. I did have to pull off the road for a fire truck and may have bent my wheel. It sounded warped after that but not before. You don't sweat as much riding as running. Tush is ok, but the legs feel like jello.

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I see this thread every day--and even read it on many days!--and yet...here I sit. Since I injured my back at the beginning of the year, I feel like I've become a couch potato.


I'm not a runner, but I love to walk and lift weights. Getting a chance to walk alone outside isn't always an option because of DH's 24-hour shifts. But no excuse there: I have a treadmill!


Someone PLEASE get over here and drag my sorry derrière up out of the bed and help me get moving again!!


Thank you. And you go, girls!! :001_smile:


Come on Leila, get out of bed! Get over to that treadmill and walk! :toetap05: (Just kidding on the toe tap guy!)

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SIL and I ran 3 miles this morning, AND shaved 2 minutes off our time! Woo-hoo!!! :hurray:


This is only the 2nd time we've ran 3 miles *and* is a comeback from Wed. when we couldn't finish and had to walk. It is much cooler with less humidity today. That makes a huge difference I'm learning.


Great job! Shaving 2 minutes off is a LOT!

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Come on Leila, get out of bed! Get over to that treadmill and walk! :toetap05: (Just kidding on the toe tap guy!)


THANK YOU!! I needed the kick in the tush!! I'm getting on my treadmill during naptime today, come he** or high water. Bless you! :001_smile:

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I just wanted to get it done for the day so I got up at 4:30.



I think you just wanted to be able to start the thread. ;)


Ok, seriously, 4:30!!!! Great job. I got up at 5:30 and went with dh about 2 miles. Only almost half of it running. Dh ran UP the hill without me on the last round. I don't know if I will EVER be able to run all the way up the hill. .8 miles. So far I've run down it and back up about 1/4 of the way. And that about killed me.


Dh is going to Chicago in 2 weeks. Two of his business associates that he will be with there---one man, one woman---are runners and dh is determined to be able to keep up with them. :glare:

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Good job everybody. Leila -- do it. You won't regret it. I promise :D


I'll be going out shortly. I'm taking it easy this morning because the next few days are going to be insane!!!! It's cool and less humid (just like it is at KIN's house), so I really can't wait to get out there and run without heat and humidity!!! :thumbup:


I'll report back later.

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SIL and I ran 3 miles this morning, AND shaved 2 minutes off our time! Woo-hoo!!! :hurray:


This is only the 2nd time we've ran 3 miles *and* is a comeback from Wed. when we couldn't finish and had to walk. It is much cooler with less humidity today. That makes a huge difference I'm learning.


Yippee!!!! Congratulations! Yes, the weather makes a HUGE difference!


ISomeone PLEASE get over here and drag my sorry derrière up out of the bed and help me get moving again!!


Thank you. And you go, girls!! :001_smile:


Just DO IT!!!!!! We'll check back on you later!!


I just wanted to get it done for the day so I got up at 4:30.


Holy cow! Do you need a nap when you do that?


Only 5 miles, not the 11 I was talking about last night. But I got to thinking, I have to cross a major highway, like a US Route, not a little busy local road if I go 11 or 15. I didn't like that idea.


But 5 miles, 30 minutes, give or take. I did have to pull off the road for a fire truck and may have bent my wheel. It sounded warped after that but not before. You don't sweat as much riding as running. Tush is ok, but the legs feel like jello.


Good job! Are you going to take your bike in today to make sure it's okay?


Ok, seriously, 4:30!!!! Great job. I got up at 5:30 and went with dh about 2 miles. Only almost half of it running. Dh ran UP the hill without me on the last round. I don't know if I will EVER be able to run all the way up the hill. .8 miles. So far I've run down it and back up about 1/4 of the way. And that about killed me.


Dh is going to Chicago in 2 weeks. Two of his business associates that he will be with there---one man, one woman---are runners and dh is determined to be able to keep up with them. :glare:


Good for you and dh!! I absolutely HATE hills!! Luckily, I got the flat leg of my upcoming relay race!


2 & 1/4 miles today. :)


Good job!


Today was my long day and the weather was perfect!!!! It must be 63 or so and no humidity. A slight breeze coming in off the lake. Perfect! I ran 4.5 miles in 45 minutes. I'm so happy to see that even though I'm running longer distances, I can keep my pace of 10 miles/hour. Now, just pray that the weather is JUST like today on my race day!!!

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I got up at 5:30 and went with dh about 2 miles. Only almost half of it running. Dh ran UP the hill without me on the last round. I don't know if I will EVER be able to run all the way up the hill. .8 miles. So far I've run down it and back up about 1/4 of the way. And that about killed me.


You will be able to run all the way up the hill. Part of it is in your head. You have to believe that you can do it. Another part is working up to it. You don't expect to go out and run 10 miles your first week. Once you are there, it will get easier and easier. Do you run on flat ground at all? Hills are really hard! I've been running since I was in high school and I still say that I can't run hill b/c I ;earned to run on flat as a pancake ground. Hills kill me! So starting out on hills is a hard thing. Once you triumph over the hill, nothing will stop you!

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Do you run on flat ground at all? Hills are really hard! I've been running since I was in high school and I still say that I can't run hill b/c I ;earned to run on flat as a pancake ground. Hills kill me! So starting out on hills is a hard thing. Once you triumph over the hill, nothing will stop you!



Right now I'm only running and walking on my street which is .8 miles of about 20-25 degrees. So I run DOWN the hill and very little ways back up. :tongue_smilie: Last week, before this 105 degree weather hit, I was able to run about 1/4 of the way back up...this week I have been stopping at the bottom and walking back up.


When ds starts swim in September I will be doing some running at the track there so I imagine it will feel like a breeze after 6 weeks of this hill!


I still have very little endurance, but I am just trying to stick with it and slowly add to it. The heat wave has broken now...it was only about 90 yesterday.

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Right now I'm only running and walking on my street which is .8 miles of about 20-25 degrees. So I run DOWN the hill and very little ways back up. :tongue_smilie: Last week, before this 105 degree weather hit, I was able to run about 1/4 of the way back up...this week I have been stopping at the bottom and walking back up.


When ds starts swim in September I will be doing some running at the track there so I imagine it will feel like a breeze after 6 weeks of this hill!


I still have very little endurance, but I am just trying to stick with it and slowly add to it. The heat wave has broken now...it was only about 90 yesterday.


Don't you love this heat? "It was only 90." I know what you mean. Yesterday 89 felt wonderful!

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Are you going to take your bike in today to make sure it's okay?


Today was my long day and the weather was perfect!!!! It must be 63 or so and no humidity. A slight breeze coming in off the lake. Perfect! I ran 4.5 miles in 45 minutes. I'm so happy to see that even though I'm running longer distances, I can keep my pace of 10 miles/hour. Now, just pray that the weather is JUST like today on my race day!!!


I'll probably take the bike in. I'll see if dh has time. I don't have a rack on the van but we can just throw the bike in his truck.


Great job on the run!


Whispering Don't you mean 10 minutes/mile though? 10 miles/hour would mean you are running 6 minute miles.

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Quick question - those of you who have run in races for charity - would you do it again? When I signed up for my relay, I was asked to choose a charity. I picked one that is particularly near and dear to my brother's heart - Make a Wish - his best friend in high school was granted a wish through them (he has since died).


What do you think? Just run the race? I'm really unsure about asking my family for money! Or, ask for money and see what happens - heck, it's a great cause!

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It was beautiful out this morning. I am also an early starter too. I was out the door at 6:30. In order to start school on time I am going to have to get up at 5:30 to exercise. I don't know that is even early for me. I felt wonderful after my workout this morning. I am very pleased that I didn't have any stiffness from my first bike ride in years yesterday. Life is grand!

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It was beautiful out this morning. I am also an early starter too. I was out the door at 6:30. In order to start school on time I am going to have to get up at 5:30 to exercise. I don't know that is even early for me. I felt wonderful after my workout this morning. I am very pleased that I didn't have any stiffness from my first bike ride in years yesterday. Life is grand!


Great job!

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Okay, I'm going to try this multi quote thingie:


2 & 1/4 miles today. :)


Good job Staci! You need to join this thread more! :)


I'll be going out shortly. I'm taking it easy this morning because the next few days are going to be insane!!!! It's cool and less humid (just like it is at KIN's house), so I really can't wait to get out there and run without heat and humidity!!! :thumbup:


I'll report back later.


Did you go yet?:)


Quick question - those of you who have run in races for charity - would you do it again? When I signed up for my relay, I was asked to choose a charity. I picked one that is particularly near and dear to my brother's heart - Make a Wish - his best friend in high school was granted a wish through them (he has since died).


What do you think? Just run the race? I'm really unsure about asking my family for money! Or, ask for money and see what happens - heck, it's a great cause!


Yes, this is a great cause! It all depends on how you feel about it. If it were me, I might make a donation myself, but I don't know about asking other people. At least where we are from, there are so many orgs/charities that ask for money and all our friends actually do give to various things. But, that's just me. Maybe it is b/c we were missionaries for 10 years and we were always asking for money? We've had our fill! ;)


I felt wonderful after my workout this morning. I am very pleased that I didn't have any stiffness from my first bike ride in years yesterday. Life is grand!


Great job! Glad you enjoyed it. That makes it easier, doesn't it?

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I just got back.


I did the Prevention Plan Week 7 again - walk 2/run 4, repeat 5 times. It was easier today than Wednesday; the weather was BEAUTIFUL. Low humidity, light breeze, bright sunshine. Gorgeous.


All 5 running sessions were easier today; on the 5th one, I didn't want to stop running and walk home so I didn't. I just kept on running. So instead of 4 minutes at the end, I ran 7, which was nice.


I'll be repeating this run again tomorrow.


Oh - it was 2.5 miles in 37 minutes. Still slow, but it felt better and it's DONE! Woohoo!

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I have to take kids to museum to meet Christina(CADAM) 's kids so the exercise will have to wait until this afternoon/evening west coast time. Feel free to give a shout and ask if I did it. Running girl(I forgot to look if you posted a name) I have a pilates video and a ball somewhere but since the move am not sure exactly where. I want to start that too.:)


Ciao for now(ain't I sophisticated ;))

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I did 40min total including stretching and run/walking.


Good Job Lynn.


Someone PLEASE get over here and drag my sorry derrière up out of the bed and help me get moving again!!


Thank you. And you go, girls!! :001_smile:


You are committed now. I'll be looking for your post later! You can do it.



Ok, seriously, 4:30!!!! Great job. I got up at 5:30 and went with dh about 2 miles. Only almost half of it running. Dh ran UP the hill without me on the last round. I don't know if I will EVER be able to run all the way up the hill. .8 miles. So far I've run down it and back up about 1/4 of the way. And that about killed me.



Way to go. We don't have any hills in my neighborhood and I'm very grateful for that! LOL I think you did great running 1/4 of the hill.


SIL and I ran 3 miles this morning, AND shaved 2 minutes off our time! Woo-hoo!!! :hurray:


This is only the 2nd time we've ran 3 miles *and* is a comeback from Wed. when we couldn't finish and had to walk. It is much cooler with less humidity today. That makes a huge difference I'm learning.


Wow, 2 minutes is a lot! Woo-hooing with you. :hurray:


Only 5 miles, not the 11 I was talking about last night. But I got to thinking, I have to cross a major highway, like a US Route, not a little busy local road if I go 11 or 15. I didn't like that idea.


But 5 miles, 30 minutes, give or take. I did have to pull off the road for a fire truck and may have bent my wheel. It sounded warped after that but not before. You don't sweat as much riding as running. Tush is ok, but the legs feel like jello.


Yay! Hope you didn't damage the wheel. I tell you, y'all are going to get me riding my bike yet.


2 & 1/4 miles today. :)


Good job!


It is rest day here, but I may do pilates later as my muscles feel tight and I want to loosen them a bit. :)


Enjoy your rest.


It was beautiful out this morning. I am also an early starter too. I was out the door at 6:30. In order to start school on time I am going to have to get up at 5:30 to exercise. I don't know that is even early for me. I felt wonderful after my workout this morning. I am very pleased that I didn't have any stiffness from my first bike ride in years yesterday. Life is grand!


Great job!


I did the Prevention Plan Week 7 again - walk 2/run 4, repeat 5 times. It was easier today than Wednesday; the weather was BEAUTIFUL. Low humidity, light breeze, bright sunshine. Gorgeous.


All 5 running sessions were easier today; on the 5th one, I didn't want to stop running and walk home so I didn't. I just kept on running. So instead of 4 minutes at the end, I ran 7, which was nice.


I'll be repeating this run again tomorrow.


Oh - it was 2.5 miles in 37 minutes. Still slow, but it felt better and it's DONE! Woohoo!


Great job Donna. Enjoy that nice weather.


I started slow (it's hard for me in the morning) but then the dog and I got in a groove. It's kind of nice to start the day with a burst of energy.


Way to go Rose. I like getting it done with in the morning too - seems like the rest of the day is better.


I'm not running today. and probably not for the next couple of days either. We have a 3 day tkd camp that starts this afternoon and goes through Sunday. So, if I don't post, just know that I'm still working my booty off! :lol:

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I just got back.


I did the Prevention Plan Week 7 again - walk 2/run 4, repeat 5 times. It was easier today than Wednesday; the weather was BEAUTIFUL. Low humidity, light breeze, bright sunshine. Gorgeous.


All 5 running sessions were easier today; on the 5th one, I didn't want to stop running and walk home so I didn't. I just kept on running. So instead of 4 minutes at the end, I ran 7, which was nice.


I'll be repeating this run again tomorrow.


Oh - it was 2.5 miles in 37 minutes. Still slow, but it felt better and it's DONE! Woohoo!


Great job! Keep it up!

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I started slow (it's hard for me in the morning) but then the dog and I got in a groove. It's kind of nice to start the day with a burst of energy.


Gooves are wonderful things. ;) And a burst of energy is welcome at all hours of daylight. Once the sun goes down, not so much! :tongue_smilie:

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I DID IT!!! I did Level 2 of the Shred video! I LOVE it! I felt so good afterwards that I went out and walked 2 miles! Oh man, I just gotta keep this up! Keep me on my toes ya'll!


Hey, Cheryl and Jennifer, thanks for being positive encouragers! That's neat that you take the time to do that!

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I DID IT! Put the kiddos to bed, popped in an audiobook, and walked/ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes.


Yay! Congratulations!


I just love how this thread has grown! So many of us doing what we can to stay active & healthy. I love it! :D


I did 8 miles this morning... part of a virtual race series that another blogger/runner organizes. Lots of fun. No pressure. I finished in 1:21:72 - certainly not my best but my muscles are still pretty tight from the 30K on Saturday.

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I did 8 miles this morning... part of a virtual race series that another blogger/runner organizes. Lots of fun. No pressure. I finished in 1:21:72 - certainly not my best but my muscles are still pretty tight from the 30K on Saturday.


8 miles! Wow, great job! I don't care what the time is!

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Okay, Okay, enough already! What's all this about shred videos? What are they? What am I missing out on?:confused: ;)
Jillian Michaels is a trainer on the tv show "The Biggest Loser". She has a dvd out called "The 30 Day Shred". It's 20 minute workouts, levels 1, 2 and 3. They're not too easy for more advanced, because it helps keep you toned. They're pretty hard for beginners.


I really like it!

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Just ran up to town today, 3 miles. Hoping to do 7 or 8 miles Saturday or Sunday morning; I want to get that long weekend run in. The fair starts Monday which is fairly (ha!) all-consuming so I'll to take it day-by-day and see when/how much running I can get in then.


Good job, all!

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I did it! Don't ask me how b/c I was so exhausted today I actually took a nap.(FYI-I never nap). I did a new workout that is supposed to teach me how and give me a sexy dancers body.....AS IF!!!! Must go now just wanted to check in. You guys are my accountibility. :001_smile:

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I did it! Don't ask me how b/c I was so exhausted today I actually took a nap.(FYI-I never nap). I did a new workout that is supposed to teach me how and give me a sexy dancers body.....AS IF!!!! Must go now just wanted to check in. You guys are my accountibility. :001_smile:


Soon you will be singing 'If you want my body and you think I'm sexy, come on baby let me know..." (Sorry, I just got back from Mam Mia and music is on the brain.)


Great job!

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Just ran up to town today, 3 miles. Hoping to do 7 or 8 miles Saturday or Sunday morning; I want to get that long weekend run in. The fair starts Monday which is fairly (ha!) all-consuming so I'll to take it day-by-day and see when/how much running I can get in then.


Good job, all!


Just into town. 3 miles is 3 miles. Good going! I hope the weekend works out for you and you get a few miles here and there next week.

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