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Anyone wanna see how our week of intensive ST went?

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It was pretty amazing.  He's been getting PROMPT for almost 3 years now, going first every week then every other week for double sessions because of the drive with occasional sanity breaks.  The SLP has been working on /l/ and /r/ with him, but I can't do the PROMPTs for them.  It's all under the jaw, a very small area, hard to do accurately.  In one week he went from being able to do the sounds with difficulty with the PROMPTs to getting them on his own!  Very exciting.  


But what's even MORE amazing to me is how much more confident, mature, and happy he seems.  Literally I sat there at the end of the week thinking he had aged a YEAR.  That's incredible.  One week, that improvement in speech, and it totally perked his demeanor.  And you can see it in the videos.  Here you go.  And yes, I buzzed his hair, hehe...



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That's fascinating.  I've always been curious about speech therapy.  I was surprised by how active it was for the child and therapist. 

Your ds is a cutey by the way, and a real trooper.


PROMPT is particularly active, and our therapist is AMAZING.  They do that hard drill for about 10 minutes, then they play with toys while they work on the targets.  I usually take toys, so it's something new or high value (a lego kit, playmobil, a new playdoh kit, usborne sticker book, game, whatever).  It's a very giving of self occupation, at least the way our SLP does it.  Once you get him out of the chair where he's strapped down, you have to put him on your lap, stabilize his neck in position, support his back, do the PROMPTs, AND play the game, hehe, all while wrangling a very busy boy.  :D


Oh, and you did notice in the day 5 video he tried to bite/mouth her?  Seriously, she's so good at handling him, it amazes me.  He spits on her and this and that, and she keeps right on going, giving.  


And yes, we think he's cute too.  :D


Wow, what a difference!  I am very impressed by how very well he tolerates the therapist's hands all over his face.  He's a good guy!


You know people wonder that, especially if the dc has sensory issues or spectrum or is older.  There's something though that clicks in their mind that it's what they want.  He's very happy to shoo ME away, but he allows her.  It's because, in reality, he's getting what he wants.  It's kind of a weird relationship, yes.


That was amazing!  I particularly liked how he concentrated so hard when saying "helicopter" and then did it just right (at least it seemed just right to me!).


Thank you so much for sharing!

Yes, it takes a lot of work.  I didn't video him doing the VMPAC (motor control test), but that was interesting too.  He had to repeat increasing strings of unrelated sounds selected to test motor control (front to back, rounding, etc.).  Though he could get them, he had to slow down to process.  I realized if he has to work THAT HARD and think about it just to say those sounds when he's GIVEN the sounds, then I can't take for granted that saying sounds to spell (as part of learning to read) is easy, kwim? I was just surprised because I didn't realize what a drain saying individual sounds would be till I watched him do it.


Well glad y'all are finding it interesting!  I recorded other days and more of their play time, but I haven't uploaded any of it yet.  I have never put video of my kids out to the world, but I think it's necessary or useful for others to be able to see logs of progress and what it's like.  I found it help when I was making my therapy choices.  In fact, that was what swayed me to PROMPT, because I saw video of kids who had been unsuccessfully treated with traditional and then leapfrogged finally with PROMPT.  


But anyways, that's for all the congrats.  It was a really happy week, and we're glad for the progress.  We get a break now from therapy, while we let things assimilate, so that's exciting.  We haven't had a break in a LONG time!

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